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  1. M

    How to activate CGI and server includes ? I have an article about activating CGI and SSI in Apache there.
  2. M

    Heres how to get apache with php working without editing the httpd.conf file

    check this article out. it makes getting apache with php working so simple. and you won't even need to edit the httpd.conf file or move the php.ini file!!!
  3. M

    Turning Mac OS X into a Lean Mean Webserving machine (apache, PHP, MySQL)

    I am writing a series on 'Turning Mac OS X into a Lean Mean Web Serving Machine" this will help everyone compile the latest apache, install php, and mysql, activate ssi, and cgi, and read the httpd.conf file and more. it also will show you how to compile php without needing to move that php...
  4. M

    Compiling Apache 1.3.9 on MacOX 1.0

    I had this problem too. the simple asnswer is to install the dev tools, which will give you all the darwin compiler tools. I did the stepwise steps, but and still getting apache 1.3.14 I even tried ripping out apache and restarting the computer and server and still am getting apache 1.3.14...
  5. M

    hiding directories from users - huh?

    All I can say for edtiting unix files, is BBEdit. I use it all the time (apache.conf is the only file I play with, and I live in root) If I try to edit apache.conf from my user account, I can't. I will never use a CLI text editor.
  6. M

    My screen shots

    in 4K60 or 4K17 which ever one you got.
  7. M

    My screen shots

    I want to see the web server gui. I want to see if they added anything to it! I am going crazy!
  8. M

    Getting Apache webserver to run on OS X PB

    if you just turn on the wwb server in the service tab, cgi and Server Side Includes will not work. You need to edit the apache.conf file. I of course wrote a tutorial on how to get CGI and SSI working with Apache in OS X B. go to The column has helped alot of...
  9. M

    Getting Apache webserver to run on OS X PB

    if you just turn on the wwb server in the service tab, cgi and Server Side Includes will not work. You need to edit the apache.conf file. I of course wrote a tutorial on how to get CGI and SSI working with Apache in OS X B. go to The column has helped alot of...
  10. M


    iTunes 2.0 will indeed ship with OS X Final on the CD on March 24th. Why 2.0? well Apple only had a month to build iTunes from when it aquired SoundJam. iTunes is indeed lacking like •no base/treble controls •no equilzer •no equilizer presets •No broadcast for MP3 streaming and varies...
  11. M

    Here's how to get SSI and CGI working with apache and Mac OS X PB

    I have written a column detailing how to get SSI and CGI running under OS X B with apache goto.
  12. M

    New Mac OS X Column Series Debuts

    I just thought you all might want to know about a new column series devoted to Mac OS X . Today on Mac Write "The Undiscovered Country" Debuts. check it out at
  13. M

    CGI returns Internal Error

    I am trying out the free UltimateBB and when I use the hello.cgi test CGI, I get "Internal Error". you can see it at the permissions are set to 755 and when I check the error log, this is what I get. [Sun Oct 15 21:50:25 2000] [error] [client...