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  1. Harp word association!

  2. Harp

    Hidden footage in Quicktime

    sorry if this is an old topic. So I'll play a video in quicktime and everything seems fine, but then after the video stops, I'll move the slider back and what I will find is completely different footage of the same video than what I just watched. Not sure how else to describe that. It's like...
  3. Harp

    Skins for DVD Player?

    Bummer. I just don't like having to rely on VLC. It feels cheap to me. Why they didn't include the function in DVD Player is beyond me. Maybe next time. Someone should write a nasty letter.
  4. Harp

    Skins for DVD Player?

    Are there any Downloadable skins for DVD Player v4.6.5? I ask because it would be Reeeaaallly nice to have a slider option without having to hold down the FF button.
  5. Harp

    Temp widgets

    Does anyone know why some temp monitoring widgets work on my intel macbook pro 10.4.7 and some of them don't find sensors? I have a couple stats widgets that are very compact but can't read the temp and I'm stuck using this big honkin' one that's the only one I could find to work (the marcel...
  6. Harp

    Can't register Toast or Popcorn

    Oh, I didn't mean you. You were right on! Congrats. It was the hyphens and O-0 crap that bored me.
  7. Harp

    Can't register Toast or Popcorn

    wow, no offense, but dumb suggestions. I'm not a toddler. I think it must've been a difference in a previously registered name (Popcorn was an update). I went to register it again and it autofilled a name this time and worked. Not sure why it didn't the first time but... I'm not complaining...
  8. Harp

    Can't register Toast or Popcorn

    I have an intel Macbook Pro with os X 10.4.7 I just got a copy of Toast 7 titanium and after installing it, it asks me for the Serial #. OK, I enter it into the space provided. Only the continue button remains gray and won't let me submit. Even after filling in all of the fields, nothing...
  9. Harp

    System Crashing

    OK, here's a weird thing. When I run applejack, it gives me "error = 17" and tells me that my cpu has no name, then it locks up and I have to hold the power button. I'm going to hit up the applejack forums and see what that's about.
  10. Harp

    System Crashing

    Also, pertaining to the original topic, I suppose it would be wise of me to make sure I eject the external before every instance of sleep. Thinking back on it, there is a chance I may have hit the surge protector on or off during sleep, causing a sudden loss of external. I imagine this would...
  11. Harp

    System Crashing

    thanks! I think I'll give applejack a try. How is it on cache cleanup? I've wanted a program to do this for a little while but I've been discouraged by horrible reviews of Cache Out, Spring Cleaning, and the like. I don't want anything that's going to clear my HD. I like that 'fresh out of...
  12. Harp

    System Crashing

    my firewire is a LaCie (the porsche model). I've never had any problems with it before, at least not visible ones. Could it be that the cpu reacted strangely to the external during sleep and didn't recognize it? I don't know much on the subject. Were there other problems on the report or...
  13. Harp

    System Crashing

    Ok, I repaired my disk permissions and this seems to have fixed the problem, if not only temporarily. If it happens again when awakened I'll post again - or if someone is a couple steps ahead of me and has another solution or a different explanation, I'm all ears. P.S. This is my first mac...
  14. Harp

    System Crashing

    I have a Macbook Pro with osx 10.4.7 and twice today when waking it from sleep it gave me the message saying that i had to manually restart the cpu. Here's the report: panic(cpu 1 caller 0x0019CADF): Unresolved kernel trap (CPU 1, Type 14=page fault), registers: CR0: 0x8001003b, CR2...