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  1. AppMan

    Mozilla 1.3 Released!!!

    no one cares
  2. AppMan browser stats?

    Thanks a bunch. Very interesting.
  3. AppMan

    Question - Answer

    What came first reading or writing?
  4. AppMan

    Install Problem

    When using OS 8.6 does your screen resolution change while it is booting up?
  5. AppMan browser stats?

    It would be cool to see's browser stat.
  6. AppMan

    How do i make a Pop Up?

    People who put pop up ads on their web-sites are very bad people.
  7. AppMan

    Is Iraqi war justified?

    Lock and load! Line em' up & take em out!
  8. AppMan

    Why Apple should port OS X

    actually Apple shouldn't port X because it will show how much better wintel hardware is than Apple hardware but on the other hand it will show how much better X will run on faster processors, which in turn will show how much potential X has, wuteva I hate whats ifs
  9. AppMan

    Safari Question

    Does anyone know a way to set up file helpers in Safari?
  10. AppMan

    SHaring internet connection to a PC?

    Just turn on Internet sharing on the Mac and either set your PC to DHCP or manually assign it a 192.168.2.x address and set the gateway to I had to manually assign my PC an IP cus for some reason it wouldn't obtain an IP address from the Mac all the time. There is no reason for 3rd...
  11. AppMan

    hhheeeeelllllllppppppp meeeeeeee .. please.....

    I think you can get Epson printers to envoke it's cleaning routine by pressing a combination of buttons on the printer's console and holding them down for like 5 seconds or something. You may need to rtfm. (pg39 of the pdf)
  12. AppMan

    Basic Question

    Check your credit card statement. sorry bad joke.
  13. AppMan

    Everquest for MacOS X

    Dont know but it's available for PS2 and it rocks.
  14. AppMan

    Mr. Bush should be proud

    hmmm.. Lots of soap boxes here.... I lost a couple close friends on 9-11. I wonder if some of your opinions would change if you had too. If you think Saddam isn't aiding terrorists that is being naive. I think the U.S. is being very proactive in the War Against Terror but if you rather we...
  15. AppMan

    HELP! Application Switcher Icon Missing!

    I've considered Netscape 6 but isn't it's performance on old Mac's running 8.6 dreadful? I will try it out and see what the results are. Thanks for the suggestion.
  16. AppMan

    HELP! Application Switcher Icon Missing!

    I too suspected Eudora was the culprit. So I downgraded to Eudora 5.1 and the icon showed. So then I rebuilt the desktop yada yada and installed Netscape 4.8 and it's icon still wouldn't appear. Eudora 5.1 doesn't require CarbonLib. Eudora 5.2 and Netscape 4.8 do. I think I may have stumbled...
  17. AppMan

    HELP! Application Switcher Icon Missing!

    Nope, but you know how users are. I want my icon.. Waaa! Waaa! Waaa! Currently we still have about 10-15 Mac OS 8.6 users. They can't upgrade to OS 9 because they have some odd-ball equipment hooked up to it that won't work with OS 9 or something like that. Upgrading them to Eudora 5.2 isn't a...