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  1. beef

    Authorizing long delay on 10.1

    my ISP sucks, it seems to have "peak hours" of about 18hrs a day, and so basically, my cable's conneciton can die anytime. when it dies, there's delay in alot of things, network related or not... and this is pretty annoying. I can't really tell, but from the sound of the posts (man... what...
  2. beef

    what does this mean?

    this is an error that comes up in the "console" every now and then... anyone know what it means, and what needs to be done to fix it? loginwindow[355] Can't connect to pbs object "RulebookServer" :confused:
  3. beef

    [HOWTO] - Speed up DNS lookups in OSX

    umm... you can read the post I've made sometime ago... I haven't discovered anything new.
  4. beef

    managing terminals

    #1 setup .tcshrc for something you want done in all terminal files that runs tcsh (or .whatever for whatever shell) environment variables, etc... you might want to set up aliases as well, I put it in another file, but I forgot why I did it. #2 use inspector (shell menu) set color...
  5. beef

    Aliens vs Predator port #?

    I don't have the game, so I'm not sure IN    UDP  80 IN    UDP  2300 - 2400 IN    UDP  8000 - 8999 you might want to check the site by the company that made the game
  6. beef

    Copying iTunes files to another user

    my machine is more or less single user... when there's a remote connection, it's usually me... so I don't have much experience with multi-user environment and I'm not sure if this will help at all... #1 put your music in a shared directory put the music files where all the users who will...
  7. beef

    changing icons

    for folders, files, non-packaged apps, the conventional method of getinfo, copy, paste works fine. packaged apps usually have .icns file in the name of the file is different from app to app, but it should be pretty obvious. you can change the icon by...
  8. beef

    Hide your swap Partition .... it's easy!!

    / -> root ./ -> current directory where-ever you are or you can use ./whatevercommand to run the command... (to run stuffs that's not in the path, usually, I think) if you want to do ./Developer/Tools/SetFile -a blah blah blah, I think you need to be at the root. I think it'll only look...
  9. beef

    Renaming "Apple" applications in OS X

    if you do getinfo on "Print" you see that it's owned by "system", not you. You can edit the name in terminal.
  10. beef

    Post your OS X.1 Desktop Pics!!!!

    ever figured out how to change the color?:confused:
  11. beef

    I want to hear from you

    I think I remember going to some flash sites... in IE5... I never understood what it means wheh people say "omniweb is beautiful"... don't tell me it's the buttons on the toolbar... I think it gets alot of points just for being a functional browser that isn't MS... Nothing against Omniweb...
  12. beef

    I want to hear from you

    my personal feeling is that it's just easier to use IE... with MS coming up with whatever (stolen or not) every now and then and pushing them as standards... I think it's just easier to let MS develop Internet browser for Mac... I don't really see a reason to go against MS, until they...
  13. beef

    Does anyone really user mp3 players

    is it getting rarer to hear "good" and "radio station" in the same sentence? If I get N'Stync or Britney Speared in my ears while I bench or squat, I'll die, no way I'm gonna listen to radio while I workout or run. but of course... you can always find somebody singing some weird shit in the...
  14. beef

    Why Apple rocks!

    Thanks for the advice... but you know... like the wise old guy that passed out said, Patience is a virtue... and... looks like that's a feature missing in the OS running in my brain...:( come to think of it, it's not really a System that's running there... maybe I'll do it during the...
  15. beef

    Why Apple rocks!

    I think I have had this a few times before with my 17" that I bought with G4 AGP. (the older Studio Display that isn't LCD, the one that doesn't have transparent back). Anyway, after a few of these, the monitor can't do any refreshing rate over 60Hz. Now, the thing is old, and it's...
  16. beef

    Why Apple rocks!

    well, sometimes I wonder if the rules & laws are there to protect or to punish... and man... can somebody bring Einstein back please... he can probably figure out the formula for calculating punitive damage... it seems to expand at exponential rate... man... this isn't related at all...
  17. beef

    Best pc emulator.

    yes, you can. hmm... this is the shortest I've written here
  18. beef

    Why Apple rocks!

    I wish I could put De Niro voice... in any case, are you talking to me? when you say "you", are you referring to me? I dont' get you bro. I didn't write my take on the case, so I dunno what you're talking about. I'm not white, I'm not black, I live in the US now and I've never felt...
  19. beef

    [HOWTO] - Enable double arrows in Finder windows

    this Arrows at both ends can be done using TinkerTool 2. I like the terminal and CLI... I use PropertyListEditor, too... the change can be made easily using either... but TinkerTool let's you make other changes as well, so I recommend you download it if you haven't done so already... and...
  20. beef

    Why Apple rocks!

    this nice company called Apple got sued for racial discrimination... the dude's asking ro $40 million.:eek:,1367,48154,00.html