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  1. boi

    G5 Video Advert

    what auto mount is that, exactly?
  2. boi

    where are the ratings for itunes?

    hmm... okay, now i'm in a pickle. my ipod has all the ratings on it, but since i moved my library, my ipod doesn't recognize my original library at all. is there some way to extract the rating and play count information from my ipod? ... what a mess. i had over 2000 songs rated =(.
  3. boi

    mount an ejected hard drive.

    rebooting does work, but it seems strange that i can't mount it once it's ejected without rebooting the machine. i'll try autodiskmount later today. thanks for all the, er, help everyone =) i'm still trying to find a masonry bolt.
  4. boi

    mount an ejected hard drive.

    let's say, hypothetically, that someone were to, say, eject a secondary hard drive. now, let's say, that, hypothetically, disk utility had it greyed out and it wouldn't mount again (the mount option isn't greyed out, but it just won't mount... no error or anything occurs when i try). how...
  5. boi

    where are the ratings for itunes?

    there's gotta be a file somewhere containing the ratings of each song-- where is it? i just moved my music to my second hard drive and now my ratings are gone. any ideas?
  6. boi

    The Super-Song Thread

    So I takes my time, try to fill and rhyme.
  7. boi

    Safari open in Fullscreen

    if you hit the green button on the top right, safari maximizes to the extent that the web site needs. so like, if a web site is only 400 pixels wide, safari widens to 400 pixels. it's pretty cool (as opposed to just opening up the window to take up the entire monitor).
  8. boi

    ichat is crazy.

    every time the input window expands, something different happens to the text. here's an example: it's nothing major, it fixes itself if i re-focus the window. i just think it's neat. =)
  9. boi

    installing 10.3 broke some things in 10.2

    the applications are on a different hard drive completely. i'm not booting from that hard drive, i'm booting from my 10.2 hard drive. but yes, as stated, the documents are trying to open the most recent application. i know =). since these applications were installed by panther, on the panther...
  10. boi

    installing 10.3 broke some things in 10.2

    how about that didn't work? :rolleyes:
  11. boi

    installing 10.3 broke some things in 10.2

    these are installed on completely different hard drives. let me stress that. in 10.2, everything wants to open with the 10.3 programs (which, inherently, don't open in 10.2 at all). so i've been right clicking-> show info-> open with -> change all-ing everything, but it hasn't been able to...
  12. boi

    Attention Mac Pirates...

    actually, isn't FCP4 something absurd like 4 dvds?
  13. boi

    grainy lcd on imac 17"

    she's using OS X, 1440x990, set to millions and set to imac. if i put the gamma darker (pc standard) it helps a little, but not a lot. maybe i'm just picky. perhaps i should head to the apple store and compare. phatcactus: i'm sorry you feel that way =). i do fine with my studio display.
  14. boi

    grainy lcd on imac 17"

    i just came home to visit my parents for the 4th, and i played around with my mom's imac a little. ... the lcd seems rather 'grainy'. it's hard to explain. it makes all the things on the screen look bad-- i'm not sure what's up. it almost makes things look 'pixellated' or something. is...
  15. boi

    none of my main apps are 'connected' any more.

    i think this happened when i recently repaired the permissions on my machine. when i open system preferences, nothing happens. i have to go to HD->applications-> system preferences to do it. when i click on an mp3, same deal. i have to go to HD->applications->itunes. when i want to watch the...
  16. boi


    i didn't know about it either =P thanks for letting those of us who aren't cool in the know, nordex.
  17. boi

    CNN shows another G5 encolure!

    yeah, that's a rendering from a spymac gallery. i prefer that case to the current one, actually. the new one doesn't really have much of a design element to it at all. <hugs his mdd g4>
  18. boi

    iMac 1ghz seems extremely slow

    are you just trying to up your post count or what? post whore!!111 ::alien::
  19. boi

    whats the deal with this? [G5 bashing from slashdot]

    it's called 'marketing', and every company does it. if the G5 beats intel in just one thing... even if it's only in boot time, apple can stick the phrase "faster than intel" and slap a fine print on it that most users won't even understand, let alone read in the first place.
  20. boi

    Powermac G5 SPEC numbers cooked?

    i also take every benchmark lightly, no matter who comes out on top. as i understand what this guy is doing, i see that he's eating up this newfound fame (slashdotted, etc.) with all his cute little 'responses' to 'hate email' at the bottom. doing that really destroyed the point he was trying...