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  1. L

    Laptop PC processor speeds Vs Mac's

    You'd be surprised, some PC laptop makers do in fact stick a desktop CPU into their laptops. Yep, those are the ones that don't see the light of day. By that I mean they're forever tethered to a power adapter plugged into the wall, can't go portable with them for more than an hour or 2. 3 GHz...
  2. L

    Does Memory Management Suck or What?

    Hehehe. You're a programmer jzdziarski? Make a call to malloc() for whatever size buffer you want and tell me if it's zero'ed out. It is not. I really don't think the kernel sits there zeroing out gigs of pages in the inactive pool. It will give your programs whatever memory they ask for and...
  3. L

    MS finally give in!

    Well it's quite simple, the ATI GPU in the XBox 360 isn't out for PC/Mac yet, which impacts developers more so than the main CPU. I believe the biggest difference is Shader Model 3.0 which prior ATI chips did not support, hence the need for PowerMac G5's with Nvidia's 6800 for the initial dev kit.
  4. L

    Apple Gaming Division?

    For the same reason (portable) memory cards were conceived in the first place... take it to a friends house. But you're right, where there's a will there's a way.
  5. L

    Apple Gaming Division?

    About playing Revolution games on a Mac... ahem, memory card? Controller? Other peripherals? It is really worth it to create a bridge for all those devices?
  6. L

    Apple Gaming Division?

    Wouldn't it be "You are the second party" ? Second party is when you're speaking directly to that person. He/she him/her is still speaking in the third person I think.
  7. L

    OSX 10.5 "Sabertooth"

    I think you're being a little harsh. Ligers are a cross breed of Tigers and Lions. People made them breed, but out in the wild that would never happen. They're "freaks" of nature because they were engineered by Man. So watch where you put the blame.
  8. L

    Future PowerPC beyond 3.2 ghz?

    Must I pimp that BareFeats article again about Doom3 Mac port? OpenGL is not superior on the Mac, some might go as far as to say it is slightly hindered. OpenGL is great... but it only does graphics. I love OpenGL because I do 3D modeling for fun, and I can't imagine using DirectX in the...
  9. L

    G4 CPU upgrade : fast single vs slow dual?

    You can put 2x 1 GB sticks in there and have 2 GBs of RAM total. Not sure if Macs have this limitation, but since the board designs are quite similiar to PC mother boards it might be true. From reading motherboard manuals I learned that mobos with 3 DIMM sockets have a little caveat: the...
  10. L

    Apple or Windows? Which is better?

    There's one caveat though. In Windows we can disable "write caching." Supposedly write caching creates this "perceived performance" because it doesn't write to disk right away... it waits for a more opportune time to actually commit the data. Idiotic if you as me, but anyways, you can disable...
  11. L

    ASP (server scripting) on mac os x

    I know a lot of people, myself included, who would strongly disagree with that. Server side scripting serves as the backend data processing. (X)HTML/CSS and roll Javascript in there at the same time, that serves as the presentation layer. Indeed they do go hand-in-hand (server-side +...
  12. L

    ASP (server scripting) on mac os x

    IIRC, it supports the syntax (VBScript) but still lacks the COM libraries that he'll no doubt run into in his lessons.
  13. L

    Dock magnifcation and Logitech MX1000 mouse

    Well here's the obvious question: have you tried a different mouse? A wired one perhaps, just to see if it's the wireless thing that is the culprit.
  14. L

    G4 CPU upgrade : fast single vs slow dual?

    Apple added pre-emptive multitasking to their Mach kernel. What that means is, if you're doing something intense in one app, a lower priority app (say Finder for example) can jump in and grab a few cycles to do what it has to do, and usually that's just a small quick operation. So there's no...
  15. L

    Apple or Windows? Which is better?

    Just one minor nuisance: even though I plug in a Logitech mouse (2 buttons + wheel) I can't middle-click to open a link in a new tab. All other platforms I've used mozilla/firefox on works fine that way. It's just a little annoying to have to hold CMD and click a link to open it in a tab.
  16. L

    G4 CPU upgrade : fast single vs slow dual?

    Heh, you really thought this out. I'm impressed, considering your occupation. You pretty much nailed all the pros and cons. From your list of software, Quark is the only one I haven't used. To the best of my knowledge, none of those apps will really stress out your memory bandwidth. But they...
  17. L

    Apple or Windows? Which is better?

    How is it that he is jumping back and forth from typing like an English student, to typing like a, erm... 16 year old that he claims to be? Wow, mind boggling. It's like the Superman / Clark Kent effect. I must have missed something, I didn't hear anyone say "Macs are only good for graphic...
  18. L

    WMP v. 10...

    You already have, you're a Mac user ;)
  19. L

    WMP v. 10...

    It's also funny that a lot of people were flaming Apple because of Dash board being a rip off of Konfabulator, then someone else came along as said "nuh-uh! Apple had the same feature way way back in blah blah blah. So they're not copying they're reinventing something they already made once upon...
  20. L

    Seriously considering an excursion into the Dark Side

    My only beef with Palm is that their OS was obnoxious to develop for. Programming a PocketPC is almost exactly like programming a desktop app. Plus the tools are free. Took Palm a few years after I'd already invested time in WinCE to make their OS better and the tools free. As far as general...