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  1. Pengu

    Can this LCD be used with a G5 Dual 2?

    that's a tv. it makes no mention of inputs. why not get a Cinema Display?
  2. Pengu

    Apples marketshare

    sorry i should have specified. I dont use the supplied XP discs. I use our Volume License disc, then use the "application recovery" disc or whatever it's called to install drivers/bundled apps.
  3. Pengu

    Apples marketshare

    oh. and i've installed NLD (Novell Linux Desktop - Suse 9 with some bundled novell stuff) without any particularly big issues (video drivers. but i've never seen a linux distro have optimised drivers that are REALLY EASY to install)
  4. Pengu

    Apples marketshare

    ok. its really not that hard to delete a partition. and. yes, i have "installed a system into a hp" (i assume you mean install an OS???) It's really very simple. install windows (if using it). put in driver/application cd. install desired components. enjoy. repeat in 3 months when daily use...
  5. Pengu

    NAT from 10.4 server going to pppoe external

    isn't there a new "gateway" wizard in 10.4?? i have simmilar setup with 10.3 server, but using ppp0 as outbound (no dsl/cable where i am : ( )
  6. Pengu

    Any way to convert .mdf to a Mac/Toast compatible format?
  7. Pengu

    Apples marketshare

    i still think HP is the way to go if forced (as i am) to use PCs (for work, etc)
  8. Pengu

    Problem with php (or apache) on my G5

    the change occurred in php 4.2 from Perhaps the most controversial change in PHP is when the default value for the PHP directive register_globals went from ON to OFF in PHP 4.2.0.
  9. Pengu

    Problem with php (or apache) on my G5

    you need to either: turn on REGISTER_GLOBALS or use super globals
  10. Pengu

    Quick 5.1 Sound Question

    i suggest you check out this: for digital surround or for analogue surround.
  11. Pengu

    Any way to convert .mdf to a Mac/Toast compatible format?

    duplicate the file and rename it to .ISO and try opening it with toast/disk util
  12. Pengu

    Running Windows On A Mac

    having said all that. i should mention that when actually testing on msie (i usually code and test on my g5, using standard code and then do periodic tests under xp) i use my hp laptop from work with xp and firefox, msie, netscape 8 (uses the firefox and msie rendering engines) and opera (if...
  13. Pengu

    Running Windows On A Mac

    another plus to using vpc: if you want colours to look right, you need a half-decent monitor. you already have that with your g5, so why have the bother of a second one for a crappy pc?
  14. Pengu

    Amazing keyboard design

    um. wireless would be cool. but a wired version with usb2 or firewire hub would be good. and i guess a driver would be able to "tell" the keyboard what app is active, and which keyboard set to load. i want one now damnit : (
  15. Pengu

    Cell Phone Contacts

    um. shouldnt they still be in your address book (on the mac)?? if not, try doing a "revert to backup" from isync..
  16. Pengu

    Protocol Binding(ex. Callto:// )

    checkout RCDefaultApp
  17. Pengu

    Running Windows On A Mac

    sorry. didnt read your last post fully. if you do get a "real" pc (honestly though. nothing that is called a 'cheap pc' is a real computer, now is it? :P) i would tend to use HP or IBM. we use them at work (ugh. huge multi-campus educational novell/pc environment)
  18. Pengu

    Running Windows On A Mac

    ok. buying a pentium-2 pc is stupid. that WOULD be slower than vpc. a few tips, on windows in vpc, and MSIE. vpc/windows (assuming you're running xp): set the "performance" to "best performance" (from System control panel) to turn off ALL eye candy. disable screensaver, don't install...
  19. Pengu

    DVD Player 4.6.1 update

    submit a bug.
  20. Pengu

    IBM G5 Dual-Core 2.5 ghz

    dell have innovated exactly one thing: production line. they make lots of machines very cheaply. they offer big discounts and get lots of "bulk buy" deals. but. they're sh!thouse machines. and i think we'll probably find the biggest difference between a "PC" and a mac with intel, will be the...