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  1. jdog

    Quake 3 Arena and AIM

    What errors are you getting when you start Quake3? DId you coky over tha pak0 file? Do you really need emoticons? -jdog
  2. jdog

    'top' disagrees with CPU Monitor

    I am assuming they are monitoring separate proccesses for some reason, ie CPU monitor displaying actual CPU use with regards to GUI activity and all, whereas top might only be showing background proccesses. Its only a guess, I am probably wrong. I will check out my computer when i get home...
  3. jdog

    macosX on the new ibook

    Sleep works very well on my TiBook. In fact, yesterday I grabbed it off by desk and put it in my backpack to go to work, ended up I did not take it out until after work (9hours later) and saw it was sleeping, instead of powered off. When I opened it, there had only been a very small drain on...
  4. jdog

    DVD Playback is HERE!

    I doubt it, as its illegal for someone to use DeCSS, which is what most open source projects build support for. So unless they plan on being sued by the DVD people (RIAA I think?) they will probably not let you play encrypted dvds. And from what I hear, we can probably expect Apples DVD player...
  5. jdog

    Seperation of Church and State

    I would just like to point out that iThink stated his "revelation" happened over 20 years ago, which would put it during the 70s. Is there a connection there?:rolleyes: -jdog:D
  6. jdog

    DVD Playback is HERE!

    Too bad it doesn't play encrypted dvds. -jdog
  7. jdog

    macosX on the new ibook

    I recently purchased a 500mhz TiBook with 256MB ram. It runs OSX pretty well. I wish I had purchased an iBook instead and heres why: Aparently the main difference between the G4 and G3 proccessor is Altivec stuff which has been "unnecessary under the [OSX] operating system" ( I...
  8. jdog

    opera for x rocks

    do they make you look at ads while you browse with the beta? No doubt they will when the final comes out. -jdog
  9. jdog

    To all fellow web developers

    The newest browsers, IE6 and Mozilla are still in "beta," but they have the best w3c compliance. I am developing a web application for work which is not scheduled to finish for another year, but I am finding that writing cross-browser code is much easier when I only target IE6 and Mozilla. In...
  10. jdog

    Quake III update (Help?)

    I just ftp'd to and downloaded it that way...I even connected on the first attempt!! Was really slow, but it finished none the less! -jdog
  11. jdog

    Quake 3 for OS X

    You beat me to it mr.sector. Quake3 runs pretty well on my TiBook, though the 8mb Ati card leaves me wanting more... -jdog
  12. jdog

    Seperation of Church and State

    iThink, Would you please expand on your statement of having a witness of God? Are you saying you, yourself, have witnessed God? Or you know someone who has witnessed God? I know dozens of people, including myself who have NOT witnessed God, does this mean God singles out people he feels...
  13. jdog

    Seperation of Church and State

    I have nothing against people who are religous and/or beleive on God. I strongly beleive you should have the right to worship whatever you want, on your time! I do not want somebody telling my children their philisophical point of view, as though it were the only option available. While you...
  14. jdog

    Poor Mr Bush

    I voted for Bush because the guy who impersonates him on Saturday Night Live does a better job than the guy who plays Gore. I would rather watch 4 years of the Bush guy. In my opinion, the President is nothing more than a GUI for the party he is affiliated with. He is basically a...
  15. jdog

    Take a look @ that bill!

    I might even be cheaper to pay the gas and drive to an area considered "local":D -jdog
  16. jdog

    OS X on a Beige G3/Tips for new OS X users

    Cool tips! Thanks. Could you explain a little more about "prebind"? I have never heard that term. -jdog
  17. jdog

    I love my Limp Bizkit Videos

    Hey wdw_ have you seen Limp in concert? I went to the Family Values concert (I think '99) in Sacramento, it kicked ass! Where can we get the videos from? -jdog
  18. jdog

    Mac OS 9.3

    That we know...wdw_ posted an article on think secret about another 9.x beyond 9.2.
  19. jdog

    Mac OS 9.3

    I thought classic was implemented in order to allow for an easier transition to OSX from OS9 and < . If this is the case, then when most apps are able to run natively on X, there will be no need to classic. I would rather see Apple put those people who are developing OS9 on a project like...
  20. jdog

    Mac OS 9.3

    Here are some more naming options: "Another piece of crap" "Outdated OS" "If your apps don't run native in X by now, then you should switch to another OS" "Your guess is as good as mine as to why we are developing two OSs simultaniously" Just some ideas:D -jdog