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  1. L

    Incase a G5 PowerBook isn't over the horizon

    Right then. Time for dual core G4 laptops to take over the world. :cool:
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    Incase a G5 PowerBook isn't over the horizon

    Dual core sounds great on paper, but the G4's FSB tops off at 166 MHz. I said it once, I'll say it again: putting DDR RAM into G4 systems does not help anything. Might as well overclock PC133 RAM to 166 like they did to the FSB. The 166 MHz system bus would not be enough to feed data to both...
  3. L


    And even bigger loss would be dealing with tech support calls if they do a lousy port and it doesn't work right or doesn't feel the same as the PC version. Keep in mind that porting to another platform, while does bring in more sales, also opens more opportunities for tech support nightmares.
  4. L

    iMac G5 / PowerMac G5 performance

    CISC vs RISC has nothing to do with pipeline lengths. Intel (and to some extent AMD) choose to use longer pipelines in order to scale their chips higher in MHz, that's all a marketing ploy, bad Intel! The whole "shorter" pipeline argument is getting kinda old and irrelevent now a days...
  5. L

    iMac G5 / PowerMac G5 performance

    Actually it's very much scientific. Those 2 machines you mention are both running in 32 bit mode. The G5 system is ~600MHz faster (per CPU) than the G4 system, and has a faster system bus. So it's a no brainer that the G5 is better in your comparison, you could have just stopped at "it has more...
  6. L

    .app won't launch

    According to your sig you're using Panther. Is your friend using Panther as well? In XCode, you have the option to compile for older versions of OSX, provided that you installed the SDKs for those older versions. By default, XCode will build your app using the SDK of the current OS you're in and...
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    Writing HTML on a MAC OS X??

    Pico in a terminal.
  8. L

    Upgrading a PowerMac G5

    Yep that's exactly what I meant. I remember reading the announcement for GeForce 6800 released just forgot where. Plus I also read in a different forum of people complaining that it's G5 only.
  9. L

    creating a disk image that can be read on Windows?

    Why don't you zip or Stuffit the files and save yourself and your friend the hassle? Email the iso alone means sending uncompressed data, hope you two have broadband. It is possible to make the iso, then compress it. If you don't want to pay for StuffIt deluxe, go on VersionTracker and look...
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    creating a disk image that can be read on Windows?

    I have a sinking feeling that *.cdr != *.iso but that's just me and my paranoid nature.
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    Lost In Programs

    I don't think repairing permissions is necessary if betty did a reinstall of the applications. Permissions should be set properly during installatoin. But I can see how they may be incorrect after an OSX upgrade. I haven't tried installing DW MX on my new 10.3 iBook yet, last time I was using...
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    Do you backup?

    I've shared my horror story before here in the forms. I'll just do a brief recap. I have an external firewire hard drive that was formatted in FAT32. OSX interacts with it just fine, but there was this one time that it caused me much grief. I was moving data off that drive onto my iBook's...
  13. L

    Is this true?

    To be fair, the whole point of Google's GMail is that you get ads with your email. That's how they can afford to give everyone 1 GB. So people signing up for GMail should know what they're getting themselves into. In other words: you're asking for it. LOL. By the way, if you read my post up...
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    creating a disk image that can be read on Windows?

    Once you get the crank out an ISO file on your Mac and bring it over to the PC, you can get a program called ISOBuster which I believe will allow you to access files from within the image. ISOBuster is either free or shareware, I was able to use it to do whatever I needed at the time.
  15. L

    Updated firmware - now G5 locking up!

    Works fine for me. I took the liberty of looking up that article for you, here it is: G5 uniprocessor firmware update and 1.6 GHz G5s: audio stuttering; more We've continue to note problems with Power Mac G5 1.6GHz models after installing the recent Uniprocessor Firmware Update. The...
  16. L

    Not receiving emails from some hotmail accounts

    Take advantage of all those GMail account offers. Seems like a bunch of people I know have a dozen are 2 they're giving away.
  17. L

    Flash movie caused kernel panic?

    When a transparent grey screen drops down over everything, and in big white words it tells me I need to restart my machine and in 5 different languages (and one universal hand gesture for when something goes wrong) that's a kernel panic right? I was in the middle of loading a web page when it...