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  1. Sirtovin

    Funniest Scene you liked from: Pirates of Silicon Valley

    I loved it when Steve said to Bill... WHY ARE YOU STEALING FROM ME!!!!!
  2. Sirtovin

    Leopard, BootCamp and Vista?

    I am really hoping it does... and it will work on my Imac 20" lol.. I am jealous of the 24" I wish I was a fly on the wall of Steve Jobs, or RSD... and knew to WAIT... lol...
  3. Sirtovin

    Poor Gaming on window XP

    I remember that EA GAMES... Has a lousy record with their PC games... when it comes to Sports... When PC, used to have Cyrix processors... out... Their games would not work at all on computers... If you had an Intel/AMD it would run fine and you would have to wait months for a patch... just to...
  4. Sirtovin

    Leopard, BootCamp and Vista?

    I am not sure if this is the right thread to post this hypothetical question here... Bear with me please... The Question: Will Leopard through its bootcamp run Windows Vista? or are they keeping bootcamp strictly for Windows XP? The reason why I ask is because I know that alot people...
  5. Sirtovin

    Parallels crashes my iMac

    Are you saying its now fine?
  6. Sirtovin

    NEW to MAC...seriously new. GONNA NEED HELP!

    I'd read the manuals first... before buying the Mac... Not to scare you at all Mac's are different than PC's :) lol... They just Work... PC's just crash :P
  7. Sirtovin

    Windows in the design industry.

    I feel alot of love here... :P
  8. Sirtovin

    Will Apple match Windows' free OS upgrades?

    This is nothing new at all... M$ did this free upgrades with the purchase of a new computer when 95-98-ME, and XP hit... Its just their way to get people to switch to the latest OS.
  9. Sirtovin

    Windows in the design industry.

    ROFLMAO.... Thats exactly what Steve Jobs said... :) Well said. I for one was a Windows user from 3.1, till xp... but than I got educated and brought an Apple! :)
  10. Sirtovin

    Is Tony Blair deluded?

    Blair is like Churchill...and Bush... Well if I say it I will probably get flamed but he like Roosevelt in a way... He won't stop till the terrorist threat is elminated... That's all I will say... I am not a big fan of Bush right now even though I am a Republican etc... etc... but I am not a...
  11. Sirtovin

    OSX10.4.8 out

    I did exactly what you said and its working fine for me. Thank you! :)
  12. Sirtovin

    OSX10.4.8 out

    I use the translation thing to play pranks on my friends lol... :P I am bad.
  13. Sirtovin

    MSN Messenger 6.0 - now works with Yahoo! too

    that would rock if Ichat could do msn lol.
  14. Sirtovin

    Intel iMac lockup

    Are you using DSL/CABLE? or Dial-Up? If its on Dial-UP... Than I can see the bottleneck... I have an Intel-Imac 20" and mine is working fine... With both Wireless and wired ethernet should I choose to hook the wire to it. To me this is sounding like a hardware airport issue on your end.
  15. Sirtovin

    Poor Gaming on window XP

    Find out how much memory is in your laptop... if its standard 1gig up that to 2 gig... that should help the problem hopefully for all gaming issues... or it could be hardware... the best thing to do is go to your local Apple Store and tell them what is happening.
  16. Sirtovin

    Poor Gaming on window XP

    Before you take it back.. I am assuming you have the one that has 1 gig of memory? and the 256mb graphics card in it? If so.. there are two possible problems as to why your game is running slow... 1. You need to max out the memory for the computer system. If you have maxed it out than there...
  17. Sirtovin

    Linksys Wi-fi and PowerBook G4

    anyway you can post what channels do what? I didn't know this information.
  18. Sirtovin

    Intel iMac lockup

    you using dial up? or DSL/Cable? Dial-up as you know can slow a connection down or kill it.. with that many computers.. to a network.. ? If not than I hope sincerely someone who has bigger networking know how can help you.
  19. Sirtovin

    Usb 2.0

    would not an item that says 2.0 required still use old usb? I mean all it is speed? :(
  20. Sirtovin

    Poor Gaming on window XP

    weird... I am using an Intel-Imac 20" with 2gig, 2gig, and 128mb graphics card.. and it runs games fine with bootcamp.