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  1. B word association!

  2. B

    The Question-Question Thread

    When was that decided?
  3. B

    Interview the person beneath you

    28. What do you think of Bush?
  4. B word association!

  5. B

    The Question-Question Thread

    Are we not agreed that Clippy's crimes are commonly known?
  6. B

    The Question-Question Thread

    Shouldn't that be ultimately decided by a jury?
  7. B

    The Question-Question Thread

    Wouldn't that be virtual murder?
  8. B

    Interview the person beneath you

    Oh yes on a few occasions. Have had my car broken into several times, and a few years ago some loser got in the house, robbed my PC, stereo, camera and a few other things. If you caught someone breaking into your house, would you approach them in any way?
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    The Question-Question Thread

    Why would we think that?
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    ThinkSecret getting sued again

    I always thought the role of the press was to wed out information that was not previously available to the public? Maybe the guy who actually leaked the info might possibly deserve some kind of reaction for Apple. Not ThinkSecret though. They just published what they were told. I suppose if...
  11. B

    $499 Mac on MWSF'05?

    Whatever Apple's real reasons are, they are definately getting more publicity form these law suits. I read BBC news several times a day, and can't remember seeing any rumors on their site although there have been several Apple/Steve Jobs related articles. I know several PC type folk who also...
  12. B

    $499 Mac on MWSF'05?

    On the other hand, these rumours give them more publicity. Filing a suit sort of confirms that Apple has at least developed these products. The latest article is on CNet, BBC, NYTimes and many others. How many none Apple users are aware of these products now than would have been if the rumour...
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    ThinkSecret getting sued again

    Forgot the link sorry...
  14. B

    Interview the person beneath you

    G5 Powerbook. What's the most you've personally ever spent on software?
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    The Question-Question Thread

    If it's not, what is it?
  16. B

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    No, I pushed myself off of that years ago. Listening to Marc Van Linden - LH3293
  17. B

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    Maybe it's some form of sound addiction. Listening to my iPod at full volume normally sends me off :confused:
  18. B

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    Does anyone ever find that they don't actually need audible music to 'listen' to music? I hear tunes allday long in my head. Currently hearing Narcotic Thrust - When The Dawn Breaks
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    ThinkSecret getting sued again

    CNet is reporting that Apple is sueing the owner of the ThinkSecret website along with three other unnamed individuals over yet more leaked 'trade secrets'. The article notes that iLife 05 and the 'headless iMac' were mentioned in the legal documents, but no details were confirmed to be...
  20. B

    The Question-Question Thread

    Who's CQ?