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  1. quiksan picture association thread

    i tried to find a pool in a car, but the otherway around is even funnier
  2. quiksan

    Interview the person beneath you

    depends what unsafe looks like... ;) what do you consider "unsafe"? (I think anyplace could be deemed unsafe in this day/age)
  3. quiksan

    hole in tft-screen : will screen still work?

    DeltaMac - thanks for the clarification. I done got learned somethin new today! :) Maybe he wants to see whos walking up to him while he's on the computer. A strategically placed hole in your display will let you see right through to the otherside. Not everyone realizes that... lol...
  4. quiksan

    hole in tft-screen : will screen still work?

    I plead ignorance, so forgive me if I'm incorrect, but arri mentioned it was a TFT - isn't that different from a LCD? again, I don't know the facts, but just pointing out the semantics.
  5. quiksan

    iLife '05 Shipping!!!

    my father in law ordered his and is having it shipped to him in florida where he'll be vacationing. lol it's gonna beat him there since it's shipping early. funny thing, he's down there almost every time a new software pkg from Apple ships. He got Jaguar delivered to him while down there...
  6. quiksan

    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    Is it pretty typical of you to take a picture of yourself before work Arden? :) I mean, I understand checking yourself in the mirror ("wow, I look good!") before leaving, but a picture? lol
  7. quiksan

    hole in tft-screen : will screen still work?

    ok, enough with the secrecy - why on earth do you have a PURPOSE to drill a hole in your screen? It's not like wood or metal where the portion being removed is just material, a display is lots of circuits, wiring, circuit board, etc all coming together as one thing. a dead pixel is one...
  8. quiksan

    FedEx just dropped off my Mac mini

    so I wonder - is it or could it be simple enough to share a BT keyboard/mouse between a Mac mini and another computer nearby? how could you switch the pairing... i guess just turn the bt off on the computer not being used...?
  9. quiksan

    powerbook dos and donts

    after about 2 years I've noticed my powerbook's keyboard lifting slightly (at the arrows corner especially). I don't know how to prevent this...any tips people? my screen's a little marked-up - I haven't put anything between to protect it - but it's not bad. more like smudging. a good...
  10. quiksan

    Hackers The Movie.

    yeah, but at least they used the appropriate values (128, 1024, etc) instead of 1000bit or something like that.
  11. quiksan

    When is iLife 05 / iWork released/shipping?

    my guess is that since it's been announced (and ships early next week) that you would get a free credit for the iLife '05 package if you were to buy your new computer this week, prior to ship date. don't quote me. course, there are reports that the mac minis are already shipping (a week...
  12. quiksan

    Hackers The Movie.

    yeah, it's entertaining. I've got it. none of my friends like it, but who cares. soundtrack does rock!
  13. quiksan

    MS Spyware App removes IE

    It's satire of course, but hilarious! funny [fictional] quote from the short 'article': "I tried to check the weather this morning and all my little blue "e" icons were missing. I couldn't get to the Internet at all. I guess I'll...
  14. quiksan

    iPhoto '05 folders... hierarchical??!!

    for those unaware - you can (currently in iPhoto) select multiple pics in iPhot and CTRL click to get a BATCH UPDATE screen - you can mass update titles, comments, etc. pretty handy
  15. quiksan

    Mini mac display - is this possible?

    so kind of a wireless tablet interface to the macmini sitting on a desk somewhere nearby? cool idea. amazing the ideas and innovations already being dreamt-up from this one Apple product that's not even available to the public yet. Go Apple.
  16. quiksan

    iPhoto '05 folders... hierarchical??!!

    holy crap that would be sick. great thoguht anychrist - hope it works out that way. yeah, I've been wanting subfolders in iPhoto for a couple years. I don't title and comment my pics as well as I should (usuallyonly the ones that get exported to Gallery get a metadata treatment) otherwise...
  17. quiksan

    Start up disk almost full.

    check out JDiskReport . Awesome java app available (free) for OS X. Scans your system, tells you the size of each directory (in simple to read pie chart layout) and then even tells you the % of each file type and how much space it's taking up. great for weeding out the stuff you forgot...
  18. quiksan

    Your Mac accidents

    2 boneheaded mistakes: 1 - decided to use some app off versiontracker to remove the extra language packs and regains ome space... I chose a bad option, and rendered my keyboard useless. luckily I'd run a full backup the previous night. reinstalled from scratch and all was well again. 2...
  19. quiksan

    Quicksilver & Konfabulator

    according to Alcor - the main QS developer, QS will always be free. he doesn't even take donations - asks that they be given to actual charities. pretty cool IMO.
  20. quiksan

    Why make the jump to Mac?

    everyone else has made good points that I'd have made also. couple other things to keep in mind: OS X is unix based, but with a sick GUI over top. So whether you're a power or a new user, you can get along with it simply, or get into the guts under the hood with the terminal and bash shell...