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  1. L word association!

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    4th Generation iPod COMMING SOON!

    Holy cow, just how loud do you listen to your music at? :eek: I'd hate to think what condition your ears will be in when you turn 80...
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    Passwords on OSX

    Well, if you are so frustrated with X, judging from the hardware you are using, you could almost opt to revert back to 9.1/9.2 and continue to use Outlook Express, Quark, etc. in their "native" environments.
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    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    Free Falling - Tom Petty
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    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    iPod random pick Pictures of You - The Cure
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    Setting up server on balcony

    I was thinking of venting the box at top and bottom and letting convection do its job (almost like a giant iMac). Up this high, there's a reasonably good breeze moving constantly so I think I would be okay. If anything, a slightly enclosed structure would probably keep temperatures semi-stable...
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    Setting up server on balcony

    Does anyone here run any computer/server equipment *not* inside the house? I'm in a one bedroom with a reasonably large balcony on the 21st floor and tossing the idea around of storing my file server on the balcony in a weather-proofed box of some sort. It's reasonably protected from the...
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    SSH information and tutorials

    Not sure if this is what you are talking about, but if you change the following on your remote SSH login server: [/etc/sshd_config or whatever equivalent SSH server config file] PasswordAuthentication no This will force public key encryption instead of simply encrypted passwords. Cheers.
  9. L word association!

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    Apple in Tokyo (incl. pictures)

    Many many many... Pics from the Ginza store opening (unedited) Cheers.
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    Image Capture - Semi-Easter Egg

    Not *really* an easter egg, but as close as it gets. Also, not sure if it does it on every machine or only those with QE, but when you download photos, the preview thumbnail when downloading mimics the rotating cube action of fast-switching... Neat, if not totally useless.
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    "...5 reasons not to buy an iPod!..."

    Guess the equivalent article in a car mag would be "5 reasons not to buy a Ferrari/Porsche..." - eats gas - you have to worry about parking and door dings - the Ferrari/Porsche is expensive - you DON'T like the sound of the car(s) under full throttle - you want to also drive a Honda...
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    sftp with panther

    FTP and SFTP are not dependent on each other so yes. Fugu is a great SFTP client. Cheers.
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    X.2.7 to Panther or do X.2.8 first?

    I took the plunge and did the Panther upgrade on my PB 12 rev.B between breakfast and my shower this morning before going to work... of course, I had already spent the few hours the night before backing and cloning my system to an external FW drive which will stay away from Panther for now...
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    Red Hat pulls out of the desktop race

    Isn't Novell picking up Suse for a cool 210 million?
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    Router and SSH, etc.

    Textbook example of what you want to do. As long as your router supports port-forwarding, all you need to do is open a port on TCP/22 (or whatever you choose to use on your SSH server) from the external interface to the internal IP address of your machine. As far as a dynamic DNS name...
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    G4 iBooks

    Interesting model shift/changes. Looks like they almost "crippled" the 12" iBook to keep it from getting too competitive with the 12" PB. - same processor spec as 12" PB (only in 14" model, 12" model max at 800 mhz) - half the L2 cache (just when it was clear that upping the L2 cache to...
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    Windows User's Take on iTunes

    Gotta love this one... guess Shannon needs to learn how to operate her<?> computer a little more efficiently than just shutting down the firewall to access Web services. -,2350,60897,00.html
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    Quotes from Neowin on WiTunes

    Gotta love the comment: :))
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    itunes 4.1 quicktime 6.4

    Ditto on the no-restart for iTunes only, unlike past versions. They must have made changes to allow that to happen...