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  1. J

    RAM not showing up after repair

    My Powerbook had 1.5gb of RAM in it, which wasw working fine. My CD drive went pear shaped at Christmas, so I took it to the Regent Street Apple store, they fixed it pretty fast, but it always seems a little slowers. I checked today, and it only registered 512mb RAM, so I took it apart and both...
  2. J

    iWork 2.0?

    Personally, I'd loved a decent Project Management App. that intergrates fully with iCal, Mail and Address book, like Entourage, but better, obviously, with the usefulness of smart folders etc. And all possible to sync to my iDisk. Now that would be something I'd be very interested in.
  3. J

    BBC on Apple's Latest

    NIce little article on the good 'ol BBC.
  4. J

    iTunes user to sue Apple

    This is up there with sueing McDonlads for making you fat. Or divorcing your parents.
  5. J

    Dumb RAM Question

    Great! Thanks for that. They are both PC2700, so it looks like I could be in luck. Cheers Jon
  6. J

    Dumb RAM Question

    Well tis the season to be jolly and all that, so my better half has bought me a whopper 1G of RAM for Christmas. We both have Powerbooks, mine is a 1Ghz 15", my partners is a 1.33Ghz 15". I was hoping I could take out my old 512mb RAM and put it in the other Powerbook, but have since noticed...
  7. J

    Good value online store?

    Can anyone recommend an online store that I can buy well priced 1Gig RAM for my Powerbook? The Apple store seems a little expensive. I'm based in the UK, but I guess anywhere in the world will do if it's cheap enough!
  8. J

    Web Developer Contracts

    After doing all the hard work of designing a couple of sites and drumming up a bit of business, I've now come to the stage where creating a Contract for clients to sign will be a must. I have no clue as to where to go for this. Can I write one myself? Or should I go to one of the websites...
  9. J

    Web Stats Software

    I have web analysis software with my site host already, which does a decent job. However I'd like to go into a little more detail. Is there a solution anyone can recommend, either software of internet based tools? Thanks Jon
  10. J

    Breaking away from your Mac.

    Well, thanks guys. It's reassurring to know that this is quite a common problem, and one that probably hasn't been publisised much yet as it's all still quite a new phenomenon. I'm a member of the local gym, so it looks like I'll have to start using that membership, and tell the other half to...
  11. J

    Adding a Latest News section.

    I'n in the middle of developing a relatively simple site. On the index page there is a 'latest news summary' section, that links to the main news page. Instead of updating the front page manually, what is the simplest way to code the page to automatically update the 'latest news summary' (say...
  12. J

    Breaking away from your Mac.

    I'm after a bit of advice if anyone's got any to offer. Over the last few months I've been busy setting up a part time web design business, on top of my other full time job. It's all going well, however, as I work from home, I'm having real trouble 'switching off'. I went for my yearly...
  13. J

    antivirus software recommended

    I don't run any virus software either. Absolutely no point at all. Even if I get a windows Virus in an email, then it can't propigate and email itself off to my windows using mates, as I'm running a Mac.
  14. J

    Convert a Scan to Text

    Is there any reliable software out there that will extract text from a page I have scanned into my Mac using a bog standard scanner? Cheers Jon
  15. J

    Dear Apple, please unify interfaces

    All very valid points, just showing how much peoples tastes vary. I was only thinking this morning, how I would like to be in brushed metal, with smaller buttons like in Safari, I feel it would give mail a more 'professional' look. However, the simplest thing Apple could do is...
  16. J

    CSS Editors for OS X

    Style Master here. Great little program, really indepth tutorials and reference too.
  17. J

    iTunes - The Battle Begins

    Even though Microsoft have the money, and the penetration, I firmly believe they are starting (and have) made huge mistakes. The main being, they are spreading themselves too thinly. My boss at work, who isn't even a computer fan, said - when I told him Microsoft are doing an online store...
  18. J

    G4 Powerbook Screen Brightness

    I've had a lovely Powerbook for 6 months, my other half decided to get one too, which I have been installing today. I am quite shocked at the difference in screen brightness between the 2 laptops. My screen brightness seems to have markedly dulled over the short 6 month period. I have not...
  19. J

    Looking 4 Shareware to remove Spyware

    I agree with using the Activity Monitor to check on running processes. My G4 Powerbook was running slow for weeks, then I decided to check the processes and found that my Lexmark X83 Printer software was using 75% percent of my processing power. I quit the program, and everything was back...
  20. J

    Home Market Share....

    I'm not quite sure how to reply to that. I know it has been mentioned before, but was simply showing my personal experience. I'll know better next time I guess.