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  1. S

    Transparent dock

    I have seen some screen shots in the forums showing a totally transparent dock. I just downloaded Visage, and although it makes the dock mostly transparent, there is still the border around it. How can I get rid of the border showing around the dock?
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    Netscape X

    Netscape X has been working very well and is considerably faster than OmniWeb when rendering pages, especially long forum pages. One thing I have noted is that when NS is in the background, and the mouse is clicked, the CPU usage will go to 100%. Just launch CPU monitor or Top in terminal and...
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    16 colors

    that would be too f'ing early, not to. Why must you always use that vernacular in your posts? :confused:
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    Longest Uptime??

    I will wait until the doc has refilled my scrip of Viagra to post my results.
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    iPod sound quality

    Although those ear buds sound good, they keep falling out of my ears. The sound using an inexpensive Sony headset (MDR-023) is awesome and I miss the darned phone ringing all the time!
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    Anyone tried this?

    This will be included in the next OS X 10.1.2 and for those with sufficient RAM like myself, I have not seen any subjective increase in speed.
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    Energy Saver

    I have been using X since the beginning and could never get Energy Saver to work right, particularly the ability to spin down the hard drive. Now, I find that it is working correctly on both cubes that I use. The only thing that I have done lately is install the DVD3 player update. It is...
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    WHY is window resizing so slow still in macos x and so fast in Windows 2000?

    go uoba:D look at this or here for more info about how fast things will go. By then, our windows resizing will be as smooth as Win2k. :p
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    WHY is window resizing so slow still in macos x and so fast in Windows 2000?

    And you are so smart you have to resort to calling me names. What does my comments about the future speeds of CPU have to do with my knowledge of processors? I know about clockless CPUs, but that has nothing to do with my comments. I was also building logic boards with discreet components using...
  10. S

    WHY is window resizing so slow still in macos x and so fast in Windows 2000?

    They said the same thing when processors were running at 12mhz back on the 80286. Reaching the 100mhz barrier was unachievable, in their minds. They also said Apple was dead too. Believe what you want, it will happen. Why can't you accept this? Whatever, dude. I have been there when saving...
  11. S

    WHY is window resizing so slow still in macos x and so fast in Windows 2000?

    It would have just been another hack onto the 17 year old OS we all have grown to love.:rolleyes: When you use OS several years from now, the reasons will be apparent why things are different today. In 3-4 years, processors will run at 25+ghz, the data bus will be at some...
  12. S

    WHY is window resizing so slow still in macos x and so fast in Windows 2000?

    There was a small program that would turn off all of the eye candy, and it did improve the speed somewhat subjectively on slower G3s. But the lack of the real X interface (eye candy) made it really bad to look at. No shadowing, no anti-aliasing, no Quartz, yadayada. The best way to improve...
  13. S


    I have not had experience with the specific IDE raid you mentioned, but have had some with others. An IDE raid 5 installed in a 500mhz PeeCee did not even come close to a single 7500rpm SCSI-2 drive of the same size. It was easily 30-40% less capability in performance of the SCSI. If you want...
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    Log in as root and change permissions access from there. Can you access the "Ignore Privileges on this volume" using the Get Info command ?
  15. S

    The BIG OS 10.2 thread...

    Hey Sim, "we" are not all wrong. I never said that, in fact have the same subjective opinion you do. So some of them are wrong, not all.
  16. S

    The BIG OS 10.2 thread...

    How is it you have to click twice in the dock to launch an app? Something is wrong if you have to do that. For apps that are not in the dock and I use infrequently, I use recent items and have it set for 50 apps (although I would like more). Granted it isn't as fast as being in the Apple menu...
  17. S

    Palm, HotSync, Classic

    I have found that the visor cradle will only work 100% when plugged directly into the computer. Plugging it into the end of the keyboard yields connection problems when downloading certain apps or data into my prism. So if you are having problems, and have it connected to the keyboard, plug it...
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    no... i am not crazy

    Others have tried, but failed. Some may have actually succeeded, but I am not aware of any. You must boot from the CD, AFAIK
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    There is NO way an IDE RAID will outperform a SCSI raid with similar drives of capacity and speed. Actually you can get faster IDE drives and it still won't outperform a SCSI raid. This is especially true in Windows NT, where an IDE requires so much more processor power to function as compared...
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    More Evidence for Slowness of X

    What simX said about OS 9 hits the nail on the head. Many apps written for OS 9 or its earlier siblings could easily hog the CPU, leaving all other running processes waiting. When I go to my iMac, still running OS 9.2.1 for testing purposes, I get frustrated when I try to do something and the...