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  1. C

    Apple buying SUN

    Hmmm...I'll try to be polite here....but it is tough. You don't really know what you're talking about, do you? Java 1.3.1 is not "incredibly" old. And it is still widely used. Unlike many people that might frequent these boards, not everyone MUST update every version of something the...
  2. C

    Project "Not-Marklar"

    Boy I sure wish this myth would die. Here's the scoop. IF Apple were to choose this route here is what will happen: 1. Apple development tools will provide support for what is called "fat binaries" which can be created by simply a click of a button. There is nothing new about this, they...
  3. C

    iCal: how to easily get birthdays from AddressBook into iCal?

    Patience friends. It IS a 1.0 product. I'm sure these things are coming. Perhaps already exist in internal builds of iCal. Possibly not quite ready for "prime time". the next priority.
  4. C

    ical ical ical!!!

    You can publish to a WebDAV enabled webserver. Whether the local Apache server is WebDAV enabled I do not know. The .mac service is. There seem to be few web hosting services that are. It is apparently quite easy to do w/Apache.
  5. C

    ical ical ical!!!

    ...but I like iChat just fine. It certainly has a few bugs. Those will be fixed. Most of my chat partners are (currently) AOL, so other chat protocols are not important to me. Hopefully iChat was designed with the idea of (future) plug-ins in mind. I'd be utterly amazed if they had not thought...
  6. C

    menu extras in Jag and Menu Extra Enabler

    I do not have Menu Extra Enabler. I do have WeatherPop (v1.5). WeatherPop appears to work just fine as a menu extra.
  7. C

    New 19" imac's coming

    This seems like a plausible scenario. Timing might be right too. Some relevant information: - rumors of 15" iMac ramp down - stories of flat panel prices dropping (again) - product positioning currently a little akward (i.e., eMac, 15" iMac, 17" iMac) Thus, we could see: eMac (17"...
  8. C

    Apple Secretly Maintaining X86 Port Of OS X

    Simply wrong. Perhaps. But at some point a company has to cut its losses if those investments are not paying off. But if the strategy doesn't work then one must reconsider the strategy. Right? Having said all of that...I do not believe that Apple will EVER port to the Intel platform...
  9. C

    The Jaguar Bugs Thread

    One odd thing is that the Swap icon has a slightly different perspective. It is angled a little different.
  10. C

    Stickies gone crazy!

    Now that you mentioned it. This JUST happened to me. I did a security update yesterday. Though it did not seem to affect Stickies until this morning. I have rebooted a couple of times since then. Thanksfully I have a backup (at home) that I will use to attempt a restore tonight.
  11. C

    iMovie3 - What do you think?

    Hmmm... - fix the JPG import bug - better clip management UI - split screen effects (as already suggested) - selective clip import (from the camera) - maybe some compositing effects (i can dream) - ability to work on "scenes" at a time as opposed to having the entire movie in the viewer
  12. C

    Gaaaa!!!! So much skepticism!!!!

    First let me say that I generally agree about the "whining". It seems to me that there are a lot of people far too concerned about the current Apple MHz issue. I'm concerned about getting work done. And I get work done just fine on a 600MHz G3 iBook! That said... This is a very...
  13. C

    For all of you who switched to Hotmail after steaming over .Mac

    $1/month for a domain name? I've never seen that. Still, assuming that is correct. Couple that with the cheapest web/email hosting I have ever seen: $3/month ( and your are at $4/month, and here is what you get: - 10 MB of storage - 1 email account But you do NOT get...
  14. C

    Login Window Shakes!!!!

    It's shaking it's head "no". Get it? NEXTSTEP did this too.
  15. C

    xbox to lose M$ 1.1 billion

    A couple of posters have already made this basic point...Microsoft is trying to "give away the razors, and sell the blades and shaving cream." Second, if they can establish a monopoly here, they will. Third, don't EVER count MS out. They were "out" of the word processing business (WordPerfect)...
  16. C

    xbox to lose M$ 1.1 billion

    Well...if you have $38 BILLION (that's with a "B") sitting in the bank. $1B isn't that much.
  17. C

    Windows "Borrowing" Dock from OS X

    This is revisionist history. First, the implication here is that Microsoft was there first. Nope. Second, that Apple "stole" from Xerox. Nope. Apple "paid" Xerox in Apple stock (a valuable deal at the time) for the right to come in, ask questions, take notes, get ideas. Third, the Lisa (or Mac)...
  18. C

    Windows "Borrowing" Dock from OS X

    No original...but at least honest. Apple wasn't borrowing the ideas. They bought them. That is the point about Microsoft. Even if Apple wasn't not beeing original, at least they were being legal and ethical about "borrowing". BTW...there is "borrowing" (stealing) and "borrowing" (borrowing)...
  19. C

    Windows "Borrowing" Dock from OS X

    Perhaps because Apple BOUGHT NEXTSTEP. And because OS X IS NEXTSTEP. Mac OS X has almost nothing to do with the "Mac OS" as it is traditionally know. Mac OS X is NEXTSTEP 5.0. Yet they DO change their UI. Almost all the time. I think more so than Apple (though X is a big change for 9 users)...
  20. C

    Which Windows features?

    This would be VERY easy to do in OS X. I suspect it will come if really desired by a lot of people. Probably a low priority right now. Cleary they are working this issue. Quartz Extreme is the first step. More will likely come. Two years from now we'll probably all have graphics cards/video...