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  1. davidbrit2

    making a server

    The procedure is pretty much the same. You'll just need to know the server's IP address to connect to it from the outside. This is of course assuming that the DSL service isn't doing any weird filtering or blocking of incoming connections.
  2. davidbrit2

    iPos Shuffle and iTunes

    I'm pretty sure the Shuffle syncs by default, so you'll have to keep your songs listed in the iPod's source list to keep iTunes from blowing them away. But there's no serious harm in doing that as long as you don't have iTunes automatically copying to your library and duplicating everything.
  3. davidbrit2

    unreal tournament won't start!

    Hmm... Drawsprocket is what OS 9 software normally uses. Have you upgraded the game to the OS X version? If not, try this: Don't give up, because it should work on OS X. And I would know, because I still play the game from time to...
  4. davidbrit2

    Anyway to change Safari's theme?

    Nah, you aren't mad. Not because of this, anyway. :-) I don't know if anybody has tested it with 1.3 though, so it might be wise to make a backup copy of Safari first.
  5. davidbrit2

    Use a Palm as a bluetooth keyboard/mouse?

    Yeah, there's got to be something out there to do this. Salling Clicker looks nice, but it's more of an Applescript automation controller, and I don't think it functions as a keyboard and mouse.
  6. davidbrit2

    Use a Palm as a bluetooth keyboard/mouse?

    Is there software readily available to do this? I basically just want my Zire 72 to function as a remote keyboard and mouse, with the touch screen acting as mouse control, and the Graffiti area sending keystrokes. It would save me the trouble of buying something like a presenter's remote. Heh.
  7. davidbrit2

    java compiler

    I'd recommend going to and reading the following document: Developing Cocoa Java Applications: A Tutorial It walks you through building a simple currency converter in Java using Xcode and Interface Builder. Once you've done that, you might have a better idea of...
  8. davidbrit2

    making multiple directory's quickly

    He he. Yeah, that perl looks correct, other than reading from /etc/passwd. I generally don't bother using perl for filesystem manipulation, though, since it's so much simpler with bash. Actual file I/O, on the other hand... ;-)
  9. davidbrit2

    making multiple directory's quickly

    I don't think /etc/passwd will give you very good results, since OS X uses Netinfo for that stuff by default. You can do this with just a few lines of bash scripting: #!/bin/sh cd /Users for uname in * do mkdir $uname/windows chown $uname $uname/windows chmod 700 $uname/windows...
  10. davidbrit2

    I killed MySQL !!!! :-(

    Hmm, odd... Do you get any useful error messages when you start the actual server? sudo mysqld_safe If it's having some problem announcing the socket it's using, then it'll probably tell you.
  11. davidbrit2

    java compiler

    Interface Builder only supports creating NIB files for your serialized interface, which are in turn only supported by the Cocoa API. You can probably find some kind of nice Java-based Swing interface design application though, seeing as the library has been around for a while now.
  12. davidbrit2

    java compiler

    Yeah, if you want to compile Java programs, it can be as simple as writing the source code in a text editor, and compiling it using the "javac" command with the Terminal (assuming you've got the developer tools installed). If you want a fancier environment, there are a number of good choices...
  13. davidbrit2

    Another MySQL / PHP setup question?

    Gah, okay, there's one more thing you have to set in There should be a line that sets "$cfg['blowfish_secret']". Make sure it's not commented out, and set it to any old string value that you want to use as an encryption key. For example: $cfg['blowfish_secret'] = 'secret1335897';
  14. davidbrit2

    Another MySQL / PHP setup question?

    Ah, that's an easy fix. By default, phpMyAdmin is set up to login using a username and password in the configuration file (god knows why). First, find within the main phpMyAdmin directory, then edit it with your text editor of choice. Look for the line that sets...
  15. davidbrit2

    Another MySQL / PHP setup question?

    If you're specifying the COMPLETE path to the directory you want to "fix", it shouldn't matter where you do it. And there's one other thing I thought of. If you need to change the actual owner of the directory, use chown in much the same fashion. chown -R newowner directoryname
  16. davidbrit2

    Another MySQL / PHP setup question?

    Yup, that's nice and easy. chmod -R u+w directoryname That'll dig down into the specified directory, giving the owner write permission for everything inside (and the directory itself).
  17. davidbrit2

    Default Browser in 10.3.7

    Open Safari, go to Preferences, and choose the General tab. You should know what to do from there. I've always wondered why they removed this from System Preferences, though.
  18. davidbrit2

    Another MySQL / PHP setup question?

    Hmm, you shouldn't have to as long as MG_site is inside /Library/WebServer/Documents. What happens exactly when you try to access it from "http://localhost/MG_site"?
  19. davidbrit2

    Another MySQL / PHP setup question?

    The directory /Library/WebServer/Documents is what's known as the "document root". This means that if you open a web browser with just the URL "http://localhost/" it will start digging from that directory. In other words, you'd want to open "http://localhost/MG_site/". And you should be able...
  20. davidbrit2

    Email notification of bookmark update

    Okay, so here's the scenario. I've got an order status page that I want to check for updates, maybe hourly or so. This page is also behind a cookie-based login/password authentication system. I'd like to find something that will allow an email to be sent to an arbitrary address whenever updates...