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  1. P

    Using NetInfo like a hosts file

    I've never tried what you outline here. I've only duplicated existing entries using Netinfo Manager and then edited them (as described at the begining of the thread). When I get my hands on an OSX machine I'll try your steps.
  2. P

    tar files corrupting applications

    Cool. Learn something new every day :)
  3. P

    Converting text files from windows to unix (OSX) and back

    Good question. All I can say is I don't have duplicates.
  4. P

    Reported Here First: MacRack Coming

    I think it'd be great to be able to order Apple parts and build your own mac. But, that would definitely go against the Apple grain of complete control over the box . . . but Marathon Computers is great, just requires the purchase/aquisition of an actual Mac as well
  5. P

    i386 Executable on 10.1 cd

    your point is good except for one thing: Carbon is a transition technology from Classic to Cocoa. If OSX were on Intel, and Apple software vendors followed Apple's development plan and developed in cocoa, they'd need to offer intel versions of cocoa apps for the intel version of OSX. Remember...
  6. P

    Converting text files from windows to unix (OSX) and back

    If you use BBEdit this isn't a big deal, but I use pico a lot for quick edits of files, and a lot of our developers use Windows to edit the files, so the linebreaks are different, which causes pico (or any Unix editor) to open the file all on one line with no line breaks. A quick, one line...
  7. P

    Eudora Pro PC transfer to Mac OS X

    a simple, one line command to convert line breaks is: tr '\n' '\r' < /path/to/winfile > /path/to/macfile I usually create two scripts in my /bin folder called "demac" and "tomac". They actually create a backup copy just in case, and then make the new file the same name as the old. They...
  8. P

    rpm system ?, as stated above, is highly recommended. Also using RPM is usually a binary file (unless labeled like .src.rpm), meaning the stuff in it is compiled for Linux (either intel, linuxppc, or whatever) and won't run on OSX...
  9. P

    Can't Preview with Dreamweaver

    Dreamweaver is classic.. You have to point the preview settings to the classic version of IE, not the OSX version.
  10. P

    tar files corrupting applications

    Not weird at all. If you're moving a file on the same harddrive and partition (volume) then "mv /some/place" doesn't move the file, but instead just changes the pointer in the file system (i.e. in the directory of files is just says "file X is now there, not here") Hence, the file is...
  11. P

    tar files corrupting applications

    You're better off using Stuffit or the afore mentioned tar that understands resource forks. If you don't have Stuffit, a cheap, but convoluted, hack would be: 1. Use DiskCopy to create a .dmg image the size of the files you want to copy. 2. Mount the image 3. Copy the files 4. Unmount the...
  12. P

    i386 Executable on 10.1 cd

    While I doubt Apple would switch to Intel (at least anytime soon since people still rely on Classic), the argument that they can't because of too many pc configurations isn't all that important. from a marketing standpoint, it would be a bear b/c consumers like to be able to upgrade their...
  13. P

    ! How to make OS X Fast as !@#$

    I tried ShadowKiller once. I have a G3/500 powerbook and there was no speed increase, or if there was it was negligable. Not only that, with no shadows OSX is just plain ugly. There are no borders to the windows. I found a bigger increase was to use the tips/tricks post to replace the...
  14. P

    VMWare Workstation style app for Mac?

    The first commercial pc emulation software was mac-based and is still being revised and released: Currently the OSX version is a "preview" but aside from a little networking issue (can't browse MS servers from within Virtual PC), it's fine. For...
  15. P

    Reported Here First: MacRack Coming

    Netinfo is nice, but to content with corporate systems there needs to be interoperability with the two major directories already established in businesses: NDS and ADS. Otherwise it'll never make it beyond fringe useage in, perhaps, small mostly audio or video shops. I love Apple, and say...
  16. P

    connecting to Linux netatalk shares with OS.

    I can't access a netatalk volume from 10.1.1 either. My error is "The AppleShare Server has closed down". Works fine from OS9 tho. When I connect to an appletalk (not appleshare/ip) volume, the finder quits when the volume attempts to mount.
  17. P

    [HOWTO] - Install Snax and replace your OSX finder

    this has to be the most useful and awesome post I've seen on I've been searching fruitlessly for a way to replace the finder, but nothing seemed "good enough". I'd toyed with my OSX Server cd trying to get the server finder (which imho looks better than the new version) and got it...
  18. P

    Reported Here First: MacRack Coming

    as much as I love the mac, this won't significantly displace intel or sun or anyone else. MacOS, even X, just doesn't have the performance of, say, Solaris or Linux. Even on the same box, LinuxPPC is much faster. Honestly, I doubt this rumor completely. Apple has never gone after the server...
  19. P

    Cheap Alternative To PGPDisk

    Oh, I thought you were criticising the DiskCopy/encrypted disk part.