Search results

  1. J

    Nimba - Not in my back ?

    There is only one way they got in.... -------- when you went to some site which was infected...and there are still a few out there... the site automatically uploads the file to you. So the first thing you should check ... is where were they...???? -------- the nimda code(nimba is...
  2. J

    lpr printing, anyone got it to work?

    I think this guy, Adriaan, has a full set-up instructions for lpr...and more
  3. J

    rpm system ?

    there are actually a few rare instances of rpms and there was a port of rpm for OSX however you got the wrong hardware and even PPC stuff won't work ... try fink: a debian package manager and a growing list of binaries. also you can download source...
  4. J

    :o<-------------------->:cool: ??? :confused:
  5. J

    openssh 3.01/openssl 0.9.6a

    and the system install... the header files and the binaries will not match. when you are compiling you have compiled against 90601f (0.96a) but somehow you have a .96b installed compiling openssl however is not trivial as it requires some patches in the configuration files to recognize...
  6. J

    gd library 2.0.1 in MacOsX 10.1.1 with PHP4.0.6

    Shouldn't be too different from the instructions at stepwise: <b> </b> you have the required libraries? apparently , you have to tell the makefile that you are using cc not gcc. looks like what you want is the static...
  7. J

    Apache and SSI

    try this... and then work your way out. <b> &lt;Directory "/Library/WebServer/Documents/special"&gt; Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews +includes Order allow,deny Allow from all &lt;/Directory&gt; </B> also, check to see the proper Modules are loaded: <b>...
  8. J

    running fink in bash???

    add to your bashrc . /sw/bin/ or source /sw/bin/ (I forget how bash works...) probably, you have already done a similar thing for your .cshrc ????:rolleyes: assuming you have the there. read the fink support pages....
  9. J

    Filesystem Features?

    my file system can stand on it's hands; balance books on its nose, whistle a happy tune and recite the Gettysburg address backwards... all at the same time.!!!!! if there is something that windows or BeOS does (or did!) that you thought was really nifty... just look around on the net for the...
  10. J

    Adobe Illustrator

    given the source and your pro-offered evidence... what do you think? ????????????????? I am sure that it will work until you buy it....
  11. J

    MP3 Encoder? needs to be carbonized I would guess. there is also DropMP3
  12. J

    Weird Gimp problem?

    From Max Horn on the fink mailing list.... <b> To cite the XDarwin 1.0.4 release notes: * Fixed disappearing cursor in rootless mode often seen with GIMP. In cases where the cursor would have disappeared, the Aqua arror cursor is now displayed instead. </b> <blockquote> Of course this...
  13. J

    Is this a bug?

    I think that is tied up with your keychain prefs. If you tighten down the keychain. then it will be locked. If you say always let me in ... it willl.
  14. J

    MAC OX S For Intel?

    the list of supported platforms is really pretty small AGP graphics basically unsupported. basically roll back the clock a year or more on which platform you can actually install it on. like the old days of linux buy your machine carefully... and the BIOS on my machine would not...
  15. J

    chown recursive?

    some nightmare from windows must've attacked my brain... on top of that around here \ looks like ¥ (yen mark) So that is why the japanesr business people thinks using windows will bring them money...
  16. J

    MAC OX S For Intel?

    Anyway, the architecture is quite different. Especially when it comes to putting the graphics up on the screen.... if you put a Quickdraw emulator on a high speed bus accessable to the CPU then you can have your mac on a Wintel Box. One of the big problems for windows has been that the...
  17. J

    Project Builder vs Codewarrior

    if you work for the big machine you have to have this... I have done two major mac to windows ports. without leaving my mac.(very much) the remote debugging is fantastic and the code generation is superior to that other Windows dependent environment. anyway, can't have enough compilers....
  18. J

    Is there a point to ssh remote login?

    so, you can disable ssh and use standard telnet and standard ftp you could also install X windows and use an X client or vnc. even from windows. this can work through ssh right now, your passwords are fairly well protected. certainly someone might (in the university environment...
  19. J

    Post Method not allowed

    please have a careful read of your http.conf file. the cgi-bin that is recognized "automatically" is due to the following.... <hr><b><code> &lt;IfModule mod_alias.c&gt; # # Note that if you include a trailing / on fakename then the server will # require it to be present...
  20. J

    Build a better mouse trap!

    I have been on a rampage recently about prople who are full of complaints but are waiting for "other people" to solve their problems. Congratulations on becomng one of "the other people" The whole purpose of opening up the underpinnings of the Mac is to let people come up with their own...