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  1. Tigger

    Quartz Extreme Questions...

    You need an AGP card, cause Quartz Extreme uses functionality only found in the AGP bus, it doesn't work on PCI.
  2. Tigger

    Quartz Extreme Questions...

    1 1/2 is really old for computer hardware. I know, Mac users like to say that their Mac lasts longer than any PC, but if the Mac can live longer than a PC before it is outdated, it only means PCs are 'evolving' at a much faster pace, isn't it? You only have to buy a new graphics card, for...
  3. Tigger

    Quartz Extreme Questions...

    I think it still will be faster, but not as much as it could be. But you could just buy a new supported graphics card. I think as soon as 10.2 is out Apple will have some cards in their online shop (at least I hope so).
  4. Tigger

    WWDC News!

    I have a Radeon with 32MB VRAM in my G3, but no AGP! Damn... :(
  5. Tigger

    Mac friendly search engine? finds everything Mac related. There is also More here: There were also some funpages with all writings in google having hacker slang (1337, you know), or elmer fudd, but I don't know the urls...
  6. Tigger

    Cycling windows of the same app.

    I can't get it to work on my German Keyboard either. In IE, the combination for toggling between windows is Command- ~ The '~' on a German keyboard is option-N. So I have to press Command-option-N. Not quite nice to press with one hand. It hurts! :eek:
  7. Tigger

    Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse

    I want to hear EVERYTHING! YOu hear me? Oh, and I want to see a picture of her... :D
  8. Tigger

    Repent for being a Mac user!!

    ROTLFL :D :D
  9. Tigger

    Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse

    Why shouldn't they? (at least I hope they do :D ) But the computer chicks I know all don't like gaming. What is up with that? Don't girls like to play computer games?
  10. Tigger

    Updating Mac OS X while still working

    I am just updating to 10.1.4, and still am surfing, listen to mp3... Some friends of mine said it would be mad to do anything while making a system update.
  11. Tigger

    Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse

    Yes, it might hurt a lot. But imagine you wait and wait and wait, and someone else comes along, and all you can think about is: "Damn, this could be me..." And it really doesn't matter if she says No or if you never ask: Seeing her with another guy always hurts.
  12. Tigger

    java classpath

    Your post would be easier to read if You would at least put a space behind your dots and begin the sentence with a capital. Anyway, put your .java source file in the folder packagename Than in the javac tool, point the classpath to this folder (actually to the folder Containing your...
  13. Tigger

    Macs never do this, but PC's do it all the time

    Yep, and it has been tested for some years before by kids on their gameboy :D I never heard of a broken Gameboy connector, so it seems to work really great.
  14. Tigger

    XP or X???

    Believe me, I searched for them on Versiontracker, and nothing came up. I just wanted some program that let me drop files on it and compresses them. Couldn't find any. I am not interested in some open source command line tools, I used the command line zip for quite a time till I wrote a droplet...
  15. Tigger

    XP or X???

    I am sure you are faster on OS X than you are on XP. But I think there are a lot of people out there who know their XP like nothing else, and they are just as fast as you. It is just about what environment one is used to. Sorry, but I just hate this "My OS is better than yours". We Mac...
  16. Tigger

    Mac OS 11?

    I also think this will be the name. I remember how stupid I thought this is when I heard Apple wants the 'X' to be pronounced '10' and saw the naming "Mac OS X 10.0" That is just stupid. What do these Apple marketing guys think? I am really looking forward to "Mac OS Ten...
  17. Tigger

    XP or X???

    I downloaded the Lite package of StuffIt expander with DropStuff and DropZip in it. Then someday both just stopped working and they said I need a licence to use them further. No I use command line zip with a Applescript droplet wrapper I wrote. Works fine, and I have no problems with...
  18. Tigger

    XP or X???

    But that is exactly what NeYo said. In XP, this feature is there. In OS X, we need an update to get it. Another thing: I think it is really ridicolous that Mac Users have to pay for a program to compress files. I voted for OS X because I like it more, but there are still some things...
  19. Tigger

    CGI script connected to database. XML.

    I recommend PHP for connecting to a MySQL Database and write out the XML to Flash. You can write out XML with PHP just like you would write out HTML. Look at , they have some Tutorials about these things. And a good site for everything php is
  20. Tigger

    Macs never do this, but PC's do it all the time

    It is just when you move your mouse a little distance of the scrollbar. Then IE doesn't take the movement of your mouse for movement of the scrollbar. It is not a bug, it just is not implemented the way it perhaps should be. (Hm, isn't that the definition of a bug?)