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  1. blue&whiteman

    Mac Mini is almost interesting

    the only standards I live by are my own.. I tell it like it is.
  2. blue&whiteman

    Mac Mini is almost interesting

    also, the amount of space apple would save by taking out the optical drive is hardly the thickness of 2 dvd-r disks. the drive is quite thin and it would only be room saved vertically if they did and that isn't worth it at all. the logic board is pretty much as long and wide as the optical drive.
  3. blue&whiteman

    Mac Mini is almost interesting

    please stop talking out of your butt.. you're making the whole forum smell. ;) seriously though.. you don't know whats up at all.
  4. blue&whiteman

    Review: iPod shuffle

    I should have clarified that my hearing is not the best. its not so bad that I am considered impaired or that I need a hearing aid. not that bad at all.. I just don't hear quite as well as most do. so it seems for me that I do need to do this.
  5. blue&whiteman

    Review: iPod shuffle

    I figured out a way to get the volume much higher. its a bit tedious but works none the less. what I did was play my shuffles playlist with the volume on all the tracks increased by 100% and also with the pre-amp up all the way and captured it all with wiretap. I then use an app called audio...
  6. blue&whiteman

    Got myself a new iBook

    congrats on the ibook. welcome to the good side :)
  7. blue&whiteman

    My Powerbook 12" takeapart, upgrade & pics

    true in most cases but hitachi makes a great low power, low heat drive thats 7200rpm with 8mb buffer. in some cases these days you can have the best of both worlds..
  8. blue&whiteman

    Review: iPod shuffle

    might be. can anyone think of anything that coud be causing this? I had sound check on till the second time I connected the ipod to my mac. its now off. could that be it? I will take any advice.
  9. blue&whiteman

    Review: iPod shuffle

    I have it now and have been playing with for about 90 min. it interacts with itunes and osx very well. my only complaint so far is the volume is a bit low even at the max volume.
  10. blue&whiteman

    Review: iPod shuffle

    the 512 MB model I ordered weeks ago is finally in at my local mac dealer!@# going to pick it up right after work today. can't wait!
  11. blue&whiteman

    iBook updates around the corner?

    ibook G5? um.. the powerbook JUST got updated and it still uses a G4 so do you really think the ibook is getting a G5? put down the crack pipe
  12. blue&whiteman

    Best program to create a resume

    I got my last job with an emailed .pdf version of my resume. I see no reason not to use .pdf. almost every computer out there now has acrobat reader installed.
  13. blue&whiteman

    No paging, so why more RAM?

    thanks for that info.. I always thought that inactive was kinda stuck for a designated amount of time till the os figured its contents were no longer needed. the reason I think this is that everytime I check my free total in the morning its always much higher than it was before I went to...
  14. blue&whiteman

    No paging, so why more RAM?

    the G4 uses more ram because it has more ram. the end. this is how osx works. it uses as much ram as it can. I have 1GB and often only 40 MB or less free.
  15. blue&whiteman

    Mac Mini: do I need a screen?

    just buy a refurbed 15" crt for like 40-50 $
  16. blue&whiteman

    Mac Mini - Potential Downside

    read this:
  17. blue&whiteman

    Which 'nix will port easiest?

    you're right. I meant to say RISC.
  18. blue&whiteman

    shuffle as flash drive?

  19. blue&whiteman

    Mac Mini - Potential Downside

    faster doesn't always mean more heat. the hitachi/ibm 2.5" run quite cool at any speed. people put 7200rpm drives in ibooks and powerbooks all the time and have no issues. if a laptop has no heat issues then a mac mini won't.
  20. blue&whiteman

    Mac mini

    is your router/switch up to date with current firmware?