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  1. M

    Mactels are a scheme

    Wouldn't this just be the case of having parts available for the machines already out there?
  2. M

    Longhorn Vista Pics & Movie

    I sent those links to my bro-in- law(a windows user)to let him know what's on the horizon.Either he's getting paranoid in his advanced years or things are worse than I realized for Windows users. He wouldn't go near them for fear of spyware or some other maliciousness :confused:.
  3. M

    European Centric Humour ?

    How's the sense of humour "over there"? I've no idea of how long this little ditty has been around, amusing nonetheless.Oh & I don't know any Italians personally,but I am quite familiar with a Brit. :D
  4. M

    Can Apple Give a Straight Answer?

    Hey I do that to! We're glad you're not a PC user anymore ::love::.
  5. M

    Blasts hit London

    My thoughts as well go out to all of the U.K.people here.
  6. M

    Now they kill for iPods

    Used to be shoes or jackets now it's the iPods turn.::evil:: Try not to read too much cynicism in that statement please. You get lowlifes all over the world,lack of respect knows no borders.
  7. M

    Podcasting - who cares?

    Yeah you know it's like the "twist" a new dance that goes like this, or the watoosy or mashed potatoe.... :D
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    Slipping under the Radar?

    I suppose it's not high end enough for the serious music afficianatos being for Garageband and all but it is something new nonetheless.
  9. M

    Sexiest car ever EVER

    Some of you may remember these when they were new :rolleyes: So for the Euros here it's a 1972 Plymouth RoadRunner.Three carburetors on top of an 8. something litre engine with an automatic transmission.Had enough power for me ;)
  10. M word association!

  11. M

    Apple sightings on TV and movies?

    Not so much a sighting as a parody of an iPod ad.Last night on the Family Guy baby Stewie was dancing in silohuette, a real gut buster that show can be at times,lol!
  12. M

    Remembering When?

    I refer to the term of "grey beards" with the utmost respect for anyone who has the experience of being there from the start.It's just a way to compliment you on your wisdom.Now I'll probably catch hell from the women.:(
  13. M

    Remembering When?

    I ask this to all the "grey beards" here, what was the reaction of folks back when Apple made processor changes before? Was there this the "sky is falling" kind of hysteria or what? The same for the switch to OS-X from 9 which I imagine generated alot of noise to!Even for the short time I've...
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    The Queen buys an iPod?

    Yeah, have her Majesty dancing like the folks in those sillouette ads. :rolleyes:
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    OSX x86 leaked?

    Ever heard the saying "you get what you paid for"? I'm not that daring of an individual to get a so-called copy of an OS off of some torrent site.Who needs the complications ? :confused:
  16. M word association!

  17. M

    iMac G5 Questions...

    I'm sort of in the same spot as you RG.I came close to getting the 20 in.but then I waited til this news hit the fan.I'm seriously considering keeping this G4 til it drops dead in it's tracks.:(
  18. M

    Mac to use Intel Chips!

    Some people got nothing better to do with their time I guess than to stick all that into a mac case.:confused:
  19. M word association!
