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  1. vic

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    cool bling bling, is that illustrator or photoshop?
  2. vic

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    PICTURES ! PICTURES! hey ED, would you like to be the official gardener and landscape designer of mac os x. com? - unless you already are :)
  3. vic

    The story behind your screen name

    rinse, nice site, but maybe the black test on dark red background is too hard too read, also too small in many places, just my advice.
  4. vic

    How Much RAM do YOU have?!

    does your iBook have abus speed of 66Mhz?
  5. vic

    The story behind your screen name

    there was aguy here called vic_1 where is that guy?
  6. vic

    The story behind your screen name

    wow! nice thyread! well heres my contribution. vic - get it? it's the first 3 letters of my first name, it has religious significance... no it does not... hmm... ah well, it's my nickname a lot of my friends call me simply vic.
  7. vic

    HIGHLY CONTROVERSIAL: Things that I miss from Windows

    yes, now wouldn't it be cool if apple gave you the option to click on a button and something like this pops up! (attatched as one of course)
  8. vic

    HIGHLY CONTROVERSIAL: Things that I miss from Windows

    i'm not sure that were i am in my opinion is a location...
  9. vic

    HIGHLY CONTROVERSIAL: Things that I miss from Windows

    "They have, by giving us the foundations of the technology that you take for granted today and by finding use in their own way of something that thirty years ago was something they may have been watching people on Star Trek do. Think about how much they thought up as Science Fiction back then...
  10. vic

    LTM and Nummi show/ Rated "R"

    yes, but only when i tell him to!
  11. vic

    LTM and Nummi show/ Rated "R"

    8 hours average, sometimes, when i do work i can be 16 hours for a few days in a row... sometimes never, that is when i'm gettin high and drunk, or on vacation in nother coutry.
  12. vic

    Which should I Buy?

    ALARM!! UNAUTORIZED INTRUDER! STEVE! bring the holy water! QUICK!
  13. vic

    LTM and Nummi show/ Rated "R"

    are you the midget i sent for?
  14. vic

    LTM and Nummi show/ Rated "R"

    I watch very little tv, the shows that i watch most regularly (read: at random occasion when my internet is down) are - Media Television AWESOME canadian show on new media interned tech games, very artsy, and not about cheesy platforms or other shit like tech tv. - dazed and Confused... i...
  15. vic

    LTM and Nummi show/ Rated "R"

    actually yes, my moom droped my on my head when i was a kid ... if you don't believe me read my previous posts, trust me nothing seems impossible.
  16. vic

    HIGHLY CONTROVERSIAL: Things that I miss from Windows

    1. I don't tollerate people who don't make computers their lives? where u get that form? i think you should drop by the "magic dragon forum" and share abit of you magic dragon axperiences.. ;) 2. I did come a bit late here, and i saw that the debases calmed down a bit, but you kida seemd to...
  17. vic

    What kind of app WUOULD YOU WANT someone to be working on?

    labels will be reintroduced in 10.2
  18. vic

    HIGHLY CONTROVERSIAL: Things that I miss from Windows

    racer x, you are being very unreasonable - i will not argue with you and hope that anyone here will stop arguing with racer x untill he gets some sense back into him. i was also a windows convert although i've converted 2.5 years ago. i have many friends that have windows, ia also have...
  19. vic

    How do you think different?
