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  1. nkuvu

    Can't move or delete applications

    But when ericg4 is logged in as root there's no problem. So root login is already enabled. It's when another account is logged the problems start.
  2. nkuvu

    It's Here - 10.1.5

    This is assuming I'm home. I want to be able to disconnect from the net when I'm not using it. My ISP is persnickety when I'm connected for ten hours straight. So when I can, I use a download manager which can disconnect for me when the download is complete. And almost all of the time I am...
  3. nkuvu

    It's Here - 10.1.5

    Which is precisely why I don't have it yet... :(
  4. nkuvu

    Can't move or delete applications

    Sounds like a permissions problem to me. Search the board for "permissions" and "applications" and I think you'll find some threads. One of which should be in the HowTo section.
  5. nkuvu

    The faster browser is…

    Links -- OS X port of Lynx. Fastest browser you'll find.
  6. nkuvu

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Aw c'mon, Twisted Sister is just plain funny. (actually I don't listen to TS, but still...)
  7. nkuvu

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    I listen to 80s rock -- as well as a bunch of other stuff. I tend to try to stay away from "big hair" bands, though.
  8. nkuvu

    Congrats to Matrix Agent

    Congrats, Matrix Agent. (insert some witty banter here. I'm fresh out -- afternoon sleepies and all that stuff)
  9. nkuvu


    In case you didn't catch it, my post was not serious. I was asking you to do what you were asking me to do. :)
  10. nkuvu

    The Weather Guy was wrong!!!!

    Well I didn't even see the part about Tucson. I mean, I don't even have television, but you should come to my house and deliver the weather report personally! You're discriminating against those of us who don't (or can't) pay for cable! What an outrage! :D When I read the title of the...
  11. nkuvu

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    What the Goo?? This doesn't mean anything to me.... Oh, perhaps it's Way to go? Too much time reading the Censor thread... :p
  12. nkuvu


    Um, you might want to start naming your threads more accurately. For example, "Thread" really doesn't indicate what you are trying to say. If everyone named their thread "Thread", how do you think we could find anything? This isn't a criticism of you or your thread's content, Matrix Agent...
  13. nkuvu

    Congrats to nkuvu!

    It's pretty sad, but I know next to nothing about European history. In school we memorized dates (1066 Battle of Hastings!) but don't ask me to even explain what they are. I mean, the fall of Rome is pretty obvious, but I have no idea what the Battle of Hastings was all about. Some grumpy...
  14. nkuvu

    problem w/ .dmg files

    Is it possible that you changed you view preferences for the desktop so removable volumes are hidden?
  15. nkuvu

    Censoring on

    This is only the third page. ;) And can we let out our deep breath now? I'm turning blue... :D
  16. nkuvu

    Congrats to nkuvu!

    I think it's pretty ironic that Christianity, which preaches tolerance and compassion, uses force to convert others to the faith. I've heard of this happening before, so it's not a surprise. Thought I'd toss that in there to try to pretend to be on topic. But it's really just a digression...
  17. nkuvu

    Congrats macguy17 !!!!!!

    Only if you're suffering from "Your post count is bigger than mine" syndrome. :rolleyes: But most of us have realized that post counts don't matter.
  18. nkuvu

    Censoring on

    I misunderstood you, simX -- I thought you wanted all censoring off. Which I don't think is appropriate given that this is a public forum available to anyone. It doesn't really matter how mature our members are in general. There are some people who are not mature who could be looking at this...
  19. nkuvu

    Censoring on

    Nope. I'm perfectly comfortable with stars. ;) Again I feel I have to point out that this is not a "freedom" issue. It's Admin's choice.
  20. nkuvu

    quick updating newbie question

    It's the Software Update in the System Preferences panel. Welcome to OS X. You'll find that there are a lot of us PC converts on the boards... myself included.