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  1. L

    "rm -P" on HFS+

    -P is not actually implemented, AFAIK. HFS+ is a block based filesystem. Not all UNIX filesystem objects are regular files: exceptions are directories (obviously), device files, symbolic links, (UNIX) sockets, and named pipes.
  2. L

    Petition for better European Prices in here...

    And Italy is still one of the very few (only?) European country where you actually see an Apple in a CompUSA equivalent (ELDO, MediaWorld, etc) Pretty much anywhere else, you have to go to specialized Apple retailer (and get better than Apple on-line store prices, but that is another detail :)
  3. L

    Communicating between perl and FORTRAN.

    You say, Perl on Mac and FORTRAN on VMS? Like, two different machines? I assume, remote procedure calls are completely out of the question. Does your FORTRAN program accept data from files? Because, it seems that you will be doing that a lot. If there is an FTP server running on VMS, you...
  4. L

    POP or IMAP

    because 5MB Word documents tend to clog mailboxes very quickly :)
  5. L

    Date Stamp Problem

    Sorry, cannot duplicate your problem. Are you sure you have setup the timezone correctly (it is in time part of the system preferences). Namely, UNIX runs in UTC internally, and translates to whatever is the external time zone. If this is not correct, you loose.
  6. L

    RIP Apple PDA rumors, hopes...

    sounds quite like Nokia Communicator without keyboard and clam shell, but with a chunk of a hard disc. So, pray tell how do you enter text to send an e-mail? I really am curious about it, since comparing Communicator's tiny keboard with Palm-like handwriting recognition (as on Ericsson...
  7. L

    Some jokes...

    Lazzo, you just put the bloody tune in my head, and it won't go away. I have to kill you now!
  8. L

    What is your favorite UNIX shell?

    I just hope it ain't followed by /bin/csh (the shebang, that is :) ) Regarding tab completion, pretty much all modern shells (zsh, (pd)ksh, bash, tcsh) got it from the same place: TENEX
  9. L

    Speeding up my sawtooth

    Well, OS X is hideously slow in MS Office; it shares this attribute with OS 9, for whatever this is worth. I have a reason to believe that this stems from the fact (is it a fact? it sure feels like it) that Office renders to GDI (Windows Metafile is serialized access to GDI) which has to be...
  10. L

    New PowerMac Case?

    Sorry, can't do that; all seems to match the actual facts (original Käfer was built on top of Kübelwagen, Wehrmacht jeep-like thingy; oversize rims used on Käfer betray rough terrain intended capabilities). The new Beetle reminds me of emasculated Polo rather than Golf; it's shorter, methinks.
  11. L

    limiting cpu usage on individual apps

    Yes, but only to increase priority of CPU hog. Due to the fact that BSD (and most probably OS X inherited this, but I am not certain) uses decaying priority for processes who consume their complete quantums, CPU hogs tend to end up with minimum dynamic priority, which cannot be further...
  12. L

    Ghostscript compiling problem

    frameworks are (sort of) relocatable shared libraries, as in localhost% file Tk Tk: Mach-O dynamically linked shared library ppc localhost% pwd /Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/Versions/Current localhost% You should put results somewhere in /Library However, when building...
  13. L

    jaguar upgrade path?

    Yes! The 1958 model--don't settle for anything else! Back to topic, I guess I will have to live without upgrade. After all, it will not be available here in next 3 to 6 months, anyway. On the other hand, there is so much immobile /usr/local stuff on my boxes that it's not funny
  14. L

    What do YOU use Mac OS X for?

    UNIX (for data analysis), MS-Office compatibility (for automated writing of reports in Excel), and UNIX again (for automated sending of these reports to their recipients, raising alarms, if necessary); sadly, this option is not available in your poll :)
  15. L

    What Languages Do YOU Know?

    I am sorry; I could not realize that your definition of PC is "IA32 platform running MS-DOS". Usual definition is much broader (and includes at least the Mac platform, as well as any number of UNIX(like) operating systems running on IA32) C standard would beg to differ. It explicitly defines...
  16. L

    can YOU live without Microsoft?

    but I have to qualify that: without MS Office, I cannot work (our clients use it almost exclusively). Without work, I do not get paid. Without money, I cannot live. Result: I cannot live without Microsoft Qualification number 2: I could change the line of work--I'm just not really good...
  17. L

    Using OS 9 or X?

    its existence being the reason I/we bought a Mac in the first place (we meaning the company I work for--it is slowly converting to Mac--from FreeBSD :) The reason is quite simple: on one and the same platform, we have Word (to communicate with our clients) and UNIX (to develop and run our...
  18. L

    What Languages Do YOU Know?

    Ah, that. Buggiest tty implementation coupled with probably the worst C compiler on the market with really lousy libc implementation (okay, they don't use that one a lot; MFC is better) The error is in fact void main(); main() is defined by standard as int main(), and it is called as such...
  19. L


    Heh, I am a quite proficient typist myself, but lately I have found myself writing e-mails and Word documents 99% of the time, and programming only the one remaining percent. I am a fairly proficient typist, unfortunately, most of the time on a non-ergonomic keyboard in Emacs. So, yes, I am...
  20. L

    What Languages Do YOU Know?

    ??? Okay, it moves the cursor a bit, and beeps a lot, but it does not really crash anything wich does not have a (very) buggy tty implementation. Naturally, this all depends on the quality of C compiler: the above should not compile; you are free to find the error.