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  1. Paragon

    Another Story Thread

    ...but Steve saw right through the aliens and realised that the were in fact not macfans but mere peecee fanatics dressed up to look like kewl macfans. He then...
  2. Paragon

    Saw my honey last night on Letterman

    Why don't you share one of the best then and let us all enjoy her...:D
  3. Paragon

    export Bookmarks in IE to Chimera

    The way I did it was to first export my favourites from IE and then import from like a charm.
  4. Paragon

    Another Story Thread

    but realised that they were all sweaty and too big for him. Besides he didn't want to throw away his turtleneck shirt his grandma gave him for christmas. Now Steve thought to himself..."what can I do to make people believe in mac?"...when suddenly...
  5. Paragon

    Who is the Most active member Lately?

    so Ed, now all you need is to add the other 8006 members to the poll. Then you'll have pleanty of time to mess around with the poll editing feature. :D BTW I voted for...hhmmm I can't remember. :confused:
  6. Paragon

    Microsoft and Intel control!!!

    How can you say that when 90% of the people owning a computer uses windows. Talk about a company which uses it's dominance to restrict people in their choices.
  7. Paragon

    Microsoft and Intel control!!!

    so do I, but that doesn't mean that I'm not concerned with the way the industry is trying to "control" your computer experience. Just because Apple and Motorola is not doing this in any of their products right now, they might if it turns out to be a "succes" for other companies. These new...
  8. Paragon

    Another Story Thread

    steve ballmer saying over and over again...developers developers developers Jobs...
  9. Paragon

    Microsoft and Intel control!!!

    This is an article from The Register describing how Microsoft and Intel wants to control what you will be able to view on the internet and which program's you can use...'s an a quote. Scary! "TCPA and Palladium do not so much...
  10. Paragon

    Another Story Thread

    ...Bill Gates showed up, and asked Steve...
  11. Paragon

    Another Story Thread

    ...when seing the imploded monkey he decided to...
  12. Paragon

    Another Story Thread

    ...if you do that once more I'm gonna have to xoot ya. The monkey then...
  13. Paragon

    Another Story Thread

    Now the phosphorescent porcupines weren't really that. They were tiny MONKEY'S with...
  14. Paragon

    Another Story Thread

    ...the small village completely unaware of...
  15. Paragon

    Floppy Monkeys

    the pop-up windows are REALLY annoying.
  16. Paragon

    Congrats To XAQ!

    no no no...LEAKY BA...that's what ya all need!:D
  17. Paragon

    What digital camera?

    go here...'s all been talked about before.
  18. Paragon

    to eMac or not to eMac...

    I think it really depends on what you are going to use it for. If screen real estate is a must for you then you probably shouldn't buy any of them. I know that the eMac has a higher res. than the iMac but it runs at 72 Hz, which can be very tiresome for your eyes if you work in front of it for...
  19. Paragon

    Buy now or wait?

    I guess I'll wait then, and that's what I had in mind from the beginning really. However I was not sure if there would be any upgrade in the Power Mac line at MWNY, and in that case I might aswell buy it now. It's not like I need it right now, so I guess I'll wait until the 17th. If they...
  20. Paragon

    Mac OS X on Palm III

    Ask KSV...he's the one who did it.