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  1. L Music Store (the mighty merging of 3 threads)

    They DO have some nice-sized album covers online, don't they... ;)
  2. L

    Trustix Secure Linux 2.0 Released

    Haven't gotten around to trying it though I'm sure it would be interesting to do; basically, it's a matter of having enough free time. Not quite sure where you are going with this thread; my original intention was just to point out that there is a new release of a packaged Linux system that I...
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    Trustix Secure Linux 2.0 Released

    I wish I was better qualified to say what was "best"... I've taste-tested as many of the desktop Linux distros that I could download and had patience to install, and I'd have to say that the latest Mandrake distro is pretty friendly. However, I have no interest in really using Linux on...
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    Trustix Secure Linux 2.0 Released

    Not a Linux "dude" per say; my preference of platform without question is OS X, but as I said in my opening statement, I believe that being a well-rounded sysadmin put us in a better position to tackle any task...
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    Trustix Secure Linux 2.0 Released

    Now, while I know this is really an OS X board, I'm a firm believer of keeping up and using multiple server technologies to keep on or even ahead of the curve. After all, a "know thine enemy" mindset is no more appropriate than for us folks managing OS X servers to know exactly what the...
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    Webcam app

    EvoCam 3.1 isn't free, but is quite good...
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    HUGE "bug" in OS X? Hmmmmm...

    Let's see... Assuming I could crack into the computer through SSH as the logged-in user, I could easily kill the screensaver process and thereby gain access to the local machine. Hey, a bug!
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    Secure Copy Client (GUI) for Mac...

    While it's not SCP, you can use Fugu to run SFTP connections to and from your server as an alternative...
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    whats the deal with this? [G5 bashing from slashdot]

    What irks me though is that a lot of people worry too much what the Windoze folks think... I'm just happy that the upcoming round of Apple hardware should be significantly faster running their own stuff compared to what they've had up to this point. I also find it interesting that they...
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    Opinions of the G5's case design

    All ten thumbs up!
  11. L

    You are an OS X geek when ...

    When you try to visualize the drop shadow on papers lying on your desk and finally realize that it will never happen because the papers are actually lying flat on each other...
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    Actually, a Subaru would be a little more in line with the analogy, especially since they put out top-of-the-line performing vehicles, use technology that everyone else tries to copy, and due to the way it's built, does more or less exactly what you want it to do. Oh yeah, not to mention...
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    3rd & 4th hard drive

    Unless you have added in an extra IDE card, your Mac can theoretically support up to three hard drives plus the optical drive (CD, CD-R, DVD, etc.) assuming you have kept yours. You can stack the second drive on top of the default drive as you should see the slave IDE connector hanging out in...
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    Favourite FTP server?

    Ditto on PureFTPD. Super easy to set up and quite fast.
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    Uplink for Macintosh

    Heya Jet, Why quote? Because my reply is in direct reply to something you or another may have written and not the thread in general (just like now). You don't like being quoted? ;-) Cheers.
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    Uplink for Macintosh

    Darn, I was on a roll last night but accidentally tapped into a bank without going through the proper safeguard procedures and got nailed... Back to the beginning...
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    Go to Folder?

    Also, "/var/log" or any other hidden directory that you need to get to... sometimes handy if you want to access files for a quick copy without having to drop into the Terminal.
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    Apple Music Store "Disappointment "

    I know, total troll comment but I'll take a bite... ;-) Assuming you meant MP3 (instead of MPG), why would you bother unless you want to "share" your music or (gasp), play it on a non-iPod MP3 player? Burning to CD as audio and/or data works fine so far; no issues or problems with...
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    iTunes 4.0.1

    Toast, Cannot believe you are still ranting about this... iTunes still supports streaming radio without a problem. As Jove mentions, there are other perfectly viable options to listening to your friend's music collection; you just have to put your thinking cap on and work at it a bit. As...
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    Uplink for Macintosh

    It's officially out but the download is a bit on the slow side. Cheers.