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  1. wtmcgee

    Safari Beta 3

    a lot of the issues that have problems have been fixed, they just were not included in the latest beta. i'm not sure exactly what you are referring to though, so your issue could still be up in the air.
  2. wtmcgee


    even that isn't that much of a ripoff - it makes sense to pass of some of the rendering gruntwork off to the GPU.... i think it was just a matter of time before every major OS did that - as cheap as good video cards are now, and as good as they are.... why not pass off some of the work to it?
  3. wtmcgee


    i don't really think it's 'copying', it's just MS is also trying to give their GUI more of a ... 'gee whiz' factor. they're trying to give their OS as much fanfare for it's looks as OS X has for apple. at this point it's like comparing apples and oranges though. ;) longhorn isn't due out...
  4. wtmcgee

    Safari v74!

    it's a bug that hyatt is still working on if you read his weblog.
  5. wtmcgee

    Safari v74!

    so this is your definition of fine?
  6. wtmcgee

    Safari v74!

    no. all it fixed was that SSL bug. it was a very VERY minor fix.
  7. wtmcgee

    Cover Art

    i think the filesizes are bigger than that. for each album, i'm usually losing around 2-2.5mb by adding cover art (most cd's are somewhere between 10-15 songs). not a huge deal, but it DOES add up.
  8. wtmcgee

    Apple orders 40,000 970s

    i don't care at this point if it beats or doesn't beat a P4 chip. one thing's for sure though, it'll be a step up from G4 chips, and will definately help the server market. (also, if anyone wants to get their hands on a nice 1.42 DP powermac, those prices should come tumbling down soon).
  9. wtmcgee

    garbled text in safari

    trashing the prefs, logging out and logging back in seemed to fix it for now.... i haven't noticed it in any other apps, but it entirely possible that it's not safar-specific. guess i'll check back in if it happens again....
  10. wtmcgee

    garbled text in safari

    i haven't used safari in a while, but today i fired it up, and when i got to the capitolone login page (which has my saved username/pw), the keychain dialog came up to ask whether or not i wanted to use the stored password. well, check out the dialog i got instead...
  11. wtmcgee

    iPod has LINE-IN and recording capabilities!

    word is that there will be an apple-branded microphone add on in the near future. whether or not any of that is true, we'll just have to wait and see...
  12. wtmcgee

    Cover Art

    the art is added to each file, and i've seen between 50 and 100kb added to most files. i can see why they would want to do this (the cover art will always be part of the file, not just some link on your local drive)... but i don't want to waste space on my iPod. it's a tough decision - take...
  13. wtmcgee

    Apple Store selling "Finding Nemo"

    its not out till summer.
  14. wtmcgee

    Panther (10.3) Rumor Screenshot Mockup

    oh and where'd you get that desktop wallpaper? it's absolutely beautiful.
  15. wtmcgee

    Panther (10.3) Rumor Screenshot Mockup

    ditto. although, everyone jumped overboard when people reported apple would have everything brushed metal. what they meant was evey apple APP would be brushed metal... which is ugly enough. the entire UI is not going to be brushed metal like that picture. if you think about it. all this...
  16. wtmcgee

    10.2.6 released!

    i'm surprised they didn't fix the bug with iPhoto and iMovie's buttons (zoom/minimize/close) being too close together. anyone else still have this problem?
  17. wtmcgee

    so i wonder what will happen to the iTrip now?

    exactly. sucks for them... they just came out recently, after much hype.
  18. wtmcgee

    so i wonder what will happen to the iTrip now?

    now that the new iPods are out, i wonder if the iTrip will see a redesign - although they JUST came out. the current look matches the older iPods, so the firewire port is obviously obsolete. i was excited about this product, but now i'm not sure what to buy so that i can take my music with...
  19. wtmcgee

    iTunes album art upside down?

    i'm still not sold on the cover art approach that iTunes is using right now. do i REALLY want to add around 75-150k to each song i have for the cover art? i'm assuming this is just so you can xfer the files anywhere and have the cover art come with you - but on my 15gig iPod i just bought...
  20. wtmcgee

    PPC970 at WWDC

    i have the 17" iMac right now (the 800mhz one).... so that's why i said before that i'm "waiting for this". i already have a very good machine IMO, one that can last me until later this year without feeling like i'm "behind" anything. i'm waiting for something that really makes upgrading to a...