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  1. Harp

    Haunted MBP?

    hmmm... I haven't tested it in other areas yet, but I have noticed that when it's really quiet and I have my ear directly on the speaker I can hear the station constantly. I have yet to listen to it long enough for a station ID. on the bright side, the restart issue seems to have cleared itself up.
  2. Harp

    Haunted MBP?

    I don't even have my airport turned on. I'm plugged straight in. Plus the cpu's already completely turned off when this happens (right when the screen goes black).
  3. Harp

    Haunted MBP?

    Hehe, I wonder if anyone has a scientific explanation for this... I just moved into a new apartment and in the last few days that I've lived here, I've noticed that during restart, the system freezes at the blue screen. Now, when I do a hard shutdown from there it seems that for about 10...
  4. Harp

    Make a Scratch into a Primary Volume?

    No, it doesn't list anything for me. I've tried with two different firewires and a USB.
  5. Harp

    Make a Scratch into a Primary Volume?

    Does anyone know how I can switch the jumpers (or what that means) in order to turn a firewire scratch into a primary volume? Read this post: My OS seems to be nonexistant or at least lying dormant and the only access I have is of the OSX...
  6. Harp word association!

    spell check
  7. Harp

    Serious OS problem

    How should I go about doing that?
  8. Harp

    Viewing thumbnails when selecting a picture? You should check out all the random apple tips floating around on the net. They will help to get you aquainted with all of your new options.
  9. Harp

    Serious OS problem

    Hmm, the OSX install disk is telling me that it can't be installed on a scratch because the system can't start up from the volume. Is there a way of tricking this?
  10. Harp

    Serious OS problem

    Would it be possible to install OSX on a scratch disk and then set that as the startup drive in order to finish the update? Pull a switcheroo?
  11. Harp

    Serious OS problem

    Mac OSX 10.4.7 I was installing the latest system updates when my system froze and I was forced to shut down manually (by holding the power button). The restart now does not progress past the apple symbol with the little spinning bars below it. I have run a hardware test (just incase)...
  12. Harp

    8 cm DVD-rw?

  13. Harp

    8 cm DVD-rw?

    I have a few of the small, 8cm DVDs and a Macbook Pro with the built-in Matshita UJ-857 dvd drive. I would like to use these DVDs but I'm afraid to insert them into the drive for fear that I won't be able to get them out. Are these discs possible to use on this drive?
  14. Harp

    Data Recovery - Help

    Mactel 10.4.7 Ok, so I've accidentally deleted and emptied from the trash a string of .avi files that I desperately need. This was about 10 minutes ago. The files were on my firewire drive so I imagine they should still be secure - only I have no idea how to recover this data. Is there...
  15. Harp

    Problems with OnyX v. 1.7.2

    I'm running a mactel 10.4.7 and just installed Onyx 1.7.2. After installing I start up the program and all it does is give me the below errors (in descending order) until I have to force quit. Normally I would go to the manufacturer for help, but OnyX's forums are all in French and I can't...
  16. Harp

    cross-platform networking

    I have a Macbook Pro (intel with 10.4.7) and I'm trying to figure out a way to set up a wireless network (using a linksys) between my cpu and my roomate's IBM thinkpad (with XP - not sure of his specs offhand). I've only been using mac for a few months now and I'm not even sure how to network...
  17. Harp

    Gamepad Companion

    I didn't ask the psychology of First Person Shooters. By the way, Halo on Xbox rules with the controllers and I have one that is basically the same design. All I want to know is how to use the X/Y axis on the gamepad stick without it sucking balls. Is there an alternative to Gamepad...
  18. Harp

    Best first person shooter mac/pc

    I've been playing Call of Duty 2 nonstop for weeks now.
  19. Harp

    Gamepad Companion

    I just bought a gamepad for use with COD2 and installed Gamepad Companion to use it. However, the controls I set to the mouse's X and Y axis are almost completely useless. When using a mouse, you can continuously slide it upward and (in a shooter game) the character will continuously look in...
  20. Harp

    Hidden footage in Quicktime

    no, this is definitely the same files. And it always does it at the same places as well. I want to say that it's something wrong with the files because they are jumpy in VLC also, but I shudder to think it might be something in my cpu. Maybe an update will tell.