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  1. Pippin

    More New iBook Musing

    Not sure if you would conceder this but since the recent news regarding x86 I have noticed a significant decrease in the prices of PowerBooks and iBooks on ebay in the UK - Might be worth a look.
  2. Pippin

    first mac?

    A Fantastic Performa 450 aka LCIII. Used it all through my school. Fantastic Machine.
  3. Pippin

    Help me shut down this scam please

    The machine that the site is running on is hosted by this company. What you are seeing at the SWsoft page is most likely a bullshit company front page to deter you if you attempt to research deeper. Best thing to...
  4. Pippin


    I think thats fantastic. Some pratts tryed to scam me while selling my G4 867. And that folder powerbook is a work of Art. haha.
  5. Pippin

    World of Warcraft Friday Release!!!

    Hey Chevy funny but I just installed WoW on a 17" 1 GHz today... And to be honest it worked fine. I am never impressed with games on Mac and was expecting about 10fps but it seemed surprisingly ok. Edit that... Phoned my friend because I don’t want to give inaccurate information but it was...
  6. Pippin

    A rather negative article

    Complete waste of time. Not even worth posting. Simply just a moron’s review of a new operating system that his whole basis of complaint is generally - that it is not Microsoft Windows. Congratulations moron it's a different operating system - what this chap has done is look at the...
  7. Pippin

    iTunes Dies.... For Some,39024667,39126659,00.htm UnLucky!
  8. Pippin

    $899 ibooks on Amazon and other great deals

    :( I thought he might be banned... Oh well at least its sunny outside.
  9. Pippin

    [HOWTO] - Slow down Expose, on the spot

    Now thats funny kids!!!! :D :D
  10. Pippin

    [HOWTO] - Slow down Expose, on the spot

    You can also turn your Mac on by pressing the on button with your finger... Coincidently you can stand at the other side of the room and fling balls, cups or even chairs till it hits the power button renders the same effect! :) :) :) :) Sorry man couldn’t resist ;)
  11. Pippin

    Buying Mac Games

    I used to use Amazon for all my Mac games, however I rarely play games on my G5 now. I am not sure of you play multiplayer games online but that’s all I will play – namely Moh:AA however there is a lack of Voice Communication software available for the Macintosh platform, namely the two top ones...
  12. Pippin

    Processor Question That may not work in Mac, but I am just using it as an example. I recently acquired 256 PC100 SDRAM for £24.99 that worked in a sawtooth just fine. And as for where I live...
  13. Pippin

    iPod instigating switchers…,39024645,39126090,00.htm I would not class this as "unexpected" as I believe this was possibly the second reason why the iPod was ported to the windows chaps. Certainly interesting though.
  14. Pippin

    Processor Question

    Indeed, the G4 is by far the option to choose for Video Editing - However I must stress that with only 190mb RAM the G4 is still going to be struggling with Video Editing. I would suggest spending the small amount on increasing the ram with a 256 module, possibly even a 512 stick - Will not cost...
  15. Pippin

    Hello everyone, nice 2 meet u..

    Hello Wally, Welcome to the best Mac forums on the net however a word of advise... ignore the posts that have "Confirmed" on there topic :D – In all seriousness though welcome and enjoy! Hmmm now all we need is some more Scottish people!
  16. Pippin

    Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault It Most likely will come to OS X but you wont be seeing it anytime soon. They might even make a good attempt of porting it now as Allied Assault on Mac was a joke.
  17. Pippin

    Dual-Core PowerPCs?

    HaHa, best saving up that pocket money then... The new Quad Processor Dual core Powermac GX, Retailing at only £49,995
  18. Pippin

    Switch from safari to firefox

    Yes I changed to firefox long ago. Im not a fan of Safari at all.
  19. Pippin

    Mac Stats--Help!

    God I did that report too and somehow got an A for it. So Gl with it - there is plenty of resources on the net for your references.
  20. Pippin

    Fixes on next PB G4?

    I doubt it will be the x800 that will be in the PowerBooks considering apples complete lack of ...well...competence at putting half decent graphics cards in there machines. More like a 5600xt mobility or something. However I agree that a graphics card update will almost be certainly be in the...