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  1. Frida

    Keeps crashing

    On Sonnet's site they have a download section with updates. It seems you need a new driver for your card, since your machine doesn't fully recognise it. I had similar problems with my G4 400 and the Sonnet 1.4GHz card. Download and run the OSX Sonnet tune-up. Also check that you have the latest...
  2. Frida

    What does the Mac Mini mean for Sonnet?

    I upgraded my G4 400 with a Sonnet 1.4GHz processor, a 2nd 120G HD, RAM up to 650Mb and an ATI 9000 Pro. I haven't looked back. Oh…and a USB2 PCI card. That's the idea with the design…to facilitate upgrades. Most things I got off eBay at a more than reasonable price. OK so the RAM isn't as fast...
  3. Frida

    Ethernet connection with router drops

    Back again and the problem is finally solved! After system scans, permissions repairs, cable replacement, disk re-initialisation and clean system installs the problem persisted. NetComm finally agreed to replace the modem and the new one works like a charm! No system problems after all. how...
  4. Frida

    Ethernet connection with router drops

    Thanks for your suggestions. Initially I had a static IP address with just an ethernet cable. The ISP suggested changing to DHCP and let the DHCP server assign the address. That did nothing. I then opened the SystemProfiler and the Console log which was very strange. It said "PPPExec(PPP_STATUS)...
  5. Frida

    Ethernet connection with router drops

    I have recently upgraded to ADSL broadband. I have a 4-port ethernet ADSL modem (NetComm NB1300 Plus4) which is connected to a G4 with a Sonnet 1.4GHz processor running 10.2.8. When modem first is turned on it connects to the net and computer fine but after 1/2-1 hr it drops the ethernet (LAN)...
  6. Frida

    Lost Classic System Folder

    Thanks for the warning, guys. Should I just use Disk Utility and Disk Warrior?
  7. Frida

    Lost Classic System Folder

    Thanks, Cheryl. I did actually use Disk Utility from the OSX CD but forgot to mention it (I did everything part from a Burmese rain dance!). I do seem to have revived Classic however. After the HD had been repaired I dragged the Finder and System out of the OS9 System Folder, went to Classic in...
  8. Frida

    Lost Classic System Folder

    Help! My OS9 System Folder is no longer recognised as a valid startup folder. Initially I simply got a folder with alternating “?” and the MacOS face flashing when attempting to boot in Classic. I could at this stage still start Classic from the OSX environment. Now, however the OS9 System...
  9. Frida

    Corrupt user profile?

    Thanks symphonix. I thought I had eliminated a corrupt preference as a cause but after some serious preference shuffling I isolated 'loginwindow.plist' as the culprit. It seemed to cause minor diverse problems with a number of applications. Now everything is coming up roses!
  10. Frida

    Corrupt user profile?

    I have been having problems printing from certain applications as well as programs quitting, behaving strangely, etc. Created a new user and everything works fine. Ran Disk Utility and repaired privileges but to no avail. Do I have to reconfigure a complete new profile? How do I delete the old...