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  1. scruffy

    Not a UNIX geek but...sure would like to be!

    Have you found anything useful in the system logs - /var/log/(...).log
  2. scruffy

    I really think I have an os x virus!

    Good call rbuenger - strange behaviour on's part, but understandable on some level...
  3. scruffy

    OSX disables firewall while running Virtual PC

    There is actually an article on securityfocus about packet sniffing as a means to defeat firewalls. I'll not link to it because it was a very silly article overall. However the gist of it was that you can sniff packets even with the firewall enabled - libpcap (used in VMWare) captures the...
  4. scruffy

    Government in Chatting

    Using encryption only garners attention because no one uses encryption. If you want to be able to keep your private conversations halfway private, without certain agencies possibly thinking you're fishy - encrypt everything, and encourage others to encrypt everything. Hopefully, before long...
  5. scruffy

    Why are etc/var/tmp just links for private/...?

    I was going to answer you, but your little rant just put me off. Have a nice day.
  6. scruffy

    Tiger comes on DVD ?!

    Shed the BSD leftovers? OS X is very much a BSD system. All the cool things they're adding with new releases - many of those are additional things imported from newer BSD versions. They're constantly updating the FreeBSD goodness in OS X. I don't think there is a console tetris included...
  7. scruffy

    New Adium 0.80

    They added OTR? Hooray! I was hoping they would get around to that.
  8. scruffy

    USB-IF using Macs?

    IBM is heavily backing Linux these days. They also own the PowerPC specs, make the G5 processors we all like (or would like). Also, they just finalized the sale of their PC unit - there will be no more IBM desktop PCs made...
  9. scruffy

    RDP To MacMini OS XTiger From Windows XP local LAN on domain

    I don't think there is an RDP server in OS X. I know there isn't one included by default. You could get a VNC server, perhaps (or just a KVM, of course). There is also an Apple remote desktop product, you might look into that - for all I know, it might even talk RDP. I would think you...
  10. scruffy

    How can I see work files from home?

    Please don't use FTP - that was appropriate in the 20th century. SSH and SFTP offer the same convenience, with the difference that it's secure against password sniffing and man-in-the-middle attacks.
  11. scruffy

    Daft 'short name' now home folder. how can i change it?

    Well, you ought to be able to do it with netinfo manager - change the name of the account, the home directory, and any other fields in the account 'folder' that use the old short name. Just don't change the UID or GID fields. Try this in a throwaway test account first though, by all means.
  12. scruffy

    When is a ....?

    Diesel? Ya newbie! Any real computer user still has a sewing kit around, to mend the sails on the windmill.
  13. scruffy

    So... Tiger: Buggy and Incomplete?

    Lots of the stuff in Tiger is sufficiently "under the hood" that it doesn't leap out at you. Doesn't mean it's not really cool... For an excellent technical review, you can check out
  14. scruffy

    Changing the mountpoint from /Volumes to /mnt

    Hm, hardcoded mountpoints in a binary. Ugly, and (sadly) Apple-like. Do you happen to know if diskarbitrationd is part of Darwin? Anyway, a cool result. Thanks for posting
  15. scruffy

    SSH w/terminal remotely uzip untar or unstuff and archive and for introduction to basics - moving about directories, seeing, making and deleting files... To expand the files: unzip gunzip file.gz (or file.tgz) tar -xf file.tar I...
  16. scruffy

    Does blocking Rendezvous block iTunes/iPhoto/AFP?

    Blocking Rendezvous will prevent the computers automatically discovering services, but they won't prevent anyone actually going out and looking for them (e.g. by port scans).
  17. scruffy

    64 bit WEP keys

    Coupla things 1 - each hex character represents 4 bits. 10 hex chars is a 40 bit number. 2 - WEP doesn't matter, and it doesn't really matter how many key bits you use. The FBI demonstrated, using only publicly available software you or I could download today, cracking 128 bit WEP in 3...
  18. scruffy

    Custom firewall setting ignored

    They should normally show up as closed, where the other ports should show as filtered. I don't know if BT normally listens on those ports, or only does so when it expects a peer to be connecting...