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  1. phatsharpie

    Problem with PowerMac Sales

    The 970 isn't a direct competitor to Pentiums or Athlons, those are 32bit chips. The 970's direct competitors are Itaniums and Opterons. Both are 64bit chips designed for highend workstations and servers (the same market the 970 is designed for). Both chips are in the ~1.5GHz range right now...
  2. phatsharpie

    Airport Extreme From the Apple website: Mixing clients on an AirPort Extreme network When you mix 802.11b (AirPort) and 802.11g (AirPort Extreme) clients on an AirPort Extreme network, each type of client receives an appropriate data throughput rate...
  3. phatsharpie

    Step up Apple...

    2 confirmed cases out of 500,000+ download is nothing. What is Apple suppose to place on the website? "There is a 0.0004% chance that this beta software may delete your data."? How ridiculous does that sound, and isn't something with that low of a probability for problem already implied with the...
  4. phatsharpie

    Dissapointed so far

    SCSI is great if you can afford it. Not long ago (before I switched to Macs), I was using a friend's PC which has an internal SCSI hard drive - P3/600, Windows 2000, 256MB of RAM, nothing special - and at this time I had a PC that is exactly the same as hers, sans SCSI HD. When I used her system...
  5. phatsharpie

    A great addition to 10.3!

    Help Viewer is essentially a HTML browser - Apple would probably incorporate Safari's rendering engine ("WebCore") into the OS itself in the future, and have Help Viewer use it. Help Viewer is definitely in need of some polishing. It's one of the few things in OS X that really bothers me. :P
  6. phatsharpie

    Megahertz Myth...

    This is a misconception. The most effective way of gaining marketshare in the Intel space is through OEMs (like Dell, Sony, Gateway, etc.), and most OEMs would not touch OS X with a ten foot pole. First of all, all the OEMs are already paying for Windows with each and every PC they sell (this is...
  7. phatsharpie

    Logout and Leave Apps Running

    I don't think Apple has implemented that feature yet.
  8. phatsharpie

    Apple: Lose the Brushed Metal

    I actually don't mind the metal look. I think it's great on Safari because the UI is so minimal, it actually grounds the webpage - especially considering that Safari windows have no left and right borders. I guess if it took over EVERYTHING it'll look awful, but in the mean time, I think it's fine.
  9. phatsharpie

    Chimera still *snappier* than Safari

    I have to admit I have completely fallen for Safari, even without tabs! It just seems faster than any browser out there (including Chimera), and it renders pages so beautifully. I think it's because it uses real Aqua widgets that makes all the difference. The UI is also wonderful, so...
  10. phatsharpie

    Do you like / dislike the new Powerbooks?

    The 12" also doesn't have a PCMCIA/PC-Card slot. Furthermore, the 12" uses a mini-VGA (like the iBook) instead of a DVI port for external video. The graphics processor is also less powerful than the 15" or the 17".
  11. phatsharpie

    Mood Mac?

    You can also access it through Google news, and you can bypass registration! Come to think of it... Isn't the backlighting keyboard a step towards "the mood Mac"? It senses the...
  12. phatsharpie

    Aqua Safari

    Nice! How did you do that?
  13. phatsharpie

    4Ghz PowerPC??????!!!!!!!!!!!

    It appears to be a dead link...
  14. phatsharpie

    I would like to applaud Apple

    I believe iDVD 3 will support 3rd party burners... So maybe it's not a waste of your money after all!
  15. phatsharpie

    17" PowerBook

    If you look at the specs closely, you will see that the PowerBook you purchased is just as nice if not better than the 17" PowerBook announced today. The video card on the 15" PowerBook (ATI Radeon Mobility 9000) is a MUCH BETTER video card than the Nvidia Geforce 440 Go! Some of the other...
  16. phatsharpie

    I had a dream, hem, nightmare

    I read today that BMW, Mitsubishi, and Volvo are working with Microsoft to implement Windows CE for their trip-computers, etc. Not that I can afford BMWs nor Volvos (and Mitsubishi is just pure evil anyway), but I guess I won't be buying either brands ever (bummer, cuz I love the new Volvos). *sigh*
  17. phatsharpie

    The G3 lives!

    I also remember reading that the G4 can perform more calculations per cycle when compared with the G3 - due to additional integer units. Nevertheless, for a single processor machine, the G3 is awesome - especially if IBM really does ramp up its clock speed. Especially for non-Altivected...
  18. phatsharpie

    powermac monitors

    The PowerMacs and iBooks are vastly different in terms of power and features. What exactly do you plan to use your Mac for? If you need the power of the PowerMacs but be mobile too, you should be looking at the PowerBooks instead of iBooks.
  19. phatsharpie

    Ghost Recon on a PowerBookG4 800MHz with Virtual PC for Windows XP?

    Virtual PC - as of version 5.x - does not have accelerated graphics support. It's emulated graphics "board" is a S3 Virge, so I don't think the game would run well within it. VPC isn't a good solution for games unfortunately.
  20. phatsharpie

    possible switcher

    Just a FYI... It's best to wait after Macworld SF in the beginning of January before making any hardware purchase. In any case, the iMac 17" is a great machine, just make sure you get as much RAM as possible. 512MB is a good amount. I am sure you'll be very happy with your new Mac. I am a...