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  1. L

    New Power Macs Announced!

    Love 'em or hate 'em, they're back with a vengeance... New Power Macs announced...
  2. L

    New Power Macs Announced!

    Finally...! :D :D :D
  3. L

    Safari wont start?

    Drawing on some user posts on Macintouch, one way to induce this startup crash was to change the option to "Remove downloaded items". I think by default, it is set to "Manual"; if you've been downloading stuff and later change this option to "Upon Successful Download", you might have problems...
  4. L

    Sharing iTunes files via iCommune

    Oddly, I cannot edit the URL field when adding a new server; I can add the Name which is a bit puzzling. About the index.html, this should be a pretty much given if you want some level of file security, especially since directory browsing is enabled by default on the user.conf files: Options...
  5. L

    Mac OSX Webcam Drivers

    Yes and none (depending on the camera you have). I use my Canon IXY DV (Elura in the U.S.?) with my G4 on Yahoo Messenger (latest version 2.51 for OS X) without any problems. In Super User mode, I get reasonable connect rates over broadband as well. Only problem with using a DV camcorder...
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    Web Hosting Service -

    Just thought I'd share my frustration with the web hosting service mentioned above. Like many other services, they offer a great deal on paper but when it comes to real world delivery, it falls short of expectation. Due to less than expected performance, I've been trying since the end of...
  7. L

    Rendezvouos Websites?

    Check out: Cheers.
  8. L home button? and...

    Here's a funny one. Open the bookmark menu. Add a new bookmark with a title. Bookmark should show up with title but no URL. Double-click on the new bookmark to try and open it. Choose "OK" or "OK"? Cheers.
  9. L

    Safari - Toggling between pages

    Odd. Must be because I use a machine with a Japanese keyboard... :(
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    12.1" G4 - Mixed reactions

    I've got semi-mixed feelings about the new release. While I love the form factor and have been craving G4 speeds, I'm a bit disappointed to see that they've given the G4 Tiny a performance handicap if only to help differentiate in price between the G4 PB lineup. As someone who is willing to...
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    Safari - Toggling between pages

    Did I miss something or is an IE-equivalient of command-~ not available?
  12. L

    Virtual PC 6 Questions.

    Not only that, but if you have the actual XP CD, you can install it on an actual hardware PC if you ever get tired of VPC. If you go with the Connectix route (the last I remember), you have a license to run the Windows OS on VPC, but the number *doesn't* work as a valid key for installation...
  13. L

    Personal Web Sharing?

    Access the pages you put in your Sites folder at: http://your.ip.address/~yourusername/ Otherwise, you'll have to put your content in: /Library/Webserver/Documents which will then be accessible at: http://your.ip.address/ Cheers.
  14. L

    ftp can't change root in Jag

    So what you are saying is that a user listed in ftpchroot (let's call him Joe) must have a shell entry in the Netinfo database that matches one of the entries in /etc/shells? For example: Joe [Netinfo] shell - /bin/tcsh [/etc/ftpchroot] joe [/etc/shells] # List of acceptable...
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    Jaguar - Graphic Display Issues

    I'm running 4.2.8f1 which I believe should be up to date for the G4/AGP series. Cheers.
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    Jaguar - Graphic Display Issues

    Not sure if I had this problem in 10.1.x, but I've noticed in several apps, I sometimes get yellow "streaks" when opening graphic files (especially large ones, ie. from digital camera, etc.). I'm wondering if people have seen the same and know what the cause is. The actual data is fine...
  17. L

    How do I set up a DNS server?

    Not to mention a very, very twisted non-standard Apache configuration and associated files... the normal httpd.conf file is there, but everything that the GUI configures is saved in a separate file and there are warnings all over telling you to be careful or you might break something. What's...
  18. L

    How to keep an FTP user in his home dir?

    Earlier post about this problem... Cheers.
  19. L

    10.2.1 Release Reported...

    Very true... I picked it off Macintouch which is generally pretty good about the news they post. Guess Apple wasn't quite ready... - Disc Burning Enhancements * Improves compatibility of burned CDs with Microsoft Windows. * Addresses a situation that could result in a failure when...
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    10.2.1 Release Reported... but no signs yet. Just hoping they fix Finder recognition issues with my Toshiba CD-R/DVD drive... Cheers.