Search results

  1. jobsen_ski

    Powerbook 15 vs 17

    The diference between the 15' and the 17' arent as big as the difernces between the 12' and the 15' but there are still some if you are opting for the "lower end" 15' modle. Since you are considering the 17' I will assume that you were opting for the high end 15' witht the 1.5Ghz processor...
  2. jobsen_ski

    Apple should re-enter innovation.

    ye you could say that they have... but theres only soooo much you can do,, i mean PC makers a re finaly geting the idea with the look - they dont look as bad as they did so macs no longer look so hip and trendy! I mean they do a bit I supose exposé for exaple but other than that I think it must...
  3. jobsen_ski

    Bluetooth dead?

    i realy wat to know wat u guys are talking about but the yahoo link doesnt work - says page cannot be found or something!
  4. jobsen_ski

    WWDC predictions!

    that will never go anywhere! who can honestly remember the "Vaio Pocket VGF-AP1" or even say it (with out geting embarased or flustered) to a sales assistant in a shop! ipod simple easy to understand catchy like all apple products imac emac ibook pwerbook...etc etc
  5. jobsen_ski

    Next iMac update to be G5!?

    Ye the highest is 1.5Ghz (in the 17' powerbook) The current imac's are 15' 1Ghz 17' 1.25Ghz 20' 1.25Ghz I would like to see the iMac go a few hundred MHz faster too. Like the minimum beeing 1.5GHz BUT then we would realy have a problem because they would "out do" the power books...
  6. jobsen_ski

    Apple website: Loading in tabs a good idea?

    i tgought that he ment in safari the different parts of the website losded in differnt tabs- the way the website is set out currently it looks like tabs it would mean that it would be faster to go between diferent parts of the site - but wouldnt work on browsers that didnt have tabs like emmmm...
  7. jobsen_ski

    Next iMac update to be G5!?

    I didn't think apple would be putting a G5 in the iMac so soon, I expected speed bumps son after the emac and ibook/powerbook update but thats been three weeks now and the imac specs aren't worth it (nearly double the cost of the emac) just for and LCD! I'm surprised they're selling any with the...
  8. jobsen_ski

    Itunes radio big change

    there is still free give aways - its one a week now though and not one every day!
  9. jobsen_ski

    Next iMac update to be G5!?

    Reported on Mac Rumors this morning - Despite the seeming lull in product releases in the past few months, according to sources, Apple has been hard at work on upcoming releases... Most specifically, sources report that a PowerPC G5 based iMac is in the works and should represent the...
  10. jobsen_ski

    WWDC predictions!

    I also agree with both of you but I dont think well see it at WWDC its too soon. Maybe at next years WWDC well see 20, 40 and 80gb "minis" and a ew 5Gb mini introduced!
  11. jobsen_ski

    Apple iTMS sells record barking 3.3 million songs in 1 week!

    probably are but imagine if apple can keep this up! that means (if they had sold exactly 70 m on the 28th april) then they would sell 100 m by like the end of the July! even 3m a week would be great, and 3m a week MUST be enough to make a bit of a profit?! :confused:
  12. jobsen_ski

    Got my iPod...Do i dare open?

    I say you open it, and keep the boxes wraping - every thing, then if they announce a new ipod in june you can sell that 1 and get one of the new ones!
  13. jobsen_ski

    Mac MSN Messenger 4.0..........

    stuff that im now using fire! much beter! i actulay was going mad! my text was geting sent in different windows from the one i was typing them in!
  14. jobsen_ski

    Mac MSN Messenger 4.0..........

    right thats it im going back to 3.5 doesany 1 know wher i can download it again! this is utter crap! it wont even let me reconect with out shutting the app and restarting it again I guess what they say is true with microsoft wait for Rev B i.e. 4.1!
  15. jobsen_ski

    Mac MSN Messenger 4.0..........

    its absolute crap! it hasnt solved the cut-you-off-every 2-mins-problem either i've been cut ff 4 times in the 35 mins i've been using the new version! I am also happy to see the new emoticon supported but why dont they move - pile of crap- and again no speach or video chat! this was not worth a...
  16. jobsen_ski

    Apple iTMS sells record barking 3.3 million songs in 1 week!

    just announced on apple website- Music fans have purchased and downloaded a record-setting 3.3 million songs from the new iTunes Music Store since its launch one week ago. iTunes users have already published more than 20,000 iMixes, and those iMixes have been rated by fellow iTunes users over...
  17. jobsen_ski

    iMac updates?

    kl idea!
  18. jobsen_ski

    Apple Store opening in Osaka

    paris i would suspect maybe brussels
  19. jobsen_ski

    WWDC predictions!

    i want to watch the WWDC confence live this year! sick of looking through all the different rumors pages to find out what exactly was said! anyway if its on at 10.00am (boston time) what time will that be in the UK (GMT + 0 right now i think :S) sorry but i'm realy bad with international time...
  20. jobsen_ski

    price-reduction to current models getting an update at WWDC?

    the french online shop probably offers refurbished g5's the UK store does and there are plenty of other dealers in the UK who offer refurbshed macs! dont know about the rest of erope though!