Search results

  1. LordCoven

    G4 Powerbook Screen Brightness

    Oh - and when I put an app on screen which has a completely white background (like covering the screen with a window), then I notice 'shadows' in the lower left and right corner of the screen. These do seem to lessen the longer the machine is on - but don't completely vanish. Hrm...
  2. LordCoven

    G4 Powerbook Screen Brightness

    I love it when people tell me that facts are not so when they haven't even got access to the information with which they could disprove them ;) I.e: its nice you think that the degredation doesn't happen that fast - but it does. At least with my machine and jonparadise's machine. And apples...
  3. LordCoven

    G4 Powerbook Screen Brightness

    I can only speak for myself - but I keep the PowerBooks brightness down to a level where I don't have to strain my eyes ... mostly just over half - but lately its more like 3/4 brightness coz its dimming. I also have the auto sense on all the time, so it'll only switch up in direct sunlight or...
  4. LordCoven

    G4 Powerbook Screen Brightness

    ... found this on Apple's site:
  5. LordCoven

    G4 Powerbook Screen Brightness

    Hey there, I was searching this site for this exact same issue, coz I've got the same problem. I thought it might be my imagination, or that my eye sight was getting worse (which it probably has been also :D) ... A mate of mine recently got a new 15" AluBook. Admittedly his is the new...
  6. LordCoven

    15" PB internal layout question

    Excellent! That's definitely confirmed it. Its the HD. Has anyone else noticed theirs getting louder? It happened after I started playing Diablo2 on this machine. I'd already noticed that the game doesn't exactly spare the resources of any machine. Call of Duty is way better in that respect, for...
  7. LordCoven

    15" PB internal layout question

    Cheers, Viro :) That's probably what it is, then ... Shame really - coz there's not way I'm changing out the HD for the sake of a bit of quiet. If it'd been a fan I might have considered that as an option ;) Thanks again, C
  8. LordCoven

    15" PB internal layout question

    Hey all, Does anyone know what component happens to be under the trackpad on the 15" PowerBook 1.5Ghz? In the last month or so there's be a noise of something that spins coming from there. Not overly loud, but a wee bit irritating non the less, coz it was silent before. I'm thinking its the...
  9. LordCoven

    JDK 1.5 - how long

    Soz ;):D a reasonable assumption, hence :) I'm hoping before, though ... its a wee bit of a pain having to wait those extra few months longer for the newest Java versions - especially as Apple is (amongst other things) placing OS X as the premier OS to develope Java on (and they do have a point...
  10. LordCoven

    JDK 1.5 - how long

    Hey there Viro, Well - Tiger was just released (I read about it this morning). I haven't found any info re. 1.5 on Apple's site. So I'm guessing later ;) I was just wondering whether anyone had some more concrete information ... Cheers, C
  11. LordCoven

    JDK 1.5 - how long

    Hey all, Does anyone have any info / heard any rumours on how long we'll have to wait for JDK 1.5 on OS X? Cheers, C
  12. LordCoven

    USB Stick causing kernel panic

    Hi, Thanks for the input :) Perhaps I didn't express myself clearly enough in my first mail. Generally, there's no problem at all. In the two cases where there was a kernel panic, the machine was awake - I've got it set to challenge for my password upon waking - but I put the stick in very...
  13. LordCoven

    USB Stick causing kernel panic

    Hey there, I've got a USB stick which works fine for most of the time - but twice now its caused a kernel panic when trying to read data from it. I *think* in both cases it happened when I inserted the USB stick very soon after having woken my PB (15" X 10.3.5); so perhaps I'll just have to...
  14. LordCoven

    MySQL - can only connect as "root"

    Out of interest - are you able to connect using the mysql program: mysql -u <user name> -p <database name> You'll be prompted for your password, and should then end up in the mysql CLI. I'd guess that it may have something to do with the domain your user is coming from. I can't remember the...
  15. LordCoven

    Axis --> WebServices.framework

    Cool. Just tested complex types and also the generated stubs for accessing the web service. Both have worked. The only caveat ATM is that the actual return results are under keys that start with 'ns1:' and the generated stubs haven't prepended that and are always return 'null'. That's the...
  16. LordCoven

    Axis --> WebServices.framework

    Well - its been, like, *ages* - but I finally got a bit of spare time and a bit of verve to try this lot out again. As it turns out, the problem appears to have been with the SOAPAction HTTP header not being set automatically. The other thing I did differently was to program the call manually...
  17. LordCoven

    Shell / script pointers needed

    Hey there, Commands you might want to have a look at: mail crontab Also: #!/bin/bash if [ ! -z "$(/usr/sbin/fcsctl status | grep not)" ]; then echo "Not there ..." #you could put in code to restart fcsctl here fi Cheers, C
  18. LordCoven

    How do I use NFS (mount a linux folder on my Panther iMac)?

    I think the command you're looking for is umount not unmount :) (But I could be mis-remembering my *nix commands ...) C
  19. LordCoven

    How do I use NFS (mount a linux folder on my Panther iMac)?

    Hey Michael, I'll be sure to check it out :) Also - have you read the mount_nfs man page? You don't normally use that command directly; instead, the mount command calls it for you. But its good to have read the man page, because it contains more detailed information about NFS mounting...
  20. LordCoven

    How do I use NFS (mount a linux folder on my Panther iMac)?

    Hi Michael :) Have you created the folder /Volumes/tank ? If I remember correctly, you can only mount NFS onto existing dirs - the dir should be empty though. I *think* you can also mount NFS shares with Command-K in Finder and then specifiying the share to mount in the form...