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  1. C

    More Mac Vs. PC Ammo Fer Ya

    No offence taken. I have a mac at home too. Its old. A G3 with 384mb ram running 10.2. The thing with buying a mac is that its a lot easier getting a decent computer.. I can agree with that. Buying a PC is a lot bigger gamble because if you're not someone who builds a computer, its hard to tell...
  2. C

    More Mac Vs. PC Ammo Fer Ya

    All I was getting at was that in relation to the build PC, the dual 1.8 is pretty basic as far as computers go. So comparing computer, you'd have to compare similarly equipped machines. Now if the dual 1.8 had a 9800pro and dual 200gig IDE with raid, then I'd say it was more than basic.
  3. C

    More Mac Vs. PC Ammo Fer Ya

    I can get XP Pro for $180 but thats fine, close enough. Compared to a dual channel 15k scsi system with a more powerful video card, the powermac in this case is a basic system. Subtract the SCSI card, drives and leave only the IDE drive, then pull the 9800pro and put in a 9600pro. Actually...
  4. C

    More Mac Vs. PC Ammo Fer Ya

    Thats right. I did forget to mention.The OSX version we use in the office is 10.2. There is one new laptop that has 10.3. So far no issues except for a strange networking issue when connecting to an NT4 domain. Aside from this I cant say much other than I have not seen 10.3 on that laptop hang...
  5. C

    More Mac Vs. PC Ammo Fer Ya

    Quilly, We dont use OSX as servers here but I get called frequently to help users with computers that appear to be locked up or just spinning beachball. Sometimes I can force quit and othertimes not. There seems to be more OSX problems on the notebooks than desktops. As for our servers...
  6. C

    More Mac Vs. PC Ammo Fer Ya

    The first question about the PC competing against the Mac in the photoshop CS - price wise. Well this is what the system was and how much it cost (in canadian $$) Abit IC7 mainboard ($169) Intel P4 3.0C 800Mhz FSB ($308) Dual 512mb DDR400 OCZ Platinum ($449) Adaptec 39160 dual U160 SCSI...
  7. C

    More Mac Vs. PC Ammo Fer Ya

    I will disagree. Anytime you buy anything that is made well and functions well, you will like it. Making a blanket statement like PC people dont like PCs dont really make sense. I really like my PCs and so do all my friends. Maybe its because we build our own but if I bought a high end 3Ghz or...
  8. C

    More Mac Vs. PC Ammo Fer Ya

    Ok just changed screen res to 1280x1024 and it did not make any difference so my time is still 30 seconds for the P4. Just figured I'd update.
  9. C

    More Mac Vs. PC Ammo Fer Ya

    The Dual G5 1.8 has 1 Gig RAM. My P4 also has 1 Gig . The benchmark I ran was an action file from the website Its a collection of different filters I guess. I timed the G5 which took 29 seconds to complete the test. My P4 with HT enabled took 30 seconds. With HT off it took 33...
  10. C

    More Mac Vs. PC Ammo Fer Ya

    Actually, never mind. The dual 1.8 is only a tiny bit faster than a 3.0Ghz P4 with HT. I had my HT off for testing and forgot about it. Enabled it and find the difference is about 3% in favor of the dual 1.8. Still its a fast machine. I'd suspect a dual 2.0Gig to be about the same speed as a...
  11. C

    More Mac Vs. PC Ammo Fer Ya

    Maybe the editor and Cheif of PCWorld doesnt know anything either ;) No but seriously, does anyone really care? Not to sound harsh but everyone has their preference. I'm primarily a PC guy because I enjoy being able to put stuff together and know that if a year or two down the road, the...
  12. C

    What? Repair Permissions again?

    Maybe its just me but I find the file systems Apple releases to be less robust than others. I mean both OS9 and X have problems that need to frequently be repaired. I am primarily a PC user but do have a G3 450 with 384mb ram running 10.2 right now. I've used OS/2 2.1 and 3.0 for a few...
  13. C

    Cooling element graphic card broke!

    To be honest, its not normal and I can think of a reason why it would have fallen off like that. Its generally quite difficult to pry the heatsink off once any adhesive dries. I dont think that would happen again if you clean the heatsink/chip and re-glue it with the right thermal adhesives...
  14. C

    Cooling element graphic card broke!

    Thats the heatsink for the video card. The aluminum touches the black chip, this way the heat travels from the chip into the aluminum and keeps it much cooler than if it had no heatsink. I wouldnt want to really run the machine without the heatsink in place because it may lead to damage of the...
  15. C

    Me PC guy but wondering why...

    Oh ya the Thermaltakes are pretty insane. A little over the top for the way it looks (Red/black or blue/black) with a window..etc. I'm not much of a fan for that but if the display actually does give any usable info, then thats pretty cool.
  16. C

    Me PC guy but wondering why...

    Well that is true, I agree that maybe my uses are a little different. I guess I was making a big deal out of it because I was disappointed because Apple released a powerful new machine with multiple drive bays..etc and again neglected to include something so basic. Not like I actually use the...
  17. C

    Me PC guy but wondering why...

    Somehow it doesnt seem very wise to steal CPU cycles as small as they may be to show a disk light when one can be had for free through hardware thats already there. Also just because there is a light does not mean that its degrading the appearance of the box. I mean its not flashing for no...
  18. C

    Me PC guy but wondering why...

    Apple has never put a hard disc activity light on the computer or keyboard or somewhere. I think its pretty useful. I know there are disc light programs that flash something on the screen but why no real light? I find it useful to see if a program has actually stopped responding (if its a...
  19. C

    Mac faster than PC?

    Its funny but I actually disable the 'themes' service so that XP starts to look more like win2k. It speeds up just a tad after that. I have used OSX on a 1Ghz G4 with a GF4 MX and it was not bad. I mean slower than a 1Ghz PC but kinda OK to use in terms of GUI speed. I dont know if the...
  20. C

    Mac faster than PC?

    I believe that under XP or 2000, the slowdown in the UI is due to lack of RAM and hard drive swapping. As long as you're not swapping, there is no reason for the UI to be slow. Also, the number one thing that makes any system feel slow is the hard disk. So if you're going to end up swapping...