Search results

  1. Solaris

    tired of this CRAP

    If you want to remove the folders: (as root or sudo...) find / -name .DS_Store -exec rm -rf {} \; However, there is probably a good reason for this folder being there...
  2. Solaris

    lpr printing, anyone got it to work?

    I've got it working on a network hp laserjet 4 plus and 5m and a lexmark optra c. No wucking furries!
  3. Solaris

    The BIG OS 10.2 thread...

    64bit OS for the G5:D :D (but will run in 32bit mode for the G4). That will give REAL speed; 64bit altivec running at 3GHz!!!!!!
  4. Solaris

    AOL UK abandons Mac OS X

    I have BT evening and weekend internet which does not work on bank holidays. On bank holidays I go down to ASDA and pick up a trial AOL cd and join up for the day. I ring them up and cancel it at the end of the day. The fact they haven't picked up on this shows you how much they suck!
  5. Solaris

    Clock and date resetting to 1969??

    Just a bit of general unix info: 1 Jan 1970 is the unix epoch. The unix date command works out how many seconds have passed since 00:00:00 1 Jan 1970. eg: [localhost:~] spencer% date -r 1000000000 Sun Sep 9 01:46:40 GMT 2001 That was the 'bi-lennium' that passed recently. So when...
  6. Solaris

    System Clean up

    Script started on Sun Nov 11 21:23:56 2001 [localhost:~] spencer% cd Desktop [localhost:~/Desktop] spencer% ls -al total 24 drwx------ 3 spencer staff 264 Nov 11 20:51 . drwxr-xr-x 16 spencer staff 500 Nov 11 21:23 .. -rw-rw-rw- 1 spencer staff 8196 Nov 11 20:14 .DS_Store...
  7. Solaris

    Apple A/UX (Apple's old Unix Software)

    A/UX is SVR4 isn't it? I wonder what real advantage BSD (OS X) has over SVR4 (Solaris, Linux)?
  8. Solaris

    iTunes 2: did it erase your HD or not?

    Did anyone read my earlier post? :mad: I think I'll crawl back under that rock I came from!
  9. Solaris

    iTunes 2: did it erase your HD or not?

    The installer was designed to look for the old version of iTunes and delete it. Apparently the problem was caused by not enclosing the variable for the disk in quotes. old version: #!/bin/sh # if iTunes application currently exists, delete it if [ -e $2Applications/ ] ...
  10. Solaris

    Erk DVD region code and 10.1 !!?

    I have heard that when the region is changed in 10.1's DVD player, the region is not saved (firmware updated) until the player is quit. If you don't quit, but use the terminal to kill the PID (probably with a -9 as a TERM signal will attempt to let the player quit gracefully) you get...
  11. Solaris

    Post your REAL desktop!

    More coffee!! :D
  12. Solaris

    Hosts files?

    There is a /etc/hosts file in OS X, but is only used in single user mode. In multiuser mode Netinfo looks after all that stuff. Have a look in /machines/localhost in Netinfo. You can duplicate the localhost entry and change the values to suit.
  13. Solaris

    Can't make it work!

    I have a powerbook G4. I had a problem with sleep only once (just after installing 10.1), when the computer hung, but the screen was black (no sleep light). I have not had the problem since and don't know what caused it. With the trash problem, it's not the good old "the item is locked" issue?
  14. Solaris

    It's HERE: iPod

    What did everyone expect? Jobs to pull a rabbit out of a hat? It's not a bad piece of kit. Though as I and many others have learned, I won't be buying one 6 months or so (when an updated version with extra bells and whistles is released).
  15. Solaris

    Go Apple Go Apple !!!!!

    Whatever IT is it will be usable by non mac users (get 'em hooked), but will be sooooooo much better with a mac (up that marketshare).
  16. Solaris

    Terminal: 'time'

    A load average is an indication of how busy you machine is over time. Depending on the setup the 3 figures are: now, 5 mins ago, 10 mins ago (or something like that. You also see then in top. In general a load average < 3 = :D But this varies depending on the normal workload of your machine.
  17. Solaris

    very slow file transfer from OSX to win2000

    I'm only running 9.2.1 at the moment so I can't verify these following commands. If anyone else can be of any help please do :) Anyway... Use netstat -i <interface> to show the network traffic across the interface while copying a file. Look to see if you are getting any collisions...
  18. Solaris

    very slow file transfer from OSX to win2000

    I'm not sure, it may be that you are only connected at half duplex. Is the slowness in both or only one direction?
  19. Solaris

    MacOS Uptodate (in UK)

    I phoned in to order my update from the UK applestore the day it was announced. I'm still waiting. I phoned a few days ago and they said there was a 12 day lead time so I should get a confirmation email very soon. The resellers in the uk seem to be stalling out by only giving the update cd...
  20. Solaris

    When will u change yr Ti?

    Not for years! I shelled out a lot of cash for mine, and I've got a Firewire CD-RW. I've upgraded the RAM to 512 so that should last for ages. All I need now is an airport card and base station (if the wife will let me :D ).