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  1. S


    You want Apple Software Restore (available on restore CDs or downloadable from Apple). It also comes with a scripting addition for Disk Copy (comes with the OS). You drop the script in a scripts folder in your Disk Copy folder. Then you make a disk image with Disk Copy and process it with the...
  2. S

    Java bundling question

    In case anyone cares, quoting these parameters is impossible. According to Tech Note 2031, Property Defaults arguments Function Space-separated list of arguments which are parsed to build the String[] passed to main For now, I am passing...
  3. S

    Java bundling question

    Using MRJAppBuilder, I am trying to build bundles out of the Citrix Java ICA client, but I am stuck on a parameters issue. What I want to do is pass parameters for an ICA published application. I enter the correct syntax (i.e. the parameters that work when I run the class from the command line)...
  4. S

    Why do they hate us?

    Curling? ;)
  5. S

    Apple will charge us for 10.2.

    Actually, Gil Amelio renamed System 7.7 to MacOS 8 in order to get out of the unprofitable licensing agreements Mike Spindler had concluded with the clone makers. Amelio then negotiated profitable deals for the "new" OS. shortly thereafter, the board canned him and Jobs reneged on the contracts.
  6. S

    Getting Bosch to work (free PC emulator)

    Turned out my problem was with the bundle build not the linking. That's all set now. But when I create a drive image and fdisk it, format c: /s fails to sys it. The image is unwritable. Permissions are OK. Anybody have any hints?
  7. S

    New Virtual PC alternative?

    Turned out my problem was with the bundle build not the linking. That's all set now. But when I create a drive image and fdisk it, format c: /s fails to sys it. The image is unwritable. Permissions are OK. Anybody have any hints?
  8. S

    New Virtual PC alternative?

    With Carbon support? Did you add any options other than --with-carbon? Did you use their .conf.macosx configure script (not that there is much to it)? I have no problem compiling for X11. Actually, I have no problem compiling at all, but the library builds is hosed and returns a...
  9. S

    Getting Bosch to work (free PC emulator)

    I have been trying to compile this for about a week. Has anybody had any luck building it with Carbon support? In the past, I have had success under X. I configure it with carbon support and make it without error. But when I run the binary, it errors out with: failed assertion "gCTable !=...
  10. S

    New Virtual PC alternative?

    I have been trying to compile this for about a week. Has anybody had any luck building it with Carbon support? In the past, I have had success under X. I configure it with carbon support and make it without error. But when I run the binary, it errors out with: failed assertion "gCTable !=...
  11. S

    Two petitions Type/Creator vs. Suffix

    The reason I care is that the different systems have different capablities. Bundling and forking, or any method that ties metadata to the data, is inherently portable. If that metadata is tied to the file system it is also tied to the machine. [B] I wish it were journaling. [B]...
  12. S

    Two petitions Type/Creator vs. Suffix

    Probably. The OS considers and foo.txt different names. But if it is hiding extensions, they appear to the user as foo and foo. Blech! Extension hiding is also a good way to slip malicious scripts onto people's windows boxes. Foo.txt.scr appears as Foo.txt when Windows is hiding extensions.
  13. S

    Two petitions Type/Creator vs. Suffix

    [/B] What I have never liked about that approach is the lack of modularity. Apps and systems should not need to write to data containers to record metadata. Just as more data is generally better, so too is more abstraction. I got in a big discussion over this with a friend who develops for...
  14. S

    Two petitions Type/Creator vs. Suffix

    Exactly what scripting functionality did DOS have that was superior to Applescript? I don't use Applescript in my work, and am no expert, but it always struck me as a pretty impressive environment. Unbelievably easy to learn and reasonably powerful. I knew people who made a living writing CGI's...
  15. S

    Two petitions Type/Creator vs. Suffix

    Exactly when did they remove forked file support from HFS? My memory is that HFS+ actually expanded it to n-forked files. So give them zips or gzipped tarballs. This whole debate is just silly. OSX currently has the best metadata support of any OS on the market, via plists and forked...
  16. S

    That annoying little code red

    LOL! If you have Perl skills, learning bourne, awk and sed is the least of your problems. From what I can see (just picking Perl up), Perl does all they do plus a whole lot more. Your ahead of the game.
  17. S

    emacs with X11

    No reason to be sorry. I already nm'ed LibXpm and got the same value as you. That is what I meant when I said the function was defined in the library.
  18. S

    emacs with X11

    I believe libxpm comes as part of XFree86 4.x. (which I assume you have installed if you are looking to run emacs under X) At any rate, I have it but have been having a similar problem compiling x3270. ld seems to think that _XpmReadFileTo Pixmap is not defined. However, it is in the library...
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    Where can I find this carbonized BOCHS? I didn't see anything on the MacBOCHS home page or sourceforge. Googling failed.
  20. S

    emacs with X11

    Sorry, not thinking (or reading) straight. :-P