Search results

  1. P

    Food 2004: What is your BEEF today?

    Hell, forget the food! I want the Oranjeboom!!!!!! God, I love that stuff. No picture handy, but I just had my twice a year breakfast of Buttermilk Biscuits with Gravy, Sausage, Hash Browns and Orange juice.
  2. P

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    Boat on the River -- Styx
  3. P

    Your first musics and movies ..?

    Vinyl: Kiss -- Alive II Cassette: Boston -- Boston. OK, so I didn't buy it. One of my nextdoor neighbors friends dropped it out of their car one night. I really was going to give it back to them but I listened to it (I was 8 at the time) and fell in love. CD: The Cure -- Kiss me, Kiss...
  4. P

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    Don't Cry: Guns N' Roses
  5. P

    Wget with Cron problem

    I would look at 2 things. 1. who is running the cron job. if you just used crontab -e then you are running the cron job, if the cron user is specified as root (or anything other than you) then it will fail. 2. is the path to wget in your .tcsh or .bash file? If not then cron (running as...
  6. P

    Anyone Selling?

    I have a B&W (Rev. B) for sale with the following config: Powerlogix G4 450 processor (I believe that I still have the G3 350 that came with it), 704mb RAM, 40gb Hard Drive (Seagate), 6gb Hard Drive (Maxtor), ATI Rage 128 (I believe, its whatever came with the computer), CD-ROM, ATI 7000...
  7. P

    PHP beginner

    BBEdit here. Its got PHP and SQL syntax coloring if you want.
  8. P

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    Dancing Nancies -- Dave Matthews Band
  9. P

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    Grey Street (live at the Polaris Amphitheater) -- Dave Matthews Band
  10. P

    What book are you reading/listening to?

    Annals of the Heechee by Frederik Pohl
  11. P

    My Mac Will Not Chime!!

    I've got a DP Gigabit G4 and an B&W G3 that won't chime either. Have no idea why they won't chime (no external speakers). All my other Mac's chime just fine.
  12. P

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    State of the Nation -- New Order
  13. P

    Help - can't change root MySQL password

    < snip > mysqladmin -u root old_password new_password < /snip > You syntax is slightly off. Here is the correct syntax: mysqladmin -u root -p password new_password (password is telling mysql that you want to reset the password for the given user - root in this case - , password is not...
  14. P

    Beginning to look into Colleges

    Watch those colleges on the East coast. They are pretty damn expensive. I think that you would be better off getting your undergrad from a state school and then get your masters from one of the big boys. Why: Boston University's tuition is greater than $14000/semester. Your share of the...
  15. P

    Diablo 2 1.10 patch

    I have upgraded my B&W to an ATi 7000 PCI card. This helped somewhat. Also, upgrading to 10.3 helped. I still find that D2 is virtually unplayable on while running any version of 10 on my Cube (G3Force 2MX) or B&W. Heck, my quicksilver (GeForce 4) even has issues. Lots of...
  16. P

    Diablo 2 1.10 patch

    I tried it on my B&W G4 450 running 10.3 Its still friggin too slow to use on So, I bought a new Dell PowerEdge 400SC for $250 to use as my gaming machine. I wish that I could afford a G5 because I'm sure that Diablo would run just fine on one of those beauties.
  17. P

    What is REALLY annoying in the web sites?

    - Flash. I friggin hate gratuitous use of flash. If you want to see how flash should be used go look at any of the WGBH built sites on PBS (like Nova or Evolution). - links that are activated by javascript (like the "new" hotmail). I like to option-click to open the link in a new window...
  18. P

    G3 Beige question

    I have a 9600/200MP in my office that has been upgraded to a G4 450 and thats about it. Well, its got a whopping 4gb scsi hd :D I am using it as a file server. It preforms this job just fine, but surfing is slow and graphics in general are pretty slow. I know that some people will...
  19. P

    MYSQL Users Sound Off

    I use mySQL mostly as a backend for websites. Alll the way from just storing login info to generating dynamic sites with data from mySQL. Tools: Perl, PHP, *nix command line and mysql client. I deploy on OS X, Solaris and Linux I also do alot of data importing from a file into mySQL...
  20. P

    MYSQL Users Sound Off

    mySQL does not have table wizards. You will need to write the SQL. Now, I bet some of the GUI's mentioned by the posters above have a GUI frontend for mySQL. Although, I must say that SQL is fairly easy and is definately worth learning. And, if you have SQL questions, you can always...