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  1. phatsharpie

    Whats Ya Style?! ...Fashion Wise?!

    Jeans, white t-shirt, fleece or wool pullover, hiking boots. Or anything that's clean...
  2. phatsharpie

    Jaguar and Broadband Connection

    God! Do I miss broadband connection! I recently moved to Australia, and broadband prices are INSANE here!!!
  3. phatsharpie

    BBEdit Screen Flash?

    Yeah, it happens too when you type a closing brace without an opening brace ("}"). The first time it happened to me I thought BBEdit was crashing my system!
  4. phatsharpie

    Apple dumping IE?!?

    I love Chimera, but what I'd love to see is for the Mozilla team to release a version of Mozilla with just the browser and none of the other bundled applications that I simply do not use. There is no technical reason that prevents it. It's an option for OS 9 and below users and Windows users, so...
  5. phatsharpie

    September security update is out

    Actually, I am grateful for the announcements, since I get to the internet via a proxy, and SW doesn't work for me at all. So the main way for me to get info about updates is announcements here, and I can then go to the Apple site and download it. Unfortunately not everyone's connection to...
  6. phatsharpie

    iPod revision -> iPod 2 wishlist

    I am easy to please... All I want is MPEG-4 and/or Ogg support. All other additions are welcome, but not necessary in my book.
  7. phatsharpie

    Powerbook Versus This!

    Just a FYI... I was doing research on multiple laptops before buying my PowerBook, and in Laptop magazine it reviewed the Sager with the desktop Pentium 4, and the review was horrible. People think it's a "desktop" processor so it must be faster. The truth is actually more muddied. In fact...
  8. phatsharpie

    Do you like the iPod?

    Fellow poor student here... I have the iPod 5GB, and I love it. It's great to be sitting on the train, going to class, and flip through 900+ plus songs. Makes the commute totally bearable. I ditched my MiniDisc player once I got the iPod. Excellent MP3 player (and external HD)!
  9. phatsharpie

    Motorola Unveils Chattier Chip

    Let's get one thing straight here... Releasing information about a processor and actually shipping the processor in volume are two very different things. If I remember correctly, Motorola was demonstrating 1GHz G4s at microprocessor trade shows WAY WAY before the chips were ready to be shipping...
  10. phatsharpie

    Motorola Unveils Chattier Chip

    Okay, I've posted this fact over and over again, and I really think people need to understand that the IBM G3s do not run at 1+GHz at present! The 750FX chip - the latest G3s produced by IBM tops out at 1GHz. And even at that speed, the chip is NOT shipping in volume! So to everyone who is...
  11. phatsharpie

    How would a move to x86 would effect current users?

    First off, the SIMD instruction set implemented in the x86 world is vastly inferior when compared to PPC. Why is this? Well, it's because Intel and company are too obsessed with backward compatibility and cost of wafers. The SIMD instruction sets in x86 chips are coupled on top of the math...
  12. phatsharpie

    iBook 500 / CD / 10Gb ...How Much?!

    I sold an iBook 500MHz/10GB/256MB/DVD for $900.00 at the end of April. I would check EBay to see the going rate and price accordingly. I could've gotten more on EBay when I sold the iBook, but I didn't want to deal with the hassle.
  13. phatsharpie

    Are you a gamer?

    I only play Civ III... So does that make me a gamer? :D
  14. phatsharpie

    To Powerbook or NOT to Powerbook?

    I bought a new DVI PowerBook G4 and I love it. It was expensive, but no more expensive than comparable top of the line IBM ThinkPads and Toshiba Tecras. In fact the Apple was more cost effective than the other two machines - offering a better graphical subsystem (Savage XI versus Radeon 7500)...
  15. phatsharpie

    Shift-Comand-N for new folder in OSX desktop

    I was a bit annoyed by this too. But now I am used to it, so it's no longer an issue.
  16. phatsharpie

    Virtual PC for OS X

    Actually, I tried VPC with both Win98 and Win2K, and it seems that Win2K actually runs better than 98. I looked at some newsgroups, and this seems to be an accepted perception. I'd go with Win2K.
  17. phatsharpie

    microsoft and GNU

    $100.00 to $499.99? Talk about being cheap. It's not a publicity stunt, more like a scandal. At that rate, they might as well not have contributed.
  18. phatsharpie

    GameCube uses PowerPC Processors

    Because Bandai is one the biggest toys/games company in Japan. The market the Pippin was released in.
  19. phatsharpie

    GameCube uses PowerPC Processors

    They were sold in Japan branded by Bandai.
  20. phatsharpie

    xbox to lose M$ 1.1 billion

    Losing money on game consoles to make money on game licensing is a new phenomenon. Even if Nintendo and Sony are losing money on their consoles, their loss margin is much smaller than MS, so they can recoup with relatively little...