Search results

  1. Tigger

    Future of Apple With x86

    I really don't get it why some people say Intel and the others are "the dark side". What is so damned bad about them? Is there soemthing to be afraid of? Come on, if you think it is the business politics that make this companies bad, then just look at Apple: -Intel made the P4 with MHz in...
  2. Tigger

    Classic in Jaguar...

    Okay, where seem to be some things that are really fast on X. Didn't knew that. I did a test with a Quicksort algorithm back in 10.0 and with Mac OS 9.1 10 wasn't a bit faster than 9.2, I would have to check again if Quicksort has become faster now. But anyway, any Java program I used since...
  3. Tigger

    discount coupons

    I always thought it was nice of Apple to put some toilet paper into the box. It is a little rough, though...
  4. Tigger

    Classic in Jaguar...

    maybe I won't use classic any more if 10.2 finally fixes Java support. The Internet banking applet that my bank uses does not work in OS X. Doesn't matter what browser I use, so I think it is the OS, not the browser. And Java is still dogslow. Although Apple said Java would be great in OS X...
  5. Tigger

    Future of Apple With x86

    I voted for "No, as long as it's fast and stable." as in "No, as long as it's fast and stable AND Mac OS 9 will still run on it."
  6. Tigger

    Switch campaign - the other way round

    The thing about the Microsoft licensing model is ful of misunderstandings: It is a OPTION to take the model there you pay every year and get every upgrade. You can still buy your copy of XP version whatever and don't have to buy anything again, unless you want to upgrade.
  7. Tigger

    Switch campaign - the other way round

    I know exactly what he is talking about. Yes PDF workflow is coming strong. But it is not nearly there where like to see it. I had a hard time with one printer taking no PDF. Finally, I ended up sending him a Quark file, like I should have done in the first place. If you only got printers...
  8. Tigger

    Switch campaign - the other way round

    Okay, your point. ;)
  9. Tigger

    Switch campaign - the other way round

    Please keep in mind that these PCs are probably really bad configured, and run hardware that is really crappy. I have seen Macs in our local computer store that were so bad configured it was giving me the creeps. And now if some Windows user is looking at these Macs, what does he think about...
  10. Tigger

    Switch campaign - the other way round

    You are right, I shouldn't have started this topic (Seriously). It was clear from the beginning what it would be going to. That is why has its own board for PC-Mac wars. Please Ed, shut this thread down. It doesn't lead anywhere. Everyone is just getting insulting in here...
  11. Tigger

    JAVA and Jaguar

    'the best java development os'? Yeah, that is what Stevie told us, and this is just not true. I am a Java programmer, and I am really frustrated with the support we have seen till now. Many applets still don't work (Especially internet banking applets). I haven't got my hands on any Jaguar...
  12. Tigger

    Switch campaign - the other way round

    Oh yes, I have been there. But only because they do, have Mac users have to do the same? Anyway, a little bit more back on topic: My problem: I am a gamer. That's why I even thought about buying a PC. I never had a problem with the fewer games that are out there (my only problem is with...
  13. Tigger

    Switch campaign - the other way round

    You know, the Mac community is really nice, but what I really hate sometimes, is this "We are better than you because we use Macs" thinking, and everyone using Windows out of his own will is just stupid. On these "flame days" I really think hard about switching to Windows and never look...
  14. Tigger

    "Duplicate class" error in PB

    Hi, I am hacking together some program with Java and Project Builder (it is a program with a Cocoa Frontend, so I can't use another IDE). Now I got the error: "Duplicate class" on some of my classes. A quick search in Google gave me the page for PB 1.1 where the "Duplicate class" error was...
  15. Tigger

    Will your next Mac have this?

    My brother is running Win XP on his PC, and it is really stable. I never saw anything crash. Okay, he doesn't use Photoshop, so I don't know about this one. But Dreamweaver runs really fine. Dreamweaver on my Mac in OS X? Guess what? Crashed several times till now... Last year, I have done an...
  16. Tigger

    Internet Banking and Java Applets

    I am having the same problem with my bank. And many other applets. I think the only reason is this: Java in OS X is shit. Jobs promoted it in the beginning as THE Java OS, but it is still slow, slower than on Windows. With every bigger update, they told Java support is going to be better...
  17. Tigger

    Do you pay all your software ?

    Isn't a book just a collection from letters? Isn't a picture a collection of brush strokes? Isn't music a collection of some notes? With your logic, there is nothing that could be copyrighted... And if I am not wrong, you could just go ahead and make up a random String of numbers and...
  18. Tigger

    Will your next Mac have this?

    I don't have any problems with the startup speed of programs, as I open them in the background anyway. You don't get Window-dragging and resizing faster via caching. Not even saving of files, unless you want to go the rather insecure way of writing the file to your RAM and write it to disk...
  19. Tigger

    Chimera > iWeb

    On some pages it is also REALLY sluggish in scrolling. I am using a mouse with a scrolling wheel, and sometimes the browser doesn't react to that at all, I have to click into the page, sometimes several times. And also when I go above a link, sometimes the cursor just won't turn into the little...
  20. Tigger

    Overall Reaction to MacWorld

    Hell, forget what I said. I don't want to be realistic. I want a G5 5GHz. And a Nacho hat.