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  1. M

    killing ads with hosts/NetInfo IE issue

    Why not post in the forums for that article? or e-mail the author of the article? Why didn't you ask on there message board first?
  2. M

    To run a server...

    The best/cheapest solution is to use Zone Edit. They act as the DNS server and can point your domain to your IP, and also offer e-mail forwarding so will go do another e-mail account. ZoneEdit is free for the first 5 zones (Zones meaning first 5 domains you use with them).
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    To run a server...

    Mac OS X Client, is a full fledged webserver. I have Apache/PHP/MySQL running on my computer along with 8 sites. You need to get dirty with the apache config file, and setup virtual hosts. This will allow you do host multiple domains from one IP, or unique IP's for each site hosted. To get...
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    Mac Simplicity Shoot Out Video

    I have that video, along with a tone of other "Apple Commercials."
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    Looking for Writers for my site

    Hey all, I run and am looking for volunteer writers. If you are interested in writing about the Macintosh, or have always wanted to write, go to the site and click on the link for contacting macwrite about becoming a writer, or post here and ask any questions.
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    HOW TO STOP SPAM -- join the fight!

    Here's how i combat Junk e-mail •use Entourage spam filter, which catches 95 out of 100 junk e-mails •90% of my junk mal is through my ISP account, so I just delete it •if it is to my domain name acocunt, then I keep the junk mail, and once a week or so (since I may only get 10 junkmails a...
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    Apple sued over G3 support

    I did add a Radeon to my Mac along with upgrading to 416MB RAM. I was egearly awaiting Mac OS X for Apache/PHP/MySQL. This year I would like to learn PHP/MySQL so I may be able to get work and work from home. on my mom's 1999 iMac DV SE 400, it runs a bit slow (in fact slower in some...
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    Apple sued over G3 support

    on May 11, 1998, i watched the downlink keynote of WWDC 98, where Steve Jobs announced Mac OS X. He said Also Steve Jobs said that Mac OS X would ship in Fall of 1999. based on that information, when my slow PowerBase 180 was dieing (only after 18 minths), I decided to beg my mom to let me...
  9. M

    [HOWTO] - Setup PHP & MySQL

    Actually that is how it works. Know how i know? I actaully did it. After a 10.1 Clean install, I opened up httpd.conf uncommentedthe following lines, restarted Apache and BOOM. PHPworked. LoadModule php4_module libexec/httpd/ AddModule mod_php4.c AddType...
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    [HOWTO] - Setup PHP & MySQL

    Or you could just uncomment the php lines in the httpd.conf, add index.php to the line with index.htm index.html, and PHP will work.
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    Mac webhosting ( and they even LOOK cool!)

    They look almost identical to • • • My site was sponsered by them last year, and I had nothing but trouble. Then I read report after report about how the owner is a carn artist and was screwing alot of people. I bought a...
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    The BIG OS 10.2 thread...

    •Offload as much Quartz/GUI stuff to hardware excelleration as possible. I adding a Radeon PCI to my Beige G3 this week (have a Rage II+ 2MB), and want to see as much hardware excelleration as possible.
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    Should I get a Radeon for my Beige?

    What's in the box with the radeon PCI? Software and connectors? Any Games (I heard Quake 2 is included).
  14. M

    The BIG OS 10.2 thread...

    •Virtual Desktops •Remote login (VNC) like in WinXP for supporting the family member who doesn't know how to use a computer :D •Dramticly improved Radeon Support (I am getting one today (ordering), and saying good-bye to my Rage II+ with 2MB vram). I work @11152x870 •Labels •Fix the drawing...
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    Starcraft X out!

    Now how about WarCraft I/II. and how about Carmageddon I/II?
  16. M

    gNat, Brickhouse, geeRoute: Router help!!!

    Rewad Damien Gallops series on Mac Security Je talks about how to setup a Router and how to use Brickhouse. In my opinion, the best thing to do is go out and get a DLink router which has a hardware firewall and that DSL connects to and then your computers connect to the hub part of the Dlink...
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    Should I get a Radeon for my Beige?

    I am going to just get the Radeom PCI. How will it help with these games preformance? •Quake •Carmageddon I •Carmageddon II •Myth I •Unreal •DukeNukem3D •Quest for Glory V Will the QuickDraw 3D excelleration help with games that don't used OpenGL?
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    IpNetRouter in OS X

    Simple get Brick House. It has built in Internet sharing and is also the top Firewall for X (GUI Interface).
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    Jaguar - Mac OS X 10.2

    I would like to see: •Video out (mirring etc) for RCA out for the people with personality cards •Startup and Shutdown in the Energy control panel •When clock launches on login for it to keep it's preferences (not defaulting back to the dock) •More optimazation for better preformance...
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    Anyone know alot about firewalls?

    you should read Damien Gallops series on Mac Security It will help you configure Brickhouse and show you the differences between all the difference firewalls for Mac OS X.