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  1. S

    Need a window manager

    You can get the patched XDarwin here (might be a little old): I think it is still on parker's site as well, but the link is awol. You'll need XFree864.0.3 or better. I haven't tried it with 4.1.
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    emacs with X11

    Is 21.4.3 OK? If so, take a look at Greg Parker's port here:
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    os X and IPSec

    I think it is just an API at this point. So if you know anything about IPSec and Cocoa, and can find the documentation on Apple's developer site...
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    It doesn't need Intel, but it does need an x86 compatible CPU. VMware is a proprietary product that only ships in binary form. It will not run under OSX. OTOH, now that BOCHS is GPLed, you could theoretically port it to run under X on OSX.
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    Need a window manager

    Maybe I have just forgotten where I got the rootless stuff. Not unlikely, really. What switches did you add to the startx command? I run it thusly: startx -- -quartz -rootless although I am fairly positive Parker's directions originally told me to run it as startx -- -quartz -aqua, which did...
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    remote X session

    Can you desribe the failure mode? Are there any error messages? Have you checked your config files to make sure X forwarding is not disabled? It isn't so much the X sesion data I care about. I just don't like passing clear text passwords. Although, on a switched network, there isn't much...
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    Need a window manager

    Try sourceforge. This is Greg Parker's own page-
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    remote X session

    Most ssh setups, including the default compile of the proprietary version, not only automatically port forward X, they take care of access control and set your display variable. This means you can just ssh in to the remote host and start an X client (application). No need to type anything else...
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    remote X session

    Sounds like an access control issue. Did you "xhost hermione" before logging in? That should do the trick.
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    SNMP in OS X

    I have only played with InterMapper a couple of times, but my network achitect loves it. It is very simple to install and configure. And the price-performance really stood out back when we bought. Best of all, it is Mac only so we got to tell the CIO (since fired) and watch his face turn purple...
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    10.0.4 Update broke Citrix under Classic

    Hi Klink: Thanks for the reply. My problem turned out to be my firewall rules. I must have changed them (on three machines!) and forgotten. The only other explanation would be that 10.0.4 changed them, and that ain't the case. I'd be interested in knowing how you got Citrix 6.0 to work at...
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    Need a window manager

    Speaking of which. Does anybody have any idea why TWM is the only window manager that will run rootless for me? Afterstep (1.8.0) kills Xfree with no useful errors. Enlightenment (0.16.5) loads, starts up its default startup apps than dies similarly. Fvwm2 (2.2.4) starts up but will not let...
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    Shutting down Gui

    Almost forgot...with the Linux kernel you get multiple virtual terminals. Each function key gives you a new login. Very useful in text mode. Even better if your X session locks up and you don't have a means of network access for purposes of process killing. Like if you were running it on a...
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    Shutting down Gui

    I bought a TiBook to run LinuxPPC. But while waiting I started working with OSX on another machine. I liked it so much I dropped the whole idea of GNU/Linux on the TiBook. Part of this decision stemmed from the quality of the Classic implementation, which I prefer to Mac-On-Linux. Another part...
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    No TiBook keyboard response in X Windows

    [/B] I have had this problem. XDarwin was not loading a useable keyboard map. Open your XDarwin prefs and make sure the keymapping: load from file option is checked. The default, /System/Library/Keyboards/USA.keymapping works for me.
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    OS X & mounting AppleTalk or Netware network drives

    Probably. Although you might be able to simply untar the source, cd into it and: ./configure ppc make make install Seems unlikely, since I can't find any web reference to using the package under BSD. My BSD ignorance is only exceeded by my Novell ignorance. [B] Perspective is...
  17. S

    Has anybody successfully compiled x3270?

    Howardm4: Can you tell me what rev of the source you used and where you got it? Thanks.
  18. S

    OS X & mounting AppleTalk or Netware network drives

    Well, there is a Linux Novell client called ncpfs. You could try porting that. Netmare 3.x does not serve AFP over IP (essentially Appleshare/IP). So you are out of luck there. And to be honest, the AFP/IP client in OSX seems pretty finicky anyway. It doesn't like my Netatalk servers at all...
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    Has anybody successfully compiled x3270?

    Yeah, the library in question seems to be libXpm.a, which exists in /usr/X11R6/lib. On the hunch that something was screwing up the lib path set in the makefile, I edited in the explicit path. But it made no difference. It strikes me as odd that x3270 wants xpm support. Maybe I should just...
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    10.0.4 Update broke Citrix under Classic

    I was running The Citrix Client for MacOS 4.1 (build 36) under 10.0.3 Classic without problems. Since I upgraded to 10.0.4 (on three machines) the app runs normally, but it can't find the servers (IPs are in the preferences). Very strange. There may be somthing else going on here, but so far...