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  1. iPenguin

    FruitMenu menus not showing up...

    Hi all, I just recently started using FruitMenu, and for awhile it ran with no problems at all. Then, a couple of days ago, I'm not sure when exactly, I noticed that both my FruitMenu Apple menu and FruitMenu contextual menus were not showing up... I know FruitMenu is still running because...
  2. iPenguin

    iPod Sock ?

    Those have to be just about the weirdest product that I've seen come from Apple... I wonder if they'll actually sell.
  3. iPenguin

    Quick and Easy Way To Put Powerbook Display to Sleep?

    Thanks for the responses guys! I've seen Sleepless before but was worried about the heat issue. I guess it's not really an issue though since I've got an newer Powerbook. Thanks! -iPenguin
  4. iPenguin

    Quick and Easy Way To Put Powerbook Display to Sleep?

    Hi All, I was wondering is there any way to quickly put a powerbook display to sleep besides going to system preferences and setting it to sleep after one minute? Like a menubar item or an applescript or something that tells the display to go to sleep right now? I don't want to put the whole...
  5. iPenguin

    iTunes 4.7!

    Check out the advanced tab in iTunes 4.7. There's now the option to have the "mini player" float above all other windows. Neat! Edit: And under the Edit menu there's a new "Show Duplicate Songs" option. Very helpful for those large music libraries!
  6. iPenguin

    "This will open the application for the first time" HUH?

    Hello Recently, occasionally when I double click a document an odd alert window will pop up (see attachment). What it says is absolutely not true. This happens with a bunch of apps, some I use all the time. What exactly is this message, what does it mean, and is there a way I can stop it from...
  7. iPenguin

    Most Frustrating Things OSX, imo.

    Download Sidetrack: It will allow you to add a bunch of options to your trackpad, and you can even use Windows acceleration.
  8. iPenguin

    Some questions from a total newbie...

    Hmm... I don't understand a word of that last post... Sorry. Maybe my last post wasn't clear in what I was asking: What file would I add those snippets of code to, and where in that file? What application would need to use to add the code to the file? (I'm assuming the regular xCode app, or...
  9. iPenguin

    Some questions from a total newbie...

    Cool! Thanks, those look like exactly what I want, except I have no idea where to put the code (like I said, I'm a complete newbie)... where, for example would: NSBorderlessWindowMask go? or: - (void)setFloatingPanel:(BOOL)flag ? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! -iPenguin
  10. iPenguin

    Some questions from a total newbie...

    Hi all, I'm completely new at making applications, I've got zero experience whatsoever, so please bear with me... I'm attempting to make a smaller iTunes controller (yes... I know there are millions of them out there, but I want the satisfaction of knowing I made it myself, and don't want...
  11. iPenguin

    How do I make this preference work?

    Hi all, When I got my Powerbook a couple of months back, I realized it had a new option under its modem preferences that my old iMac hadn't had. When using Apple Internal 56k Modem (v.92) there's an option to "Notify me of incoming calls while connected to the Internet." Then there are two...
  12. iPenguin

    Can anyone tell me why these rollovers aren't working?

    Thank you! That's what was doing it. Funny... I've got absolutely no idea how that got there... :confused: Thanks Again! -iPenguin
  13. iPenguin

    Can anyone tell me why these rollovers aren't working?

    Hi, Alright, So I'm making a website using Photoshop and ImageReady (both version 7) (I also use Dreamweaver MX to format the page after ImageReady generates the HTML. I don't know if that might cause problems...) that uses a lot of rollover images, and in all my tests before putting my site...
  14. iPenguin

    10.4 Features!

    I don't want to just hide the app windows. What I want to be able to do is to actually close the windows. Say I minimize a window to save it for later, and then realize I don't really want it. I'd like to able to right click it and have the option to close it from the dock, rather than...
  15. iPenguin

    10.4 Features!

    Something that I'd like to see re-implemented in 10.4 is the ability to close windows from the dock. It was there in 10.2 betas, it was one of the high touted new features for awhile, along with minimize in place, which was also dropped... :confused: Anyone know why?
  16. iPenguin

    Dreamweaver Javascript Errors...

    Unfortunately, I can't repair permissions since Dreamweaver is on a OS 9 partition... I tried just verify the disk, and repairing it, but both times it gave me this message: Any ideas what I can do about that? I also tried the "repair OS 9 permissions" option in Disk Utility, and it did...
  17. iPenguin

    Dreamweaver Javascript Errors...

    Hello, I have Macromedia Dreamweaver MX installed on my computer, and I occasionally use (not very often though), and usually it works no problem. Today though, I wanted to try some code on my website, and I got an error message stating that some javascript stating some script failed to load...
  18. iPenguin

    Panther Preview Problems

    The custom icons are a view option (press Command-J, and select "Show Icon Preview") in the Finder. It only works for icon view though, and it doesn't really give the files a new icon, just lets you see a preview of it. If you want icons that have custom icons of the picture at all times, you...
  19. iPenguin

    Changing Keyboard Shortcuts With Panther...

    I think I'm doing something wrong... I'm trying to change the Back and Forward shortcuts in the Finder from Command-[ and Command-] to Command-Left-Arrow and Command-Right-Arrow respectively. At first, this didn't seem to change anything. After some research I found that for changes to take...
  20. iPenguin

    Panther Bugs and Incompatibilities (Post here)

    yeah, I noticed that too... You have to click it about a million times for the pull down menu to drop down, and stay that way... :( Luckily you can also use the arrow keys to navigate pull down menus like that. :p