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  1. G

    Decrease in browser speed...

    ...but my BT speeds seem unaffected. Does anyone have any ideas? I just noticed that my Safari and Firefox load very slowly, but I am still getting good speeds on Azureus (150-200Kb). My ISP is Comcast and I am using an airport express. I have my firewall on, and the appropriate ports are open...
  2. G

    External HD question?

  3. G

    Lacie Porsche Drive Problems

    The fire wire controller? So what your saying is the actual hard disk is probably ok? I am not really set up to swap drives around, do you think that I could have Lacie do it? Lacie tech support wasn't much help... they told me to try Data Rescue, but like Disk Warrior it just freezes up when...
  4. G

    Lacie Porsche Drive Problems

    That was actually the first thing that I tried, and it said everything was fine. I also tried switching cables to no avail. I am fearing that perhaps it is a hardware issue.
  5. G

    Lacie Porsche Drive Problems

    Hi, I am having major troubles with my porsche external HD. When I first bought it (a little over a year ago) I had trouble putting larger files on it (greater then 100mb). I asked a question on the forum about what to do about it, and the response was a fairly unaninmous REFORMAT! I did that...
  6. G

    Network Music Players?

    He really doesn't need a Laptop right now, and it is a bit out of my price range, thanks for the adivice though. Matt- I looked into the keyspan remote, which is a great idea, but it looks like you need to have line of sight to the remote base. I am looking into the Roku soundbridge. Does...
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    Network Music Players?

    I have a Airport Express too, the thing is the computer is not in the same room. Its a bit of a pain if every time he wanted to change the music, he has to run to the attic. Thanks though.
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    Network Music Players?

    So I am doing research for my mom who is stumped on what to get my Dad for Christmas. Since he is fairly styled out Mac wise, not to mention a total music freak, I thought a good gift would be to get him a network music player. His computer is in the attic with all his music, but the stereo is...
  9. G

    My Finder keeps quitting (every 2 seconds!)

    I have actually tried all of that stuff... thanks for the help though. Looks like I am headed for an erase and install.
  10. G

    My Finder keeps quitting (every 2 seconds!)

    No such luck... I still get no such file or directory when I type in the the user name part, even if I do use my short user name.
  11. G

    My Finder keeps quitting (every 2 seconds!)

    Okay tried FSCK, funny thing though I have to force check using the -f option (-y does not work) It also says that the Root Device is read only. I am not sure if this is anything or not, but I am completely illiterate when it comes to this end of my Mac. I only had to force run FSCK once...
  12. G

    My Finder keeps quitting (every 2 seconds!)

    The finder is never up long enough for me to do anything with it. What I meant was that the the File with a finder icon in it flashes for about 1 second before it goes into it's normal boot up. I am not sure what APE or a HAXIS are. I have back up, I would just rather not go down that road...
  13. G

    My Finder keeps quitting (every 2 seconds!)

    It started with just a few random applications quitting on their own, then I get the "submit a report" screen. When I went to restart my finder would launch after boot up then quit, then launch and quit. I tried to safe boot but with the same results. Now when I start up I get the grey...
  14. G

    Why does mail in Tiger suck?

    yea i am using for incoming... for outgoing. I just don't understand why it gets stuck after working?
  15. G

    OSX native burner

    DVDimager has worked really well for me. If it seems to be stuck the first time you use it. Force quit and start again. I know a few people have had this problem but it worked fine the second time.
  16. G

    Why does mail in Tiger suck?

    This is what it looks like: The little progress bars are frozen.
  17. G

    Why does mail in Tiger suck?

    The other account, the one that gets stuck, is an IMAP account. Could this have anything to do with it?
  18. G

    Why does mail in Tiger suck?

    I for the life of me, cannot get my gmail account and webmail account to work in mail! I never had this problem with Jaguar, or even in panther. I thought I had it working earlier, but when I tried to go back into it the webmail account just starts to spin. Eventually mail stops responding...
  19. G

    Buying a used 15" PB 1.67 Ghz...

    is there anything that I should watchout for? It is supposedly still covered under apple care (till 2008), and it is only 3 months old. Does apple care follow the product or the owner? I am getting a pretty good deal considering all the upgrades and apple care. Any thoughts? Any chronic...
  20. G

    Cleaning up iPod Recordings?

    So I got the iTalk for my iPod to record lectures, but the recordings aren't always the best. I find that I have to listen very closely to hear my professor. This is mainly to background noise. Can anyone recommend a simple program to help me clean up these recordings? When I say simple, I do...