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  1. jobsen_ski

    G5 to go Mobile!?

    ye but they need to be replaced theyre not like recharge able ones they are also not going to be avalible untill the end of the year.
  2. jobsen_ski

    wwdc updates

    no ware on any site? (will we be able to view it live) :(?
  3. jobsen_ski

    WWDC Webcast or Store

    may post it.... I hope he was ubnder stating there and they WILL post it later that day or the day after or what ever.. if they post the launch of Euro iTunes and the introduction of iTunes for Windoze they better post the WWDC keynote! anyway I've been googleing and it seems that a site...
  4. jobsen_ski

    WWDC Webcast or Store

    I emailed apple about htis yestarday... I got the following reply... "Please check out our prees site ( ) for all future anouncements. Thank You" Great Eh? lol
  5. jobsen_ski

    WWDC Webcast or Store

    well thats encouraging, whats tech tv though?
  6. jobsen_ski

    WWDC Webcast or Store

    Last years WWDC went live! Why not this year? Anyway what I'm no wondering is what websites will be offering a constantly (live) updating page? You know they update it once every minute or so on what's being said at the keynote! Anyone know of any websites who will have representatives there and...
  7. jobsen_ski

    WWDC Webcast or Store

    wel mac rumors are reporting that "No Broadcast? At this point, we've heard that Apple will not be broadcasting the keynote speech to Apple Stores as has been done in the past. " Most disapointing! I loved watching them in the past! I hope apple changes its mind or at least releasesa a...
  8. jobsen_ski

    iTMS Europe 800,000 in first week!!!

    yup yup yup i agree when the rest of europ joins in apple could be seeling well over 5m songs a week, its strange that so many of them, over half in fact were sold in the UK (450 000) and again apple says in its press release EACH store holds more than 700 000, a little white there apple - didnt...
  9. jobsen_ski

    Army supercomputer big black eye...sabotage

    It's 1566 xserves not 800 do you check anything before posting?
  10. jobsen_ski

    Any updates on the new ipods?

    I thought you would be able to view photos? if you can see album art (which I presume you would be able to with a coloured screen) why wouldn't you be able to see photos?
  11. jobsen_ski

    What's left for WWDC?

    any word on weither it will be broadcast over the web yet? if not when would apple be likly to announce this?
  12. jobsen_ski

    Apple and BMW team up for car audio device

    well here i the UK there has already been a car kit announced for the SMART cars (I dont know if they have them in da US) its quite a kool wee car! a link to the apple UK story (btw smart is owned by mercadies - I think) its quit a common car for...
  13. jobsen_ski

    For those of you waiting for an iTMS outside of the US...

    Yes ENGLAND may have a population of 50 Million but it was a UK store that apple released so thats 50 million in ENGLAND 5 million in Scotland 3 million in wales and just over 1.5 million in N Ireland! so thats ... nealry 60 million... but I dont think that apple is just targeting population...
  14. jobsen_ski

    iTunes radio

    i hate itunes radio thers nothing i like and nothing local is there anyway to personalise it?
  15. jobsen_ski

    mini still a no show in europe

    well if you go onto in the top right hand corner theres a bit that says ipods @ HMV (like a whole mini site just for them) but its currently down - dont know whats happening!
  16. jobsen_ski

    mini still a no show in europe

    Well I think its still mid/end july or early august.... and HMV seems preety confident too.....;-1;-1;-1&sku=173329 they say 1st of august and "usualy ship within 10 days"
  17. jobsen_ski

    UK iTunes Music store IS NOW LIVE

    just found a report on as the apple turns and as well as providing various link to storys from other sources they confirm that 700 000 songs is betwenn all 3 euro stores i.e. each has less than 250 000 although an apple rep aparently each store has around 300 000 to 400 000...
  18. jobsen_ski

    UK iTunes Music store IS NOW LIVE

    well its been up for 3 days now and i still cant find a song i want to download. I wanted to download on eof the black eyed peas new songs - their album actualy featured in jobs speach on tuesday, but the only black eyed peas songs avalible are the ones form their album released in 1998 - which...
  19. jobsen_ski

    UK iTunes Music store IS NOW LIVE

    theres a realy easy way to do this! - just make a new playlist called wishlist or wat ever you want... and then go to the iTMS and drag the song you want to buy (eventualy) into the play list, you get the 30 second preview of the song and theres a buy now icon beside it to make it realy easy...