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  1. marmoset Mail Accounts

    This definitely seems to be the simplest, most elegant solution.
  2. marmoset

    internet exploiter woes (ie when can I get a REAL browser?)

    Unfortunately the build there is an M17 build. They haven't started posting Carbon nightlies from the current source yet, though reading netscape.public.mozilla.mac makes me think that current Carbon nightly builds aren't very far off (the Carbon tinderbox is still being set up, plus there...
  3. marmoset

    FTP software ?

    Well, if you're running SSH on both ends, you can use scp (check the man page.) I have my OSX PB box (at home) set up to allow ssh connections (telnet and FTP are both off), and I send work home from my office computer using scp all the time. For command line FTP, the PB also...
  4. marmoset

    AOL Instant Messenger

    I use Linux-Mandrake on a peecee at work, and I was happy to see that Fire looks and works a whole lot like the AIM client I use at work (gaim)... except it's much prettier (thanks to Quartz)