Search results

  1. L

    Recompiling UNIX and Linux software for OSX

    OS X uses whatever FreeBSD libc used around the time of 3.2-RELEASE (cca. early 1999). You guessed it, it was q :) Version 10.2 of OS X should update to FreeBSD 4.4 userland, including libc. This should help.
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    compilers, libraries and other stuff for OS X

    in /usr/bin You will have to install Developer Tools first; these are available at the Apple Developers Connection as a free download, even if you are online member (free) only.
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    printing in the lan

    This is just a short sketch of a solution; for more details, please take a look at FreeBSD Handbook (online), part about printing to the non-PostScript printer using GhostScript renderer. You will need to use input (and possibly output) filter for lpd (goes into equivalent of /etc/printcap of...
  4. L

    What is the most popular Hard Disk Name?

    Sorry, that's just a partition. Thanks for playing. The most popular OS X disk name is, without any doubt, -- thunder roll-- /dev/disk0 :)
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    Do you play an instrument?

    Warwick Streamer LX 5-string (bass), and an old Yamaha RGX 612s (guitar) when I cannot find someone who can actually play guitar. Stomp boxes and custom pre-amps being IMHO a part of "extended instrument", I count in the soldering iron used to build/modify them--because, there are some things...
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    What Languages Do YOU Know?

    heh, the scare was not because nobody knows COBOL; there are tons of people (it's a very easy language to master, you just have to be able to type 600 words a minute in order to get anything done in time). The problem was worse: the compiler was really slow in the sixties, so that most of the...
  7. L

    Perhaps y'all will know in this form...

    You are compiling some heavily SysVish sources. sem.h is for SysV (counting) semaphores (part of SysV IPC; not implemented fully in OS X) poll(2) is sort of equivalent of BSD select(2) (select came first). Both have advantages and disadvantages.
  8. L

    Am i Mad?!: PowerPC Assembler

    I am sorry if I implied abundance of financial support for gcc; in fact, such support is apparently very limited. Except that this money could never be recovered; this has to do with the particular license under which gcc is released. Therefore, not that much money is actually invested. If...
  9. L

    Using tar with tape device in OS X?

    maybe it's not called st0 :) What do the attach messages say? dmesg is your friend
  10. L

    How do you read .ps files?

    if you don't want to go the way of huge TeXShop style installations; GS is about 7 Megs. It comes with ps2pdf script which converts to PDF, like ps2pdf result is document.pdf Since it is a PostScript script, it does not deal very well with blanks in filenames; just make...
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    Copying files from OS X to Windows

    Or, much more nicely, using Windows command line FTP client (with mget and friends)
  12. L

    User "short name"!

    You can trivially do it using Netinfo Manager (as admin). Open users directory and change your name field. There should be no danger, since this field is the only place your name (of any sort) is recorded in the system; all other places make a reference to it using the UID--do not change...
  13. L

    Am i Mad?!: PowerPC Assembler

    It does, according to my measurements about 2 years ago. In some cases, it is up to 4 times faster, especially on newest SPARC generations, some of which are not even correctly supported by gcc (i.e. incorrect code is generated)
  14. L

    Sending Messages to nil....

    Probably because nil is implemented using a bit pattern of all zeros (which makes sense, since testing for value of zero is inherently faster than testing for any other specific value) BTW, I do not know how is nil actually implemented.
  15. L

    Am i Mad?!: PowerPC Assembler

    gcc is a far cry from a good optimizing compiler; the only compiler that I know to be generating worse code is Visual C++ version 5 (the last version at which I have actually taken a deep look)--I cannot comment on others. gcc is (un)fortunately, free. It also pretty much killed the market for...
  16. L

    What Languages Do YOU Know?

    Would you mind explaining the difference, in your own words? To the best of my knowledge, the only languages computers use, if they can be said to use languages at all, consist of machine instructions (interpreted by the CPU). Of those, there are 5 to 10 most popular currently, none of which...
  17. L

    What Languages Do YOU Know?

    So, you haven't been around much lately Yep, you haven't been around lately Partly true...but, see above :) You have't been around UNIX much, have you; you would have known otherwise...but, don't let that disturb you it figures, it's only the second most popular programming language...
  18. L

    Understanding kernel panics

    Use The Source Luke Reading Darwin source code will help immensely; understanding it (and being able to reproduce it with your eyes closed, asleep, at 3PM) will help even more :) Yes, it is 3PM; 3AM is normal working hours for a kernel hacker :)
  19. L

    How do I startup and shutdown network services from terminal?

    those running as daemons, and those started on-demand by inetd. You can kill daemons by issuing kill PID. Appropriate PIDs can be found in /var/run/ files. On-demand started servers can be commented out of /etc/inetd.conf, after which you have to kill -HUP inetd...
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    My Month With XP.

    to me, there is only one reason: I can include unistd.h and use fork(2), and at the same time use MS-Office to access and update the official documentation. First part is needed for our software, second for our clients :)