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  1. Smash

    Typical Apple Cycle

    I'm waiting for the next one... Somebody got rumours ?? lol
  2. Smash

    Internet Explorer

    I say, isn't it nice ?? Do you think they made it on purpose ? I mean: the first software devellopped for OS X was iE from M$, the fisrt update for X 10.1 is a fix of a security bug in iE !!!! Be Happy guys, the first bug on OS X (or nearly) was from M$. Sincerelly, I love them, they're...
  3. Smash

    Don't advertise OSX, We lost

    I think that if those OS could talk, OS X would say: "So good to be me..." The other sh.. of XP, which is basically just 2000 with better graphics rendering for the games would just say: "Why do they did this to me ...??" Before 2000, has a "professional" look means "complicated, you got...
  4. Smash

    Apple has got to do something with the dock!

    I really like the dock, Especially this bouncing icon when it has something to say: I'm always working without sound at the office and I find it a good way to advertise of an event, when you're doing something, or when you got 15 apps onpen in atime and the same ammount of windows. I...
  5. Smash

    Should I worry about getting a virus?

    I'm working with Macs and PeeCee's at my office, 5 Macs for 10 Peecee's (snif). I just can tell you something for the past two month, I've received +/- 10 viruses on the PC's and Mac's, they were all "designed" for Windoze plarform. two of them bypassed Norton and have infected a machine. But...
  6. Smash

    Why the new exploit isn't a huge deal

    I'm just begening with Unix, since it is include in, or bring with, Mac OS X. But one thing, if I am, guys at Cuppertino aren't, they're working for years on that matter, thaey already tried to include both technologies in the same package some years ago, and believe it or not Microsoft...
  7. Smash

    Go Apple Go Apple !!!!!

    Just saw...
  8. Smash

    WTF (iDisk)?!

    So that's it, I got my answer too I've just checked the link you said and that' right... I think Aplle could just add a readme file, it would be more easy to understand why those files are just taking place on idsk... Nobody's perfect even Apple ;o)
  9. Smash

    Go Apple Go Apple !!!!!

    Did you found some info about those mp3 into apple site? I've looked for thos einfo to reply to a post, and i did not find anything... well i did not search long: Do not try to oprn your iDisk from the net when it's already on your desktop... crashes the finder... Yeah, I know it's kind of...
  10. Smash

    Pictures of Older Macs

    That's exactly what I said ... I said wintel !!! And this mac's also a FTP server .. Mouhahaha evrything is easy with Linux .... even Compaq can be a great server running on Linux ;o))) Smash
  11. Smash

    Pictures of Older Macs

    I'm dreaming having a classic.... if somebody knows... On my side, I got: A G4 cube with an apple display 17 (not the flat one, the good one), a power book 5300cs, a 8100, a 6100 and a lc 475 ... these are mine. At the Office i'm working on G4 bi-450, also have a beige G3, an iMac 300...
  12. Smash

    OX X 10.1 and ADSL connection

    Well, I don't know for connections in Israel, as far as i'm in belgium, but I think that protocols might be the same !!! So, to connect with OS X 10.1, for example using a PPPoe connection (like mine): you just have to check connect via PPPoe in the: preference panel, network, PPPoe and...
  13. Smash

    Post your OS X.1 Desktop Pics!!!!

    Here is Mine ...
  14. Smash


    To become su or root: Just go the NetInfo Manager, in the section users. Click on the user you're using and for which you know rhe password. In the window below, you will see a line with "passwd" and a value in front, click on this value. Copy the encrypted pass and paste it to the...
  15. Smash

    OS10.1-how i Like it

    Hi, for the printer, I'm affraid it is true, but the modem ... ? I don't understand how your modem is not supported ... ? For me, I hust plugged the modem by the ethernet card, set the network preference in the preference panel, and 30 sec later, I was on the Net. I really don't get...
  16. Smash

    Adding fonts into OS X

    I got a problem addinf fonts... I'm using several fonts because of my job, I work in the DTP. But how the hell can we add fonts in this thing, I've tried all the fonts folder, reboot, relog,... and the font utility is still not seeing them !! I'm also searching for a uitility wich allows...
  17. Smash

    OS 9.2.1 Problems

    I also got a problem like this... When I installed the connection software for my DSL using PPPoe protocol ! After try and retry, I arriced to one of the most usual problems of Mas OS: conflct in my extensions. The only solution is to go back to the OS 9.2.1 Base set and then try adding...